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Game's been out for a bit, anything you would like to see?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:25 pm
by R_P_Gamer
I've been absolutely loving the game so far, just reached level 6. I had a thought while playing, it would be nice to have a belt for each character on which to carry potions, keys, throwing weapons, different ammunition, just so you didn't have to dig around in your inventory for that flame grenade thing while an ogre is trying to smash your face in.

Have you guys noticed anything you'd like to see? any little features you'd like to see added?

Re: Game's been out for a bit, anything you would like to se

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:22 am
by Mortimer
I would really like a quiver to load up throwing weapons and/or arrow and possibly a melee weapon if totally out of ranged ones.

Duel wielding would be nice too. Maybe have have the cool down a little faster if you duel wield, or at least have both weapons attack with one click.

Re: Game's been out for a bit, anything you would like to se

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:41 am
by IndigoAK
I'd like to see the puzzles balanced for the mouse control option. Time and skill based puzzles essentially force you to use the keyboard, which defeats the purpose of having the option to use the mouse there to begin with.

I'm pretty much a broken record on this, but it's because this is a terrible design oversight that more or less breaks an entire control method. It's the one thing preventing me from recommending this game to anybody.

Re: Game's been out for a bit, anything you would like to se

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:15 am
by Skirmisher
QUICK CAST option that casts the last spell that was cast. Possible ways to implement, holding Shift+RMB over mages available hand or adding a quick cast button to the rune popup.

POTION place holder on each character where a potion can be set. Clicking on it results in that player drinking the potion. I died a few times when not able to quaff a potion from my inventory in time.

ILLUSIONARY WALLS that can be walked through by all.

Re: Game's been out for a bit, anything you would like to se

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:05 am
by Rednecksith
Just the usual stuff.
More weapon types and accompanying skills (polearms, for example, have no associated skill, and no real presence in the game).
More traits
More spells
A way to save your characters/party at creation and after game completion for future dungeons/playthroughs.
More tilesets and 'official' dungeons
And of course, the mod tools.

Re: Game's been out for a bit, anything you would like to se

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:47 am
by Password999

Great game, unfortunately they brought some of the UI elements back from 1993 also.

Things I'd like :

I'd like a user-imposed (at beginning of game) save limit per level.

Spacebar to push (obvious) latches, levers only

Spacebar to activate a piece of loot on the ground to the cursor.

An item in the cursor should be able to be allocated by pressing the character number instead of selecting that character.

I'd like to use keystrokes to attack. Since 4 characters x 2 hands = only 8 mappings, it would be relatively straight-forward.

Please update the user controls, ui, and functionality in general.