Post your mods

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Re: Post your mods

Post by Komag »

played The Reeking Depths v1.6, some feedback:
- nice fun dungeon, a few clever and fun puzzles, enjoyed it
- good size, not overbearing, nice length
- nice use of stairs
- some stair placement issues:
exit area - stairs are too close, there is bad z-fighting flickering on the corners, need at least one more square for room
the stairs near the spider eggs (east and west stairs) - one of them (west?) you can see part of another stairs as you walk into them, needs further apart placement
- overall not enough XP available to level up enough to skill up enough to use all the sweet loot!
I barely could wear the armor and I couldn't use a certain axe or bow (could use a few more bolts just in case), stuff like that. Either toned down loot near end or add a few more sections with fights to supply another level or two
- a few minor nit-picks:
if he raised the villagers as skeleton warriors, why did we see all the skeleton remains in that room?
- the text is too wide on the screen near the end (one of the texts near a stairs, IIRC)
- the text is too much on the screen near the end (can't remember exactly where), I couldn't read it all fast enough!
it might work better to have a timer slowly trigger additional lines of text (after the first step onto invisible plate) instead of further stepping, because if I step three times fast, then I have to quickly read all three lines before they fade
- holy crap I hated that
slime room
. been there done that, pain the butt. But maybe that's just me, and others will have fun with that part
- loved the secrets, well done on those
- again, some good puzzles that worked well

overall, I really enjoyed it, and I applaud your efforts. it's a nice, rounded, somewhat complete dungeon experience, beginning to end, with some bits of story that I like.
(never understood what those three buttons did at the end of a hall)
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Re: Post your mods

Post by SpacialKatana »

Edit : Removed by poster
Last edited by SpacialKatana on Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Post your mods

Post by Komag »

Okay, I tried Sever the Wicked. You may not like what I have to say though:

Sever the Wicked
- nice intro pic/story
- (thanks for getting rid of "first time playing Grimrock?", but the "Welcome to this map, made by me" message kinda took me out of the game for a moment. The "first we need to escape the cell" is good, should just start with that I think)
- okay, now I'm feeling frustrated, cannot escape cell, already looked everywhere 3 times, not very fun, too dark
- what? throwing the rock at every gate and one specific gate makes it open? yes I see a receptor on the wall over there, but you can't usually throw rocks on the other side of gates, so it seems inconsistent to me. later, throwing the rock directly into the receptor does nothing. going back and throwing it inside the cell at that gate just teleports it over to the receptor again, probably better for the rock to disappear after initial use
- love the green particle lights (but there should not be any grates nearby without them)
- stuck again, can't find anything to do, frustrated again. I don't seem to be finding the way to go or the right thing to do, so it's not fun for me at this point
- found a secret button, opened an empty room with nothing in it, but strangely gave me XP for a level up, very weird
- wandering around this little circle area for another five minutes, nothing is happening, can't find anything, can't see anything, time to quit this dungeon for now, maybe try again later
Last edited by Komag on Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: clarified and edited wording to be more fair about things
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Re: Post your mods

Post by SpacialKatana »

Sorry you felt a bit lost...the rock through the grate I thought was "original" and imaginative to escape...I'll delete the tele once you've done it.

My mistake about the level up room...was for testing and should've been removed(will do it now)

As for the rest, theres a door with a pullchain....a matter of taste I suppose...

Cheers anyway.

Edit : Rock at start now opens all grates of the cell and deactivates the teleport.
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Re: Post your mods

Post by Komag »

ah, I never saw that pullchain because it's stuck partly within the stonework, and the doors open up showing against the walls. you just need to turn that door around the other way because it's a bit offset, that way the pullchain will be more visible and the doors won't show after opening.
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Re: Post your mods

Post by SpacialKatana »

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Re: Post your mods

Post by Komag »

After a little more game-play in Sever...

- nice loot drops from enemies
- xp for finding secrets is very cool
- interesting and cool new custom items (same models, but new names and properties, nice)
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Re: Post your mods

Post by aaneton »

My mod: The Onkalo Project is now completed.

I've probably spent +40h on it.
Now I would appriciate if you could test it. A playthrough should take about maybe 1h (?, I really have no idea maybe I'm optimistic) .
A complete dungeon with:
- story,
- akward text-to-speech and voice acting,
- some new items, textures, sounds
- monster / item tweaks
- puzzles
- 8 different endings.

It starts slow, but trust me it gets hectic in the end.

So here it is. Go grab it: ... =100206455


Oh, and if you get stuck, find any bugs etc let me know :) The puzzles are easy and secrets should be pretty easy to find too.

Last edited by aaneton on Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
My Grimrock mod (LoG1): The Onkalo Project
My Android (and windows desktop) game: Balloon Gentleman
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Re: Post your mods

Post by Komag »

eight endings? I probably won't play this eight times, but I'd be curious to see/read all the different endings - maybe you could link to a spoilers so after I finish one time I can see the others?
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Re: Post your mods

Post by aaneton »

Komag wrote:eight endings? I probably won't play this eight times, but I'd be curious to see/read all the different endings - maybe you could link to a spoilers so after I finish one time I can see the others?
well I got carried away, it's basically depending on who gets out of dungeon alive and have you done certain things or not. Basically there are two different ending graphics (with different text variations).

Endings are:
When leaving dungeon.
champ 1 alive, champ 2 not found, onkalo buried
champ 1 alive, champ 2 not found, onkalo not buried
champ 1 alive, champ 2 alive, onkalo buried
champ 1 alive, champ 2 alive, onkalo not buried
champ 1 alive, champ 2 dead (but found), onkalo buried
champ 1 alive, champ 2 dead (but found), onkalo not buried
champ 2 alive, champ 1 dead, onkalo buried
champ 2 alive, champ 1 dead, onkalo not buried
Oh and please let me know if ending is to easy or hard, balancing the game is the hardest thing.
Last edited by aaneton on Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My Grimrock mod (LoG1): The Onkalo Project
My Android (and windows desktop) game: Balloon Gentleman
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