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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:47 am
by Azel
minmay wrote:most of those lines are whitespace, brackets, etc. which don't exactly take a lot of time to read

I already accounted for whitespace in the initial approximation and brackets account for less than half of the total lines. Brackets and commas define a component and differentiate between all the properties, methods, functions, and classes; so they probably shouldn't be dismissed so easily.

Taking out brackets leaves you with over 8,600 lines of code, plus the 2,000 from the scripting reference, plus all the information in the LUA references, plus the thousands of lines of code that make up the Nexus file ("assets/dungeons/grimrock2") which you also expect everyone to cross-reference.

I'm just trying to put things in proper perspective. You expect that everyone should study well over 10,000 pieces of information before doing something that lets players hit rats and crabs with a baton :shock:

I still maintain that the Grimrock Editor software holds the responsibility of making the Modding experience more manageable; because requiring a 10,000 line review as a prerequisite is highly unreasonable. You spend almost every day on this forum chastising Modders for having "terrible" ideas, when you should really be directing your issues to Almost Human in an effort to update the Editor in a way that makes a 10,000+ line review unnecessary.
minmay wrote:this won't work; it doesn't account for items that the player may have placed on that square prior to the pit being spawned.
Which is why I suggested talking through the actual steps. My Teleport solution works once everything else is set up to function accordingly. Placing obstacles in the path of the "eventual pit" would be an easy solution. The player can "see" the area but not get to it until an event takes place. Once the event takes place, the obstacles(s) are removed and the pit appears.

The ideas are not "terrible" - they are "fun." You just can't seem to get beyond the idea that if it isn't "how minmay would do it then it is something awful that should never be done". It's kinda creepy, really :?

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:00 am
by minmay
Azel wrote:Which is why I suggested talking through the actual steps. My Teleport solution works once everything else is set up to function accordingly. Placing obstacles in the path of the "eventual pit" would be an easy solution. The player can "see" the area but not get to it until an event takes place. Once the event takes place, the obstacles(s) are removed and the pit appears.
actually i said it doesn't work because it literally doesn't work in this situation. no matter what kind of contrived stuff you come up with, teleporting that gold key is going to destroy some position/rotation information and cause a jump, which is a blatant bug. you can work around the item issues with that 8 line hack that anyone could write, i don't know why you would want to try to work around it with some contrived use of teleporters instead, even if it weren't literally impossible to do so, and it is literally impossible, so...

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:28 pm
by The cube
From the description you gave, it's hard to tell exactly what should be happening, and when. If you can provide the exact details to how the area looks before, what the player does to trigger an event, and how it looks after, then perhaps we can recreate a much more effective way to achieve the same end result. You can PM me the description, and I can make a 1 room dungeon that (hopefully) achieves the same outcome.

Before this happens, the player is in a cave below the place where the pit will be spawned. He places a bomb that blows up a pillar.
This creates a chasm to the level right above the cave, dropping all items from that tile to the cave.

That's how it should work. Everything but the chasm aboveground works fine.

Here are images before and after the bomb blows up:

The player is unable to interact with the tiles where the chasms can spawn in any way, but he can see them.
The tile must look like a normal tile before the explosion, and have a chasm in it after the explosion.

The player is in the level below so he can not see the chasm appear.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:52 pm
by Azel
Oh dude, that's pretty damn creative! I love the idea of a bomb below causing a chasm above. :mrgreen:

I would love to try to make something like this happen, so let me give it a shot; I will upload a demo dungeon that does this by tonight. Fun! :mrgreen:

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:41 pm
by minmay
The cube wrote:
From the description you gave, it's hard to tell exactly what should be happening, and when. If you can provide the exact details to how the area looks before, what the player does to trigger an event, and how it looks after, then perhaps we can recreate a much more effective way to achieve the same end result. You can PM me the description, and I can make a 1 room dungeon that (hopefully) achieves the same outcome.

Before this happens, the player is in a cave below the place where the pit will be spawned. He places a bomb that blows up a pillar.
This creates a chasm to the level right above the cave, dropping all items from that tile to the cave.

That's how it should work. Everything but the chasm aboveground works fine.

Here are images before and after the bomb blows up:

The player is unable to interact with the tiles where the chasms can spawn in any way, but he can see them.
The tile must look like a normal tile before the explosion, and have a chasm in it after the explosion.

The player is in the level below so he can not see the chasm appear.
Ok, this is easy then. Place this object on that square:

Code: Select all

	name = "forest_chasm_bomb",
	components = {
			class = "Pit",
			class = "Model",
			model = "assets/models/env/forest_ground_01.fbx",
			staticShadow = true,
			class = "Controller",
			onActivate = function(self)
				if self.go.platform:isEnabled() then
				-- spawn edges
				local adj = {}
				for i=0,3 do
					local dx,dy = getForward(i)
					local adjacent = false
					for e in + dx, self.go.y + dy) do
						if == "forest_chasm" or ( == "forest_chasm_bomb" and not e.platform:isEnabled()) then
							adjacent = true
						elseif e.facing == (i+2)%4 and ( == "forest_chasm_edge" or == "forest_chasm_corner")
							or (e.facing == (i+3)%4) and == "forest_chasm_corner" then
							-- destroy adjoining edge
					adj[i] = adjacent
					if not adjacent then
						spawn("forest_chasm_edge", self.go.level, self.go.x, self.go.y, i, 0)
				-- spawn corners
				for i=0,3 do
					if not adj[i] and not adj[(i+3)%4] then
						spawn("forest_chasm_corner", self.go.level, self.go.x, self.go.y, i, 0)
				-- remove ground model

				-- open pit
			class = "Platform",
	replacesFloor = true,
	placement = "floor",
	killHeightmap = true,
	editorIcon = 40,
When the bomb goes off, activate the controller. No item problems and it will update any adjacent chasm borders if necessary. No reason to use teleporters or dynamically spawn a PitComponent.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:25 am
by Azel
The cube wrote:The player is unable to interact with the tiles where the chasms can spawn in any way, but he can see them.
The tile must look like a normal tile before the explosion, and have a chasm in it after the explosion.

The player is in the level below so he can not see the chasm appear.
Okay so I was able to get everything to work in a Dungeon by spawning a Pit and using some tricks. I know it's not an outdoor Chasm but I was limited on time today and I wanted to get you something at least semi-useful.

You can download both the playable dungeon and the editor project files here:

Tomorrow I will add the outdoor region and do the same thing with a forest_chasm. I tested this out (save/reload, etc) and everything works fine. I was able to simulate the item problem you mentioned (it didn't fall when the pit spawned), but a simple invisible teleporter solved it. You will notice a floor trigger where the pit appears. The trigger is a placeholder, but if for some reason a Chasm doesn't work the same as the Pit, then I have a function near the floor trigger that can be called to simulate the party falling down the chasm.

This was pretty fun; I hope to have the outdoor version ready by tomorrow night :mrgreen:

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:47 pm
by Isaac
Is it possible to spawn a script_entity, define its source, and then call functions in it? I must be missing something, because every time I try to do this, the script exists, its script component exists, but there seem to be no functions in the script.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:23 pm
by minmay
Isaac wrote:Is it possible to spawn a script_entity, define its source, and then call functions in it? I must be missing something, because every time I try to do this, the script exists, its script component exists, but there seem to be no functions in the script.
Yes, but it's tricky: you have to call setSource or loadFile BEFORE the ScriptComponent initializes, or the code won't be run. The ScriptComponent's onInit hook is already too late, so it's easiest to do this with an onInit hook from another component that initializes first (components SEEM to just initialize in the same order as they are in the "components" table in the definition), Here is an example.

Code: Select all

	name = "goofy_script_loader",
	placement = "floor",
	components = {
			class = "Null",
			onInit = function(self)
				-- works with loadFile too
			class = "Script",

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:08 pm
by Isaac
minmay wrote:Yes, but it's tricky:...
That did it! 8-) 8-)
Thank you minmay.

Tricky is an understatement ~that was bizarre.

Alright, I have one of my own these spawned chasm assets. It's not perfect (and unfinished). It does not support closed trap doors underneath it; but most items will fall when the chasm is opened, and breakable items will crack when they hit the floor below; including falling through additional pits.

*Call it beta, but it seems to work well enough for my purposes. There is a known bug in that it really doesn't like the beach titleset; but I haven't determined just why that is yet. When I do, I'll fix it.

I had first thought to chain the pits, so that opening one opened them all... but it seems faster to just ensure that all chasm pits are opened at the same time. An easy way for that is to call them all in a loop; or connect them all to an off screen button or lever, and trigger it from a script, or leave the switch accessible to the player (as in the demo).

Code: Select all

	name = "forest_spawn_chasm",
	baseObject = "base_pit_trapdoor",
	replacesFloor = true,
	killHeightmap = true,
	placement = "floor",
	editorIcon = 40,
	automapIcon = 108,
	components = {
		     class = "Model",
		     name = "trapDoorModel",
		     model = "assets/models/env/forest_ground_02.fbx",
			class = "Pit",
			onInit = function(self)
						local align = {self.go:getPosition()}
						align[3] = 1
						align[4], align[5]  = self.go.elevation, align[4]
						-- spawn edges [asset pack]
							local adj = {}
							for i=0,3 do
								local dx,dy = getForward(i)
								local adjacent = false
								for e in + dx, self.go.y + dy) do
									if string.find(, "_floor") and e.model then
									if == then
										adjacent = true
								adj[i] = adjacent
								if not adjacent then
									spawn("forest_chasm_edge", self.go.level, self.go.x, self.go.y, i, 0).model:disable()
							-- spawn corners  [asset pack]
							for i=0,3 do
								if not adj[i] and not adj[(i+3)%4] then
									spawn("forest_chasm_corner", self.go.level, self.go.x, self.go.y, i, 0).model:disable()
		     class = "Controller",
		     onInitialOpen = function(self)
		     onOpen = function(self)
				if not self.go.pit:isOpen() then
					spawn('forest_pit_fog',self.go.level ,self.go.x, self.go.y, self.go.facing, self.go.elevation)
					for e in, self.go.y) do
						if string.find(, "chasm" ) and e.model and not e.model:isEnabled() then
						if string.find(, "block" ) and ~= "blocker" or == "chest" then
							local loc = {e:getPosition()}
							loc[5] = e.level +1
							local recurse = false
							local double_tap = false
								for each in Dungeon.getMap(loc[5]):entitiesAt(loc[1], loc[2]) do
									for _,comp in each:componentIterator() do
										if comp.go.pit then
											if loc[5] < Dungeon.getMaxLevels() then
												loc[5] = loc[5] +1
												recurse = true
										 else recurse = false	
							until(recurse == false)
							if == "chest" then 
								spawn('base_obstacle',loc[5], loc[1], loc[2], loc[3], Dungeon.getMap(loc[5]):getElevation(loc[1], loc[2]))
							elseif == "pushable_block"  then
								local trigger = spawn("floor_trigger",loc[5], loc[1], loc[2], loc[3], Dungeon.getMap(loc[5]):getElevation(loc[1], loc[2]))
								trigger.floortrigger:addConnector("onActivate", "chasm_fall_damager" , 'breakStuff')
		onClose = function(self)
				if not self.go.pit:isClosed() then
					for e in, self.go.y) do
						if string.find(, "chasm" ) and e.model and e.model:isEnabled() then
						elseif == 'forest_pit_fog' then
		onToggle = function(self) 
					if self.go.pit:isOpen() then
					 else self.go.controller:open()
		onInit = function(self) 
						if not findEntity("chasm_fall_damager") then
							spawn("chasm_fall_damager", self.go.level, 0, 0, 0 , 0, "chasm_fall_damager")
							chasm_fall_damager.script:setSource("function breakStuff(target) damageTile(target.go.level, target.go.x,target.go.y,target.go.facing,target.go.elevation, 64, 'physical', 90) target.go.floortrigger:setDisableSelf(true) end")


	name= "chasm_fall_damager",
	baseObject = "script_entity",
	components = {
			class = "Script",
			name = "chasm_fall_damager",

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:51 pm
by The cube
How do i make a item that triggers a script on power attack?