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Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:00 pm
by FireHawk
I am playing 4 mages ice/fire/lightning/Earth.
RP a Wizards circle that got thrown into Grimrock.

However attempting to recast spells for 4 mages has become such a hassle I had to stop playing, my mouse finger was actually getting sore.
Technicly its not broken yet.. so I lied :P


A little icon in the hand when you have selected and closed the rune menu showing ice/flames/lightning/Rock so you know what spell group the spell ready to cast is from and clicking on it casts the spell like normal attacks untill you change it or put a weapon/item into the spell hand.

This will also let mages have 2 spells ready one in each hand/wand.

Another option would be to make scrolls with spells on them when placed in the hand automaticly cast the spell when you click on it like a normal attack, and allow mages to scribe scrolls.
Thou that may take more programing.

I wouldnt mind if spell cooldowns were increased if you think its imbalanced and took into account the time it takes a person to reselect the runes for the spell, its just tedious currently having to do it every time you cast the same spell in a row.

Re: Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:57 pm
by EvoluZion3
Perhaps being able to map each rune to a key - say the numeric keypad, so you could just tap the spell code in (e.g. 1-9)

Re: Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:51 am
by Brail
I would really love mapping runes to a key or an option that just cast the last spell cast again.

I am not playing 4 mages (yet) but I have joint issues and every single mouse click causes pain D= Keystrokes are much,much easier on me (dont know why)

Re: Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:46 am
by 2Xmatch
what i think would be a great idea. you cast spells normally but if you have the spell scroll you can put it in your hand and just right click it to cast that spell.

I would love to see this implemented as right now spell scrolls are useful the first time you play. Also i was able to guess all of the spell just by mimicking what i knew about one element to the others(only exceptions fire ball and invis)
Also for keyboard only, the numpad would work nicely, 1-2(back row left and right),4-5(front row) for attacking with one hand for each character and pressing 0(insert) would attack with the other hand. for spell you would need to type the spell.

Or another way. 0(insert) + 1 to 4 selects that char and then you can use numpad keys to do different actions.


Re: Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:49 am
by Exiled
I think it woudl be best if spells could be somehow "saveable", i mean after you click the runes it would stay like that for longer than one single cast. I'm pretty much doing so every battle now and i have spell "prepared" before each battle.

Re: Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:07 am
by MushaConvoy
I would be happy with the last cast spell still having the runes highlighted.

As it is, I often have the runes for my spell of choice selected, then press "x" to go back the the character portrait, that way when an enemy appears I can right-click the hands/wand and the spell is ready to cast. Same with when a mage is out of mana, have the spell ready to cast but return to the portrait to throw rocks or something.

Re: Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:30 am
by Patchumz
I REALLY want numpad casting. I have 2 mages, and even then it's a pain to use the mouse to recast. And I plan to run quad mage on my next playthrough. Being able to input runes via the numpad is only logical. I mean, the shape is even the same, the Return key could cast the spell after the numbers have been input for the runes.

Re: Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:34 am
by MushaConvoy
Thinking about it some more, it would be great to have the previous cast runes already selected - and have them remembered for each hand. I.e., Right hand for firebolt, left hand for shock. That way you'd reward mages that use two free hands rather than those that equip a ranged weapon, torch or compass.

Re: Quick Recasting, cause my finger broke.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:06 am
by GrimPaladin
Any type of hotkey assist or "last spell cast" memory would be greatly appreciated. Heck, would be loved!

I actually got so sick of how magic is cast, that I went back and made a group with no magic users. It was just getting too tedius and frustating for me. It's the only con I have with the game (and a big con if you like magic in a fantasy game). I'd take an extra second or two penalty even to use an autocast of some sort rather than deal with the current spellcasting.