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MODDing community requirements

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:37 pm
by webduck
For the average joe to mod this game what requirement are needed ?

The Map Editor ( on the teams dev list time permitting )
Wall Texture Template ( The game itself has 3+ sets I think ? )
Item Template (1 persons apple is another's pie )
Script Editor ( Lost me here but will be nice to trigger a monster attack )
Sound Effect Template ( changing the gate sound to the swish of the starship
HUD modification ( the teams look is spot on but new scenarios call for new looks )

With the right set of tools you would be able create your own adventures.

Prisoners escaping from a foreboding dungeon (LOG)
Space colony survivors heading home
Hobbits fighting their way through the dark forest … decide

Thinking of the future success of this genre. :geek:
If modding is going to be a painless process, lets hope the right tools & tutorials will be in place ?

Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:12 pm
by Jack Dandy
Gotta agree. Modding could do wonders for this game's replay value and fans. The more in-depth, the better.

Maybe they could make a "Basic" editor for new dungeons, and more complex "Advanced" editors for a larger variety of adventures? :)

Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:24 pm
by petri
Yeah, finding the right balance between usability and features is tricky. It's going to take some time before all the things listed by webduck are moddable. Basic map editing should be fairly easy though.

Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:33 pm
by juho
Currently all the wallsets are custom made, meaning there's no simple texture switching on template piece. One wallset includes surprisingly many pieces and are rather time consuming to design and create. But let's see what we come up with...

Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:09 pm
by Curunir
Keeping fingers crossed for mod tools / map editor! If there's one thing that extends a game's life and carries its legend (excuse the pun), it's the all-powerful map editor.

The Doom community is easily the longest standing, still-active group of game fans, with new maps for Doom 2 being released virtually every week. Really hoping Grimrock will go down the same path.

Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:34 pm
by WarBaby2
petri wrote:Yeah, finding the right balance between usability and features is tricky. It's going to take some time before all the things listed by webduck are moddable. Basic map editing should be fairly easy though.
Agreed, there are things easily implemented and... well, not so much.

Easy would be:

- Basic editor to mix and match dungeon tiles on a grid.
- Character editor to create new races/classes from existing variables (abilities, skills, spells, etc.)
- Item editor to change the properties of existing items, or creating new ones (icon, stats, weight?)

Not so easy would be:

- Editor to creat new dungeon tiles/textures
- Editor to create NPCs/non combat encounters (scripts)
- Editor to change basic game mechanics (UI, party composition, basic mechanics)

I hope we get all of it, at some point... but the first three could go a long way.^^

Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:05 am
by Pipi
Hello, first post on the forum.

First of all, congratulations to the team for making such a remake I've been dreaming for. I have discovered this game through Steam yesterday and immediately pre-ordered it from your website.

I really think and hope that your next step is about making a world editor, with importable wall tiles, sounds, interface, GUI, scripting, etc.

You might just revive a superb genre that was lost due to advances in gaming technology.

Not only we would see teams of modders build new games and remakes of Lands of Lore, Eye of the Beholder and the like but this would mean a fairly good business for you by (kind of) licensing your engine / game model by selling it with a world editor.


Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:19 am
by Zetr0
I would pay good money for a full on world editor with model / texture / wall / enemy / character / scenario / sound and music editors

thats... good money....

i'd even breakout maya and write my own model converter if I had to....

just putting that out there =)

Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:38 pm
by Jack Dandy
One thing I think would be extra useful is to make each custom "Dungeon" act more as a "module" of sorts, that can also contain custom races, items, etc in addition to the dungeon map.

Re: MODDing community requirements

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:32 pm
by Nockar
I seriously hope that there are some modding tools released. That would hugely increase the re-playability of the game.