I have the 4 scrolls but I cannot figure out what I am supposed to do next.
There is also a door with a key hole and I have not found any key for it. Same on level 3.
Stuck on Level 4
Re: Stuck on Level 4
The door with the keyhole is called an Iron Door. There's one in each level and they grant special rewards.
About the scrolls, here is a hint:
If it doesn't help you:
About the scrolls, here is a hint:
Runes are the start, scrolls are the end.
You have to put the right scroll in each alcove near the runes (in the room with the 4 teleporters).
Re: Stuck on Level 4
i thought that might be it. Didn't know what the "runes" were though. Happened to find them while trying to solve this though. Certainly made it easier than doing it randomly lol.
i thought that might be it. Didn't know what the "runes" were though. Happened to find them while trying to solve this though. Certainly made it easier than doing it randomly lol.
Re: Stuck on Level 4
I don't understand. I've tried it all and basically every possibilities...
I put the following scrolls in the alcove of the pillars
Crimes Forgotten ; but never forgiven
cavern still echoing ; to depth beyond measure
Put to sleep ; by his call
Eternally imprisoned ; but still dreaming
But just nothing happens! Do you have to do anything special after you put the scrolls in the alcoves?
I think I've tried almost every combination of scroll vs pillar but I can't get anything to happen. *sigh*
Re: Stuck on Level 4
The correct placement is:vanedor wrote:I don't understand. I've tried it all and basically every possibilities...
I put the following scrolls in the alcove of the pillars
Crimes Forgotten ; but never forgiven
cavern still echoing ; to depth beyond measure
Put to sleep ; by his call
Eternally imprisoned ; but still dreaming
But just nothing happens! Do you have to do anything special after you put the scrolls in the alcoves?
I think I've tried almost every combination of scroll vs pillar but I can't get anything to happen. *sigh*
Crimes Forgotten; but never forgiven
Caverns still echoing; by his call
Put to sleep; but still dreaming
Eternally Imprisoned; to depth beyond measure
Caverns still echoing; by his call
Put to sleep; but still dreaming
Eternally Imprisoned; to depth beyond measure