Can't even begin to tell you how annoying this is. I'll try to make this short.
I have a section of the dungeon that has teleporters controlled by 3 timers. Every 3 seconds the teleports go of or on depending on the state of the timer. This was working fine since the day I created this dungeon a good year or so ago.
Today, I decided to fire this old dungeon up again just for kicks and when I get to that section of the dungeon, the teleporters no longer go from off to on. The pressure plates no longer work in deactivating critical teleporters. In short, there is no possible way to get through this game anymore.
I've gone into the editor and looked at all the code and nothing has changed and I never recompiled the game. This stuff is simply broken.
Not even sure why I'm sharing this as it's an old game and there's nothing anybody can do. It's just frustrating as I put a lot of time into this dungeon.
Also, in trying to test this out just on this level in the editor, I can't see to change the start position any longer. So that's broken too. I hit Y and nothing happens.
Very discouraging.
Latest Steam Update Broke Dungeon Editor
Re: Latest Steam Update Broke Dungeon Editor
I had the same problem a while back and spent ages trying to figure out what was wrong; even closing and starting the editor again didn't work. In the end I tried restarting my computer and hey-presto, everything was good again!