Things the devs didn't think through

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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by Netjera »

SecretSantana wrote:I haven't put any points into the weapon skills. I've been maxing Dodge and Armors and Athletics, and having no problems.
The only thing close to a problem I had was not spending any points in the elemental magic skills, so my mage had no spells at level 1. And that almost made it more fun (had to chuck rocks!)
I did this, too, lol. I took mostly spellcraft and then one point in either one or two of the magic skills, and my mage was hosed when I got the first spell scroll (Fire Level 2 Required). rofl I got him a spear and stuck him in the back row for many fights, because without him actually poking at things, he wasn't getting any xp. The rest of my party is really balanced. Pretty equal in armor and weapon skills. I was really enjoying everything till level 4. But now I've died about 20 times, and nothing I currently have in my inventory helps.

There's no way to resurrect party members once they die, is there?
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by Rozy »

You use the blue crystals. A scroll right next to the first blue crystal says something to the effect that they resurrect and heal.
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by Netjera »

Rozy wrote:You use the blue crystals. A scroll right next to the first blue crystal says something to the effect that they resurrect and heal.
I knew they healed but had no IDEA they rezzed! Maybe I'll play through and see if my fighter will survive the gas, and then if I can, find the crystal to rez everyone. Maybe I'll get lucky and the door back upstairs will open again once I kill them. :) Thanks!!
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by Dandy »

The games engine is fantastic, except for the controls, they could do with a rethink.
I didn't like the blue crystals, and would have much preferred the Dungeon master way of dealing with resurrection.
I wasn't to keen on the dungeons layout and placement of items and monsters, it all seemed a little sloppy and haphazard.

But now with the public release of the dungeon creator on the horizon, I am really looking forward to the fan made dungeons.
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by Saice »

Dandy wrote:The games engine is fantastic, except for the controls, they could do with a rethink.
I didn't like the blue crystals, and would have much preferred the Dungeon master way of dealing with resurrection.
I wasn't to keen on the dungeons layout and placement of items and monsters, it all seemed a little sloppy and haphazard.

But now with the public release of the dungeon creator on the horizon, I am really looking forward to the fan made dungeons.
The DM way?

You mean having all your stuff drop to the floor in mid combat and having to pick up there bones. Then backtrack one or more levels to stuff them in a cubbyhole of power? Then because you could not pick up all their stuff having to track back again to get their stuff.

As much as I love DM that is one part I do not miss at all.
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by Dandy »

Saice wrote:
The DM way?

You mean having all your stuff drop to the floor in mid combat and having to pick up there bones. Then backtrack one or more levels to stuff them in a cubbyhole of power? Then because you could not pick up all their stuff having to track back again to get their stuff.

As much as I love DM that is one part I do not miss at all.
Yes. I found the DM way, much more entertaining. It was these little touches that made the game so remembered and real.
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by Netjera »

Dandy wrote:
Saice wrote:
The DM way?

You mean having all your stuff drop to the floor in mid combat and having to pick up there bones. Then backtrack one or more levels to stuff them in a cubbyhole of power? Then because you could not pick up all their stuff having to track back again to get their stuff.

As much as I love DM that is one part I do not miss at all.
Yes. I found the DM way, much more entertaining. It was these little touches that made the game so remembered and real.
Yeah I never liked the "drop your stuff" mode of things, either. That was one of the things that caused me to leave Runescape. Of course, in a single-player game it's just an annoyance, not something that makes me want to tear my hair out and cry because someone sat and watched me battle so when I died they could steal all the stuff I worked so hard to gain.
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by eternal »

I don't think people wanting to maximize a skill tree would constitute power gaming. Do you try out for a track team but only run at 75%, do you bake food at half temp, when you enjoy a nice cold beer do you only drink half, and when you have sex (hehe, as if gamers have sex) do you only push every other time? No, you want to be the best at it that you can. These guys are fighting for their lives, they want the skills to pay the bills.
By allowing characters to have the potential to complete 1 skill tree you are really allowing the otherwise very generic, bland, and similar characters to have some identity as you can have an axe wielding Minotaur, an assassin back stabbing like a pro, and a mage that does more than light hallways. It adds depth to the characters and the creation process which in my opinion is half the fun of any RPG.
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by seebs »

eternal wrote:I don't think people wanting to maximize a skill tree would constitute power gaming. Do you try out for a track team but only run at 75%, do you bake food at half temp, when you enjoy a nice cold beer do you only drink half, and when you have sex (hehe, as if gamers have sex) do you only push every other time? No, you want to be the best at it that you can. These guys are fighting for their lives, they want the skills to pay the bills.
So when you were in school, did you completely skip all but one of your classes so you could focus extra hard on that class?

Because normally, "being the best" implies at least a bit of balance. Unless a particular game is structured such that being balanced completely gimps you.
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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Post by Disasterrific »

As it is I think the devs did a great job of balancing the skills for a single player run through their dungeon. Yeah you can max out 4 rogues, but will you enjoy it? I was hoping to get a little further along the skill trees but when it came to spending points I looked at what I needed right now, and what I was working to in over the next experience level or two, if i wanted heavy armor or some new ability

I am concerned about the Master Assassin ability, but hopefully this can be balanced so that getting behind creatures is hard enough. Where does combat go from here? It's a matter for your imaginations but I imagine that the devs have kept a number of tricks up their sleeves for the follow-up.
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