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Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:58 pm
by Distractionbeast
First of all, I'm loving the game! It's great and I'm just giddy that someone decided to revive this genre.

I'd like to make a few constructive suggestions for improvement in future titles/patches. Keep in mind I haven't finished the game yet and I'm aware that you devs have probably been aware of these issues:

1) Weaken the door trick. Maybe give monsters a chance to quick attack before the door is completely open, so the tactic isn't quite as cheap.
2) Allow projectiles to fly through see-through doors. This would also help to weaken the door trick.
3) Add more distinctive classes. This will improve replayability drastically. (Healer, Summoner, Craftsman, Trapper, etc)
4) Rework the Thief class. Right now he's more of a specialized back-rank fighter. I'd love some additional thief-type abilities which are not combat-focused.
5) More non-combat abilities/spells in general. That would add a lot of depth to the game by giving players a completely different direction to evolve their characters.
6) Don't buffer the movement inputs as much. When making quick, precise movements, it's hard to stop and change direction because I often keep a movement button pressed too long and it queues up that input and locks in that move before the previous one has finished.
7) Let monsters heal over time when appropriate. This would also help weaken the door trick.
8) Allow customization of portraits or user-generated portraits for characters
9) Add more variety in the tilesets so there can be more landmarks. It would be nice to be able to navigate just a little better without consulting the map.
10) Allow customization of weapons and armor in-game (craft or imbue system)

Overall, GREAT WORK, guys! I'm looking forward to your next effort!

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:02 pm
by Jukaga
I have to disagree with nerfing the door-trick. It is a valid and needed tactic in the game when facing numerous foes without some 'dancing room' . Other than that, I agree with most of what you said. I too am a bit giddy over this game, i can't remember the last RPG I played that finding a plain steel longsword was reason to celebrate. Brings back great memories of Ultima Underworld, EOB and DH. Great job, can't wait for new dungeons.

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:53 pm
by Distractionbeast
I know the door trick is practically necessary (especially in hard difficulty), but there are too many moments when I just think it's too cheap. So, I use the word "weaken" not "eliminate". Right now it pretty much guarantees victory over many monsters, which is a little too much for me.

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:55 pm
by Megami
Agreed on everything the OP mentioned. Especially the door trick is really in a serious need of nerfing.

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:02 pm
by Anton
Distractionbeast wrote:...
6) Don't buffer the movement inputs as much. When making quick, precise movements, it's hard to stop and change direction because I often keep a movement button pressed too long and it queues up that input and locks in that move before the previous one has finished...
This, above all, for me. More precise control would be fantastic!

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:02 pm
by dark
Door tick worked great in EOB, you would have a button on the other side of the door that you had to throw something at it to open the door. Plus if killing a monster by throwing or shooting at them works, then why not have it? It’s not like you have this endless supply of arrow and throwing weapons as it is. You are going to run out and have to open that door to face the music. Besides this is no different then someone dancing around the room shooting arrows and throwing daggers at the monster.

And I whole hardly agree on the buffering of the keys. Please remove that crap. I can’t tell you how many times I have over shot a spot or run right into a pit that I was rushing around a room on a timed pit puzzle.

Edit: Yes, It would be nice if they had some kind of belt that holds three items. Potions or throwing weapons on the belt.

Another Issue is Ranged characters. There needs to be a quiver to hold the Arrows\Bolts. A player should never have to hold arrows in their off hand. That’s just dumb!

Weapon swapping too would really be nice, if I run out of arrows. It would be nice if there were some kind of hot key to swap your weapons out to an alternate weapon.

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:15 pm
by Raddra
Monsters are so tough+numerous in some places because of tactics like the door trick being available/ expected of you.

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:06 am
by EvilDarkrai
I think that one of the best ways to weaken the door trick is simply to create more monsters that can outright defeat it.

tMajor late game spoilers here:
Take the Designers. When I first met those things they freaked me the heck out. I thought they were unkillable and they look horrifying. It was all I could do to get into one of the side rooms and close the gate behind me. I turn around to search the room and try to think of what I can do to fight these things, and then I hear the gate open.

The bottom dropped right out of my stomach.
I don't think doors themselves need to be changed all that much. I think a better solution is, as I said, to let some monsters defeat them. That way, you can still mostly rely on the fact that when you close a door to a small room so you can sleep you aren't going to be jumped. At the same time, this highlights some enemies as particularly dangerous because they can invade your previously impenetrable sanctuary. How do you think you'd react if you ran away half dead from a pissed off ogre and stumbled into a room to sleep and a giant hammer smashes the door to splinters?

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:40 pm
by Distractionbeast
I agree with that completely. The best solutions are those that work with the game, not against it.

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:27 pm
by evilskillit
Yeah some door opening monsters can really wreak havoc on best laid plans.

Also a rope to climb down into pits would be nice.

Oh and being able to quaff a potion in your hand by right clicking on it would also be nice.