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4 lonely mages in Grimrock

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:57 am
by Brewitz
First playthrough on normal was a blast, got most secrets and had lots of fun.
A normal group I would say with a human and minotaur fighter in the front, a lizard rogue and insectoid mage in the back.
More or less the ideal races for the classes.

Second playthrough was on hard of course with four humans but the same setup, tried to level the fighters up almost the same but specialized
in swords and axes on separately. A fully 50 missile-speced rogue with really fast double arrows and a fire-fire-fire mage.

Third playthrough was a Toorum run on easy in old-school mode with the intent to find all the secrets and get all the rest of the achivements that
I wanted, Unarmed, 100% secrets, Old-school etc. Was also fun but I would have made it easily on Normal... not so easy but still probably doable on hard.

Fourth playthrough started a couple of hours ago with 4 insectoid mages, one fire, one air, one ice and one earth/fire on normal.
They have virtually no armor at all and have som lousy daggers and shurikens for the guys in the back with a couple of knifes for emergency melee in the front row.
You have to plan your fights much more now and you can always use the doors for resting while the spiders and crabs stand on the other side.
I´m finding most of the secrets and trying to get to all the places but I´m not going to find everything again but just trying to stay alive with the four weak mages.

I´m having real fun and stopped somewhere in level 5 for the night, kinda worried about the ogres in the tight spaces (you know what I mean) but other than that I do so much damage that I dont need a fighter, shall try the fighters challenge but I think THAT wont work at all.

Anyone else out there that is doing a uncommon group like this and liking it?

Re: 4 lonely mages in Grimrock

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:32 pm
by Thels
Brewitz wrote:First playthrough on normal was a blast, got most secrets and had lots of fun.
A normal group I would say with a human and minotaur fighter in the front, a lizard rogue and insectoid mage in the back.
More or less the ideal races for the classes.
Actually, Lizardmen make great front-rank characters due to their extra dexterity, and for a throwing/missile weapon rogue you're best off with a minotaur.

Re: 4 lonely mages in Grimrock

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:27 pm
by podbelski
similar topic fwiw: