I did big work on it back to 2020 took me a LOT of time to create such a crazy thing.
Unfortunately due to HDD issues I did lost most of my work

Few years later I decided to give it one more try - so now I back with the same ide to re-create this catacombs even deeper.
FULL VERSION is available now ! DOWNLOAD
New catacombs Ambience and sfx,graphics and desing
Survival aspects:
Total Conversion ! Chaos Madness - Chapter 1
1.Save anything to eat you can.
2.Save any torch you can.
3.Sometime you need a monsters to pass the level.
4.SAVE GAME every floor ! or even more often
5.More deeper you go,more challenge you get.
6.Max floor level - discover by youself

I dont wat to make a spoilers too much ... but its not head breaking puzzles modification
more likely its adventure aspect mostly.
so,Here it is a small part of this project - 10 floors dungeons.
I still working on this project