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The Abduction

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:24 pm
by Badgert
You were born and grew up in the village of the Keepers of the Essence of Life.
Many generations of your ancestors were Guardians, and now your time has come.
It remains only to pass the last formal test and you can proudly say:
I am the Keeper!

ver. 1.0

I would like to hear tips, suggestions and constructive criticism.
I would like to thank the company "Almost Human" for the creation of this wonderful game and a wonderful editor.

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Re: The Abduction

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:30 pm
by Isaac
That's a nice tapestry design; (in the screenshot). 8-)

Re: The Abduction

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:47 pm
by Nathaniel
Вполне интересный аддон! Только крабы мне категорически не нравятся... На каменистом пляже и по квестовому бою с двумя голодными крабами пришлось около 15 минут реального времени колупать их, нанося по 1-2 hp урона рапирой и имеющимся с самого начала игры копьём. Не особо играбельно, честно говоря...
Хотелось бы немного уменьшить им сопротивление физическим атакам. Или уменьшить их "прочность".

Зато понравился новый эффект нанесения ранений. Такая себе "скорая помощь" в действии! :)

Re: The Abduction

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:18 am
by Torst
I've played about 3 hours and can say that this is a great and challenging mod.
I'll get an "out of memory" message and game will crash when i've tried to load a quicksave at the seaside.
After reload everythign works well

Re: The Abduction

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:32 am
by Badgert
Thanks for the kind words! I will definitely try to take into account your opinion when preparing updates!

Re: The Abduction

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:33 am
by Orace
Hi Badgert! Your mod is really fine!!

Can you give me a little hint? I'm stuck :D
I'm at Temple of the ancient Heathen, i miss a green key (a jewel key like the other i found around, for a green lock), a star key and a tomb key. Opened all other doors, where i found a star key for the pair locks at centre. Just a little hint would be appreciated! XD

Re: The Abduction

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:19 pm
by Badgert
Orace wrote:Hi Badgert! Your mod is really fine!!

Can you give me a little hint? I'm stuck :D
I'm at Temple of the ancient Heathen, i miss a green key (a jewel key like the other i found around, for a green lock), a star key and a tomb key. Opened all other doors, where i found a star key for the pair locks at centre. Just a little hint would be appreciated! XD
Thank you!
Wing of Bishop Bertolli. A room where there are 2 snake statues. The key was at the guard. Examine the floor carefully in the room.

Re: The Abduction

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 7:49 pm
by Orace
Hi Badgert, i found a problem, i think it's very simple to solve.
In labyrinth of moanings, there is a room with a small bridge over water and an altar. There are 2 items on the altar and when you pick up one of them, alarm rings and the door closes and monsters come out from walls (very nice monsters indeed XD ) When you kill all of them, alarm ceases and the door rises again.

The problem is that if you don't pick up both items before killing all the enemies, when you pick up the second one, alarm rings again and the door closes again. With no enemies to fight, you are trapped inside...

Re: The Abduction

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:35 pm
by kingrilian
Am enjoying your mod very much (8/23 levels so plenty to do) however, I am stuck in the Temple of the Ancient Heathen
is the transporter which is surrounded by upward stabbing spikes accessible if so, how? I cannot find anything else on this level
Cancel - Found answer

Re: The Abduction

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:47 pm
by Orace
Found another one
Just defeated the wizard and retrieved the essence of life, a teleport appeared, i entered it and was transported to another section of the same level, stuck in black mass, unable to move...