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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:43 pm
by Ryeath_Greystalk
Jaberwoke wrote:Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:Hi Jaberwocke.
Place the stone in the alcoves, from left to right as you look at them, as they are listed on the wall text.
example: the body discipline (IIRC) consists of Strength, Endurance and Agillity. Find the wall text that says that, then as you look into the space with the three alcoves to the right of the wall text place the Strength in the left alcove, endurance in the middle and agillity in the right. Repeat the process for the other three disciplines.
Hope this helps.
Do you know what?...
I've been playing this mod for 4 hours straight and...
I've only just noticed that the stones are all named. Doh! Time for a break I think.
I didn't have the knowledge to make individual graphics for stone at the time I made the mod, so I just had to settle for naming them. I'm trying to learn the 3d modeling stuff so I can make new items now.
Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:32 pm
by Jaberwoke
Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:Jaberwoke wrote:Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:Hi Jaberwocke.
Place the stone in the alcoves, from left to right as you look at them, as they are listed on the wall text.
example: the body discipline (IIRC) consists of Strength, Endurance and Agillity. Find the wall text that says that, then as you look into the space with the three alcoves to the right of the wall text place the Strength in the left alcove, endurance in the middle and agillity in the right. Repeat the process for the other three disciplines.
Hope this helps.
Do you know what?...
I've been playing this mod for 4 hours straight and...
I've only just noticed that the stones are all named. Doh! Time for a break I think.
I didn't have the knowledge to make individual graphics for stone at the time I made the mod, so I just had to settle for naming them. I'm trying to learn the 3d modeling stuff so I can make new items now.
It's great as it is. I was just too involved in the story to see the names clearly. A great mod and thank you for it. I've played through twice now but can only find 22 secrets and I'm missing 1 treasure somewhere too.
Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:58 pm
by Ryeath_Greystalk
Glad you enjoyed it.
The treasures are all in secret areas so the one you missed would link with one of the missed secret areas.
I have been meaning to put a list of the secrets on the front page, just haven't got around to it. I will get it in the next day or two and you can see where you missed.
Thanks for playing.
Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:48 am
by Ryeath_Greystalk
Front page has been updated with a list of secrets if anyone cares to look for something they missed.
Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:08 am
by Fagris
Hi there,
I also enjoy your mod! Love the story telling, the notes and the conversation between the members of my party.
While I am on level 4 I still wonder about an issue in level 2
In the containment area I could only clean the monsters for the cages with the round key. Not the other ones,
quite numerous as well. Did I oversee sth? I found the golden key so thats main goal but what about the "evil leftovers" there?

Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:47 am
by Ryeath_Greystalk
Fagris wrote:Hi there,
I also enjoy your mod! Love the story telling, the notes and the conversation between the members of my party.
While I am on level 4 I still wonder about an issue in level 2
In the containment area I could only clean the monsters for the cages with the round key. Not the other ones,
quite numerous as well. Did I oversee sth? I found the golden key so thats main goal but what about the "evil leftovers" there?

Hi, thanks for playing my mod.
To access the critters in the inside row of cells the clue is in the wall text where you first enter. "A key of gold, a space unclaimed, along it's path, a wall remains"
After picking up the gold key put something else back in the alcove (anything will work) and a secret wall opening will appear behind you.
There was a bug where if a player returned to do the secret part after leaving the cells one of the characters would go unconscious and not revive, but that has been fixed. If you are not too far along it could be worth going back there.
Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:38 pm
by Fagris
Thanks for your quick reply!
Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:
There was a bug where if a player returned to do the secret part after leaving the cells one of the characters would go unconscious and not revive, but that has been fixed. If you are not too far along it could be worth going back there.
It worked fine for me and was worth going back.
Nice dramatic surprise for my party just before entering the secret

Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:32 pm
by carboni123
Im on level 5 doing the task for that Druid Guy but on puzzle 3 i fell down a pit fighting something and when i came back up the gates wont open to the next section, i reloaded a previous save and the gates wont open. Please help i want to Finnish it !
Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:49 pm
by Dr.Disaster
carboni123 wrote:Im on level 5 doing the task for that Druid Guy but on puzzle 3 i fell down a pit fighting something and when i came back up the gates wont open to the next section, i reloaded a previous save and the gates wont open. Please help i want to Finnish it !
Was that the room with all the different creatures and cages where you need to re-walk your exact way in on your way out?
I would only use a savegame at puzzle start or the center of the room to make sure you don't misstep anywhere.
Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:02 pm
by carboni123
Dr.Disaster wrote:carboni123 wrote:Im on level 5 doing the task for that Druid Guy but on puzzle 3 i fell down a pit fighting something and when i came back up the gates wont open to the next section, i reloaded a previous save and the gates wont open. Please help i want to Finnish it !
Was that the room with all the different creatures and cages where you need to re-walk your exact way in on your way out?
I would only use a savegame at puzzle start or the center of the room to make sure you don't misstep anywhere.
thanks i will try, sounds very hard thou