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Tiny item throwing graphical issue

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:31 am
by satoru
A 'semi' bug of sorts.

On Level 10 when you pick up the red gem. I picked it up then turned around. You have a statue with 4 figures standing over a gear. I then THREW THE GEM at the statue by accident.

At first glance this appears to delete the gem! It doesn't appear to bounce off the statue like normal items to.

However what happens is that the gem falls inside the gear wheel that makes up the pedestal. If you click around the 'out' part of the gear wheel you can eventually find the gem.

There seems to be a clipping issue with the gears and items thrown at it. The only items where this appears to be an issue is with keys and this tiny red gem so only very small items seem to have this issue.

But still the game is totally awesome!

Re: Tiny item throwing graphical issue

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:14 am
by BlueLegion
this clipping issue is not a graphical issue. the gem was not supposed to be able to enter that square. you might wanna fix the title