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Manually mapping - techniques?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:38 am
by dancingcrab
Hi y'all,

So I love this game. I just made it to level 3, and look forward to jumping on it again a little later.

In particular, the 'Old school' mode with no automapping is a treat. However, it's proving tricky to determine where I should position my hand-drawn map on the grid paper - I keep running out of space! Is there a logical spot to begin mapping... i.e. do the levels tend to start at the centre, or in a particular corner?

Would love to hear if people have any specific techniques. Here's a pic of my (slightly bodged) Level 1 map (obviously spoiler alert if you haven't beaten the first level): :)

Kudos to Almost Human for such an awesome debut!

Re: Manually mapping - techniques?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:45 am
by Casey
dancingcrab wrote:Hi y'all,

So I love this game. I just made it to level 3, and look forward to jumping on it again a little later.

In particular, the 'Old school' mode with no automapping is a treat. However, it's proving tricky to determine where I should position my hand-drawn map on the grid paper - I keep running out of space! Is there a logical spot to begin mapping... i.e. do the levels tend to start at the centre, or in a particular corner?

Would love to hear if people have any specific techniques. Here's a pic of my (slightly bodged) Level 1 map (obviously spoiler alert if you haven't beaten the first level): :)

Kudos to Almost Human for such an awesome debut!
They start anywhere, but the stairs are relative to each floor, so where the stairs going down for one floor is, the stairs going up the next floor down are right next to it. So you can map the next floor starting from that position.

Re: Manually mapping - techniques?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:46 am
by Mortimer
It seems most people just start in the middle, when they run out of room they will either put a new sheet on the edge and keep drawing or continue the map from the opposite side of the paper, then after you figure out the full layout of the level you can then redraw a map that fits onto your paper.

Re: Manually mapping - techniques?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:55 am
by dbgager
The levels are bigger after the first level. But if you start the first level about 15-20 rows down from the top, maybe 1/3 of the way down the page, on the left side about 10 rows in ( apprx. top left corner ), and then just start your next floor at the same square you went down the stairs ..1 over depending on which way you are traveling going down the stairs they should line up , and all fit on your graph paper.

As far as the way I graph I usually use letters that I write in the middle of the line , for example D for door, B for button, S for secret wall..etc. The Transporters I use an X and a number for incase it is actually a transporter pair ( 2 way ). For examp;le X1 on both transporters. There are all different kinds of ways to do it. What ever system that makes sense to you.

Re: Manually mapping - techniques?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:36 am
by Arkhan
I always start in the center, and tape new pieces to sides that run out. If you tape it neatly, you can fold it all together like a game board when it is complete.

Re: Manually mapping - techniques?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:20 am
by killington
I made a thread for it with starting locations I've found so far.
