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Can we hear from the creators? Petri Häkkinen and team.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:30 am
by arbiter7
I think it would be cool to hear from the creators of this game in a Reddit IAmA. I just finished the game and loved every minute.... even the frustrating minutes. It's an enjoyable game on its own but it also tapped into nostalgia about the old dungeon crawler RPGs like Eye of the Beholder and Stonekeep that I use to love so much when I was younger.

So, I posted an IAmA request on Reddit hoping it might get attention from the Almost Human Team. ... legend_of/

Re: Can we hear from the creators? Petri Häkkinen and team.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:14 am
by HeavyMetalMonk
Maybe you should get your information straight before trying to start something like this. Guess we can't expect too much from the general Reddit userbase, after all.

The game was in development for ten months, not ten years. Petri had a project titled "Escape from Dragon Mountain" roughly ten years ago that never made it to completion. While it undoubtedly laid the basis for Petri to create this game, Grimrock is the product of four different people and as such, is NOT EfDM.

Re: Can we hear from the creators? Petri Häkkinen and team.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:35 pm
by arbiter7
Sorry, Mr. Metalmonk I did not mean to offend. I guess maybe it was a poor choice to say "in developlemt". Thank you for correcting my error.

Still, I think the idea of having the development team answer questions in a public forum is a good idea. I'm still hoping that people show enough interest that this becomes a reality.

As for the general Reddit "userbase"... I don't really know a lot about that. I'm just an occasional visitor to the site. In fact, it's how I originally learned about Legend of Grimrock. So, Almost Human can credit at least one sale to Reddit. I'm sure others discovered it through Reddit as well. It seems that some good can come from Reddit... despite your disdain for their "userbase".

Re: Can we hear from the creators? Petri Häkkinen and team.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:23 pm
by Kader
I would like to read a postmortem as well, and that holds true for every game, but it should be done down-the-road once all of the pre-launch/launch/post-launch hubbub has died down a bit. :mrgreen:

Re: Can we hear from the creators? Petri Häkkinen and team.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:34 pm
by arbiter7
Kader wrote:I would like to read a postmortem as well, and that holds true for every game, but it should be done down-the-road once all of the pre-launch/launch/post-launch hubbub has died down a bit. :mrgreen:
True, that's a good point. But, in addition to learning more about the history of this game and the people that created it, I would like to see LoG get as much attention as possible especially early on. My hope is that the more awareness a game like this gets, the more copies it sells and the more interest it generates. I think there is a real hunger for this long neglected sub-genre and I really see LoG as the potential beginning to something great if it can get the proper exposure.

Re: Can we hear from the creators? Petri Häkkinen and team.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:18 pm
by Kader
I just think that giving the team plenty of time to decompress will result in a better postmortem.

While I definitely agree about continuing media coverage as the game deserves it, Legend of Grimrock will inevitably get another bump in userbase come the Steam Summer Sale/GOG sale and those aren't too far off relatively speaking. (might even be good to do the postmortem around that time)

Re: Can we hear from the creators? Petri Häkkinen and team.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:38 am
by arbiter7
Kader wrote:I just think that giving the team plenty of time to decompress will result in a better postmortem.

While I definitely agree about continuing media coverage as the game deserves it, Legend of Grimrock will inevitably get another bump in userbase come the Steam Summer Sale/GOG sale and those aren't too far off relatively speaking. (might even be good to do the postmortem around that time)
Everyone loves a sale... maybe I'll buy a second copy.