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Tank spec

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:07 pm
by war_dog
what do u think about this tank spec? any ideas/suggestions, whats your tank like? do u run with 1 or 2 tanks ? if so, same spec on both or?

Gonna go for Evasion, as a dodge is 100% dmg reduction.
I gonna raise Athletics to 24 (at least) and raise Armors skill to 8 and go for the Chitin armor set

Here is my spec :

Athletics :

Armors :

Re: Tank spec

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:16 pm
by Pyros
Shield Expert is going to give you more evasion than the dex you get from Athletics once you find a decent shield. 4dex is 4evasion iirc, even the basic shield you get from the skeletons at the start of the game give +5evasion from shield expert and scales as you find better shields. I'd drop Athletics entirely and focus on sword. Get +5evasion from it iirc, and it does good dmg. Alternatively you can just get 8armor and focus on unarmed, at 30unarmed you get +20evasion.

Re: Tank spec

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:39 pm
by Devil
Since you seem to want an evasion spec you should prob go rogue, dodge flat up gives you more evasion, not to mention imp stealth which will double your lurker set, alternatively if you still want some damage, still go rogue but get 30 into unarmed for the 20 evasion.

If you take skilled as a trait you will be able to get unarmed to 30 and dodge up to 24 at end game (level 13, no tomes used)

Re: Tank spec

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:30 am
by haclya
Rogues can be good as tank but only one problem is only 1 cloth set in the game.

So you can only have 1 rouge as tank go unarmed max evasion or dagger for more damage.

Re: Tank spec

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:22 am
by CycloneJack
Dodge lets you wear light armor. Evasion Rogue makes for a great tank (or two).