Ironman mode please

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Ironman mode please

Post by Badgermilk »

This game screams for some kind of Ironman mode implementation. :ugeek:

Maybe only save when you exit the game, loading puts it in somekind of passive state, and if you die it ends up in somekind of graveyard where you can see your stats for the run and whatnot.

Anyways, thanks for giving me one of my best gaming experiences in years.. Feel so nostalgic.
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by Aro »

It would be enough to save on crystals only. And I would like to play the game this way too.
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by Kubouch »

It saves on crystals so you can play it that way. But I admit, it requires a lot of discipline :-D.
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Tuco Benedicto
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by Tuco Benedicto »

Well, the main difference is that with a proper ironman mode you would be able to quit at any point saving your game.
Also, following the "rule" wouldn't be about self-imposed discipline.
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by Badgermilk »

Unfortunatly, I'll admit that I do not have the state of mind to follow it by myself unless I'm forced by an option :p

Thats why I would like one =)
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by DJCrovley »

Tuco Benedicto wrote:Well, the main difference is that with a proper ironman mode you would be able to quit at any point saving your game.
plus save will be deleted right after loading.
+1 for ironman :)
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by JudauVidan »

Saving, brings you to the main menu. Loading deletes your save. I had no clue when I played through the game that you could revive party members at crystals. Maybe an option so that dead party members stay dead.

Would be great for when people make challenge maps.
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by Mychaelh »

Grimrock IronMan-mode:

- first time play at Hard/Old School
- disabled damage text
- hidden item properties
- no map-drawing by hand
- only autosave at crystals
- never read spoilers

learn to 'circle'/'grid dance', try to lure always one monster away at a place you have careful chosen for the battle, overall take it slow, return to crystals often

I'm still at work with this. Downloaded at the minute GOG released it.
I have no problem to be stopped by a tought fight/puzzle for days and to be forced to have to try it again and again. (I like it this way.)
It's like drinking a precious wine...slowly. + you discover more secrets, when going the same routes again and again.
-> (stretches overall game time + fun).

If you have played it trough already at easy with abundant saving - your mistake.
The chance to experience THIS in your live ... is gone. :!:
Last edited by Mychaelh on Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:10 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by murkscale »

Umm... why'd you want the devs to spend their precious time adding something which basically does nothing to the game rather than, say, do something worthwhile like working on new dungeons or enemy types?
Screw you guys, I'm famous!
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Re: Ironman mode please

Post by LonePaladin »

People like their bragging rights.
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