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Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:30 am
by DamionV
Im on the part where you have to press a button go to the right, then to the left twice, and into the door. Door shuts behind you, and two of the F**CKING SPIDERS COME AT YOU. TWO OF THEM COME AND R**E YOU IN THE ARSE AS HARD AS THEY CAN! Then, after you kill one, you have NOBODY LEFT ON YOUR LITTLE TEAM OF FOUR! So you SPRINT TO THE DOOR ON THE LEFT AND PANIC YOUR HEART OUT AND THEN PULL THE CHAIN. Your like "Im safe! YAY!" BUT NO. NO. ANOTHER TWELVE SPIDERS COME TO MURDER YOU. I have one mage, and all he knows is poison bolt, poison cloud, and fire something. Then I have two strong Minotaurs having the top left one wield a great sword and a legionary shield, and the other one having a spear and legionary shield in the front. The 3rd guy, or bottom left, is a mage and he basically does all the damage, yet he has almost NO health. To the right of him is a Lizard man with a spear and a legionary shield. I seem to do NO damage. It takes about TWELVE THOUSAND HITS! I have tried and tried, so far (yes I've counted) 67 times. It's not fun anymore. I just want to beat it! Please, some assistance!
(all of my chars. are fighters except the mage. I forgot to change them)
an angry player.
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:51 am
by dbgager
Don't stand toe to toe and try to fight enemies when there all around you like that..Move quickly away from them to a single hallway where you can take them on one at a time. Better yet get to a place where you can close a gate in front of them giving you time to recuperate before taking more of them on. When you are surrounded there never is a strategy that will allow you to win, unless the enemies are much weaker than yourself.
As soon as those spiders come at you start moving until you find a better defensive position..
One is always easy to beat by kiting them around a 2X2 hitting them and quickly moving before they can strike back. But with more than one enemy you have to find a good defensive position.
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:35 am
by UknowsI
The best to worst normal battle tactics (not counting trapping enemies and things like that) is basically as follows:
1. 2x2 moving and fighting
2. Moving backwards and fighting
3. Running around multiple mobs in a big room while fighting
4. Get in an alcove facing a single mob
5. Stand in a corner fighting two mobs
6. Be surrounded by 3/4 enemies fighting
Tactic 1-4 can work with a normal party, but for 5-6 and in some situations 4, I have found the only feasible tactic to be to have a guy with 80+ evasion, 90+ resistance towards the damage type they are dealing, chug health potions and fight and fight for a long time until they are all dead.
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:32 am
by Whisper
Play on Easy difficulty.
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:46 am
by zespi
Whisper wrote:Play on Easy difficulty.
It's not possible to change the difficulty mid-game, so this one is a non-starter, sorry.
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:07 am
by Empyrean
If Normal is too hard for you, play on Easy. You're only on level 3; starting over isn't that much of a setback, and if you can't handle two spiders on level 3 you're really going to get your butt handed to you in some of the later fights.
Play it through on Easy, then when you're not bad you can try Normal. That's really the best advice for your situation. It gets a lot worse than two spiders, trust me.
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:31 pm
by Whisper
zespi wrote:
It's not possible to change the difficulty mid-game, so this one is a non-starter, sorry.
Restart with easy difficulty.
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:55 pm
by Devil
While restarting on easy is an idea, I'd advise reading up on character generation then starting again on normal.
My reasoning for that is this: You cant boost spear damage, meaning one of your backliners are useless for the entire game
Specing into multiple magics are a bad idea, as more points mean more damage (also earth magic seems pants)
Most of the time you will want to focus on a single weapon, all are viable but I don't recommend maces on a Mino (they have bad accuracy to start with)
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:23 pm
by atrament
You have to be really quick there. The door which close behind you when you enter can be opened by the button on the wall on the right side. Go in, door will close, then run quickly to the button to open the door and run back in the hallway, where you can handle those spiders much better then in the small room...
Re: Oh why spiders, oh why?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:52 pm
by Whisper
Game already extremely easy if you have normal reaction time and at least small understanding of game rules.
It was done so probably so people like you (i think you are majority unlike old times with more challenging games) didnt complain. What else do you want, they already made game easier for everyone just to stop you and ppl like you from complaining.