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am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:49 am
by dnk
I mean the gorgoroths. When I first saw them, I hit them, and it showed 0 damage. Tried more times with other weapons, all of them were showing 0 damage and aura of their shielding, so I assumed that they are immortal and that i should just run and hide from them and close doors behind me to slow them down, lol
It was a nice addition to the already desperate atmosphere :) and it was possible to do - I almost finished the whole level using this tactics. When I found that they can be killed, I was already in the caverns area (after finishing the shrine too - there i just had to put something on the grave before picking the key, otherwise i wouldn't be able to escape)...

Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:45 am
by Shoonay
Yeah, I know what you mean, seeing all zeros attack after attack confused me too, but at some point I casted the poison cloud spell and finally after a few seconds the shield vanished and my weapons started to cause damage.

Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:09 am
by jansaresinas
the thing with doors is strange, as they are the only creatures in the game that can open chain doors by themselves

Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:22 am
by Curunir
Oh, I panicked all right! I did think they are immortal. 2 minutes and several horrible deaths later, I thought you damage them randomly, some attacks doing 0, some hitting. Then I finally figured out their shields can be depleted. :D

Also, gorgoroths is the plural or something out of Tolkien, they're goromorgs. Not being a spelling nazi, just sayin :D

Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:39 pm
by M.M
Me too.
It was one of the greatest moments i LoG. A dark room at night. Dungeonfull of immortal chtulhu priests. I blindly run from any i see deeper and deeper into dungeon. I get totally lost. The only time in whole game i get totally and completally lost. And i kept looking fr source of their shield to turn it off.

In spite of that, i beated the level. I have found the prison key and went back to stairs down. I only wanted to search for more, and then i accidentaly discovered, that they are killable like everyone else. What a letdown.

However i really loved the experience, and even wanted to share it here, but than, well, i had little time to spare.

Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:48 pm
by Darklord
First time you see them, they are damn scary! I think they are one of the best enemies in the game really, even if they do get easier once you figure out their tactics. :)


Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:28 pm
by dnk
jansaresinas wrote:the thing with doors is strange, as they are the only creatures in the game that can open chain doors by themselves
sure, but it takes them time to open them. it slows them down considerably, when they chase you.

Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:30 pm
by dnk
Darklord wrote:First time you see them, they are damn scary! I think they are one of the best enemies in the game really, even if they do get easier once you figure out their tactics. :)

yeah, well once you know they can be killed you just strafe in a circle for a while again (most boring part of the game imho) and they are dead without doing any harm...

Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:47 pm
by Bees
Yeah, I thought they were unkillable too. I did my first playthrough without killing any because of it. I also didn't kill any of the ogres in the cavern or the wardens in the prison because the priests left me no room to maneuver. It was a mad, panicked run through dark corridors, filled with dodging, kiting, and trying to catch a few seconds of sleep here and there from the moment I went through that series of ornate doors until the very end. (Though I did take my anger out on them later on by letting the cube smish them up good. ;))

Re: am I the only one who thought the [spoiler] are immortal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:27 pm
by jansaresinas
Bees wrote:(Though I did take my anger out on them later on by letting the cube smish them up good. ;))
you guys should all be ashamed,
the goromorgs were your only friends, there to protect you from making a stupid mistake
this game would've been a little different if you could actually talk ;)