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request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:45 pm
by motorbit
as the title says: let me use scrolls like a weapon to cast a spell and circumvent the rune system.
i think this could work verry well together with the rune system, for one so one wouldnt have to swap out the scroll all the time, and for another reason to allow to cast spells without having the scroll.

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:54 pm
by Disasterrific
Urg, I can't believe this has landed so many complaints. The team work to come up with an original spell system that's fun to mix and match the elements (albeit with quite a limited number of spells) and you just want it to be like every other bland RPG. Keep it exactly as is, please.

On the plus side, looking at the game elements this should be possible to do in a future mod or custom game so maybe some future content maker will take the opportunity to strip the game of its character.

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:59 pm
by RPGAlien
Disasterrific wrote:Urg, I can't believe this has landed so many complaints. The team work to come up with an original spell system that's fun to mix and match the elements (albeit with quite a limited number of spells) and you just want it to be like every other bland RPG. Keep it exactly as is, please.

On the plus side, looking at the game elements this should be possible to do in a future mod or custom game so maybe some future content maker will take the opportunity to strip the game of its character.
While I completely agree with you on every point without exception, it wouldn't hurt to show some tact and be a bit more polite.

Maybe you could enchant 'scrolls' (or whatever) to cast a one-use only spell of your choosing at the expense of increased energy costs or exp? Maybe it could be dependent on blank scrolls (or whatever) like potion-making as to make it more restricted and less open to abuse. I think that could work quite well while also adding some more variety to the game.

EDIT: The purpose of this would of course be to increase the amount of spells you can cast in combat, as it would be faster to cast spells using scrolls than if using the standard rune system.

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:09 pm
by motorbit
i gues im beating a dead horse here, if i understand the reason for these quite intense replys correctly.
i nowhere requested to remove the current spell system nor have i made any complaints.

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:45 pm
by pi4t
What you need to realise is that most of the time that you play, especially on the first playthrough, you'll be using spells you've learnt from scrolls. While, with your idea, the rune system would still 'exist', in that you could cast with that, you have no real reason to. Why would you, if you can right click on a scroll to cast in one click? As it is, I think that most people only have one or two 'main spells' which they cast, and with this they'd never need to use the runes. It would discourage experimentation (as rune cast spells will take longer to cast and therefore have a lower dps compared to scroll based ones), and harm the balance of the magic system, probably irreparably. That's why the suggestion is being resisted so violently.

Besides, wouldn't you agree that summoning a ball of fire out of the air, or summoning spikes of solid ice from nothing, should be more complex than swinging a sword in the enemy's general direction?

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:48 pm
by Sol_HSA
You can already use scrolls as weapons. They just don't do much damage when thrown =)

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:19 pm
by wickermoon
People that ask for quick cast seem to forget one thing: Spells - can't - miss!

You ever played other RPGs with quick cast? Then you might've noticed that in those games spells can actually miss, or fizzle, on a random note. Here, in LoG, this does not happen, except if you punch in the wrong runes. Do you guys finally understand, why-oh-why a quick-cast option is a very, very unbalanced idea?

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:31 pm
by Disasterrific
RPGAlien wrote:While I completely agree with you on every point without exception, it wouldn't hurt to show some tact and be a bit more polite.
In a world of limitless potential is the best feature the OP could come up with 'one-click cast'?

If noone will speak out in support of good immersive game design then developers will only ever cater to the loudest. This isn't a feature 'request' by any imagining, it's a far more insulting affront to hard work than anything I could pen in response.

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:40 pm
by motorbit
it's a far more insulting affront to hard work than anything I could pen in response.
indeed. that was my intention. also i intended to insult some of your closer relatives, and the pope.
Besides, wouldn't you agree that summoning a ball of fire out of the air, or summoning spikes of solid ice from nothing, should be more complex than swinging a sword in the enemy's general direction?
well, swining a sword also makes ppl swet. do you want me to work out barbels if i play to get the right feeling?
if there is a balancing issue, id say balance it by the cooldown of the spells and let the virtual guy do the work.

Re: request: use scrolls like weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:43 pm
by Crashbanito
Scrolls should do extra damage against any possible insect enemies. I haven't actually seen any yet, but I want to be prepared.:lol:

(No, I'm not being serious)