[WIP] Mine Tileset

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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by Ixnatifual »

This is indeed shaping up very nicely. That pit area chasm area looks very exploration worthy. Kind of gives me an Ultima Underworld vibe in the good way.
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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by Phitt »

LordYig wrote: I'd like to hear how did you manage to make the pits ?
Did you build every combination of wall numbers for the pits ? a single wall, dual, three, etc... ?
Did you build the same for the ceilling pits so the lower level looks exactly the same has the upper one ?
Or am I wrong ?

More generally speaking, I would love to read advises from you about constructing a basic tileset...
I mean basic advise, errors to avoid and the like...
The pits consist of 5 basic tiles only - corner, side, outer corner, endcap and empty tile. Since the floor doesn't tile in all directions I needed 4 of each to make sure there are no texture seams. Except for the empty tile of course. You can place several of these on a single square if needed to build any pit you want. I didn't make the lower part yet, only tested that it works. And yes, it will basically be the same.

Most things are pretty obvious when you look at the original tilesets. Make sure the floor isn't too high so items put on it don't clip (there is a bit of tolerance though, items are placed at ~ 0.03 - 0.04 height in game and not directly at 0 units). Ceilings get rotated automatically and there is nothing you can do about that. Secret walls need to open without clipping too much with the pillar or ceiling, plus they need to be double-sided, so try not to go too far in the negative y axis direction with regular walls. Altars have a hardcoded anchor position, so you have to make sure anything you want as an altar has the correct height (even if it looks a bit odd...hrmph). There is more I guess, but it's not that hard to make a tileset with the square tile layout of Grimrock.

Played around with particles a bit and made a small 'volcano'. Looks better in motion of course, like any particle effect. I plan to make a 'hot' level for my dungeon, but I don't want to spoil too much.
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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by LordYig »

Phitt wrote:The pits consist of 5 basic tiles only - (...)
Thanks for the explanation Phitt.

The volcano definitely looks good !
I can't wait to see this tileset completed.
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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by Ciccipicci »

It grows up better and better!
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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by Aeon »

Volcanoes... :shock: Just awesome, nothing more to say!
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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by cougardod »

Just beginning to mod, but this is exactly what I have been looking for. Can't wait to see the finalized project.
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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by Szragodesca »

Neikun wrote:
Deadlylama wrote:
Neikun wrote:Once we get cracking on animations, I'd like to see a floor_pit who's trap door opens like falling debris. :3
nice idea, but how would it then close again?
Komag wrote:I assume it wouldn't, it would just have to be a "once" thing
Yes. lol
He does, however make a valid point, as I'm sure without a file for close animation, it'll crash the editor.
The close animation can be an animation where nothing happens, I think :o
Could you do what you guys do to make shopkeepers and racing snails and such? Add a "false" to the onClose line to prevent it from happening? :?:
I'm sure you could test that with any current pit, right?
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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by podbelski »

just passing by
man, your mine tiles are outstanding!
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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by theruler »

podbelski wrote:just passing by
man, your mine tiles are outstanding!
I could only quote.

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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset

Post by loki5005 »

I can't wait to see what comes of this tile set! Just fantastic work. Any idea when we can see/mod with it?
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