Oh boy,
Where to begin...
I downloaded v1.3. Never played Eternal Recurrence before.
I started a new party on Hard.
Level 1 started me in a town, one of the quests was saving a guy on level 2.
Go rescue the guy, and finish the quest. I'm now sitting at roughly 300 Gold only 30 minutes in having only played 1 level.
2 Hours in and 600+ gold.
Now considering that you can buy all these alchemy ingredients for dirt cheap at shops, am I to assume that I can craft a bunch of Skill point potions like in Magic of Grimrock?
Then I figured out, you can just recruit all the others, strip them off their gear and coins and then drop them back off at the inn.
I stopped playing after level 4
It's a great system, but imbalanced and way too easy to abuse.
The current town is just a place to build a Godlike party with 200 + strength bear forms, no cooldown attacks and 1000+ hp/energy if you know what you're doing.