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How to get the class's objects ?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:13 pm
by maximilien
Hi everyone,

I try to learn about the LOG2 editor. It's an amazing tool. But I've some problem with LUA ... :/
I understand more and more how to use the functions, etc... and I work with the documentation : ... rComponent
So, I've all the functions by objet, great !
But in LUA, we must specify the class name after the ID, like that -> myDoor.door:function()
But how can I know what is the class of a specific object ?
Any are obvious, like door or lever etc. but it's not always the case.
the class of floor spykes is "controller"...

I found some by searching on this forum and on the web, but it nothing in the documentation...
Is there another scripting reference ?
I'm verry confuse with that :(
how do you know how class you must to use with objects ?

Thank you very much !
I try to find the answer on this forum, but my search was unsuccesfull :(

PS : sorry for my french English^^

Re: How to get the class's objects ?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:44 pm
by petri
Actually those fields are not class names, they are names of the components the object is made of. If you click on an object in the editor you can see the object's components in the inspector panel.