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Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:58 pm
by Infernisle
Two Lizardmen, Two Insectoids

Lizardman Rogue 6 dex 4 str uses daggers and dodge and I have skilled and evasive
Insectoid Mage 4 will 6 vit earth magic staff defense skilled natural protection
Lizardman Rogue 6 str 4 dex missile weapons dodge skilled athletic
Insectoid Mage 6 will 4 vit ice magic spellcraft skilled strong mind

Basically my dagger rogue never gets hit because of his ridiculous evasion and if an enemy does get through to my front row insect mage it doesn't do really anything because his protection is higher than I could get on any fighter at this point :D

There is also amazing DPS potential there because with the dagger's fast and accurate strikes, the earth magic dots on targets frozen by my ice mage and a missle rogue raining death from afar nothing has survived long yet. I am most worried about when the giant enemy crabs first get introduced, as they do sting really bad and my party is made of paper. Also slimes might be a bad situation.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:06 pm
by gasgas
You can dual wield in the sensa that you ca have one weapon each hand, although there is no bonus from that it looks cool and you can have a venom dagger in one hand and the assassin dagger in the other.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:20 am
by Chiller
Infernisle wrote: I am most worried about when the giant enemy crabs first get introduced
I also call them Giant Enemy Crabs! <3

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:28 am
by w00tasaurus
Not sure I would be able to replay this game, as for me the heart of the game is the puzzles which I would of course know the solution to unless I replayed it several years from now to give myself time to forget.

If I did though, I'd probably try something like:

Rogue evasion/daggers
Rogue evasion/throwing weps
Rogue bow/crossbow

I find the rogues to be the most flexible and enjoyable in this game so far! Normally not a big rogue fan.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:18 pm
by Porkdish

Picked because I liked the Dungeon Master portraits, turned out to have a bit of an troubling hentai feel though with the little asian girl + monsters.

The plan was to go for speed, and a utility mage. Even kiting, If I'm accurate with the mouse I can get at least two hits in before back-stepping, sometimes all 3, and at least two are ready the next step. Thus the weapon layout, everyone's attack is in the middle where the mouse moves least. Front row is built for good damage avoidance without sacrificing too much DPS. Mage exists to freeze and invis.

Spoiler contains full character screenshots at level 14, finished on hard.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:30 pm
by PeterThomas6
After playing the game for a while, I feel that my party is successful enough to post here. They are as follows:

Human Fighter, with a focus on swords and defense.
Minotaur Fighter, with a focus on axes and offense.
Lizardman Rogue, with a focus on daggers and dexterity. (No throwing and bows just yet. :P)
Insectman Mage, with a focus on Fire and Staff Defense. (I dabbled a little into Earth, as well)

So far I haven't run into anything that's given me too much trouble, unless I get pinned up against a wall or I run out of mana.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:53 pm
by evony666
Minotaur - Fighter - Maceman
Human - Rogue - Dagger Man
Lizard - Rogue - Archer
Insect - Wizard - Generalist

This was my initial selection without knowing the game. Really lucky
becasue there is a kick ass mace and dagger later in the game. Also I had no idea that a mage could magic the arrows which are also leathal later in the game
My weakest character was the mage because I never specialised until very late in the game, thinking I had a bit longer to develop the characters.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:43 pm
by Drumrick
Minotaur - Fighter - Full Armor
Minotaur - Fighter - Full Armor
Lizard - Rogue - 12 Assassination, rest H2H
Lizard - Rogue - 12 Assassination, rest H2H

The Tanks ended up with ~300 hitpoints and the rogues are dealing a shitload of dmg. Very solid party. In my next playthrough ill put one rogue in the frontline and fill up the backline with a mage.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:45 am
by Miles-McStyles
Here's my party. Pretty sure it's the most cookie cutter setup:


2 armored guys in front: One with 16 armor, and specced swords with the rest of his points. The other has no points in armor(Full Axe -> Athletics). The only one with problems is my axe guy but if you dodge well enough he's not that much of a hassle. Not many things stay alive for long in front of me.

Then I have an archer(Rogue with 50 in missile weapons, the rest in dodge) and Fire Mage(24 Fire, the rest Spellcraft) in back. All human.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:17 pm
by Khajiit
Rogue party:

14lvl Lizardman Rogue - unarmed, skilled/fist fighter, 24 Dodge / 38 Unarmed Combat, 21 Prot. / 100 Envasion
14lvl Lizardman Rogue - unarmed, skilled/fist fighter, 24 Dodge / 42 Unarmed Combat, 20 Prot. / 110 Envasion
14lvl Lizardman Rogue - unarmed, skilled/fist fighter, 12 Assassination / 45 Unarmed Combat, 10 Prot. / 56 Envasion
14lvl Lizardman Rogue - unarmed, skilled/fist fighter, 12 Assassination / 45 Unarmed Combat, 12 Prot. / 52 Envasion