[MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by eLPuSHeR »

I have just finished this WONDERFUL mod. I want to express my most sincere thanks to its author (Ryeath_Greystalk). I really like the approach used and the story is twisted and nice.

Great work. Keep it up. Thanks also go to Almost Human for making such a gem, the modding community, the people in this forum, etc...

I really enjoyed it. Honest. 8-)
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

Thanks for the positive review eLPuSHeR.

I'm glad you enjoyed your stay in Steeprock and hopefully you were able to avoid the couple bugs found since release.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:I've decided it's time to put this out there, for better or worse.
Definatly for the better, that's some real fine work you did there! Both story and dungeon start slow but notch it up pretty quick. It may start like a run-of-the-mill rescue mission but as soon as the party makes it to level 2 even a slow-minded minotaur gets that there is something fishy going on :twisted:

This mod is really really good. I went with the LoG default party on hard and after being entangled by both story and gameplay i simply could not stop so i finished this module in one (1!) session lasting 10:40 and i came up with 25/26 secrets, 4/4 treasures, 4 skulls and 35 notes (Sancsaron can't let go on written paper :D). Too bad i missed one secret but by looking at all the gear i found (and was forced to leave behind due to being massivly overloaded) it had to be a pretty early or insignificent one.

Edit: found the last missing secret in the crowern hatchery; that's quite early but not really insignificent.

The can-not-die gameplay used in this mod is really interesting and IMO the most outstanding feature of this mod! No need to keep an eye out for a healing crystal does prevent demotivation, even with battles that would be very tough if not undoable with regular LoG. Here they present a good entertaining challenge i.e. the spider-ambush in one of the altar rooms where over time all of my characters went at least once unconscious.

The amount of food is fine. Even Brace of Fortitude hunger-increased Contar plus Mork could not eat up all i gathered during my extended sightseeings and left me with half a box of food after the boss fight.

The story-telling was nice, yet it sometimes got in the way or even passed me by due to being occupied with other things. Now after playing Xanathar's Sunset Gate i think such large stories would better be told with the NPC/chat interface used there or at least recorded inside the journal. Also I found myself almost making no use of the journal because i simply forget about it being there. Here adding an on-screen icon for the journal like in the Sunset Gate could be an improvement.

The puzzle difficulty was good with some of them being pretty cool i.e. the dragon puzzle. After reading thru this thread it seems i was extremly lucky with that follow-the-path puzzle 2UL.D.2R.D.2LU.LD.2RU.RD.2LD.RURD. What i did was i read the note, gave it to Contar for he being the leader, then i went to explore and clear the entire area behind that door while not pushing any buttons. After i had the complete layout i approached the button beside the gate, pushed it and got access granted! In other words: i missed that puzzle completely :D and thus i later on wondered where or what that note may lead to :lol:

The multi-stage boss fight is great, really fun! Everytime i thought "now i get you" that sucker got away again! The only grain of salt i encountered here is that Yennica ran out on all of her five (5!) throwing weapon stacks due to them all being stuck inside the boss what made her useless in the final battle arena. Solutions to this could be that throwing/missile weapons either don't stick to the boss (similar to the cube) or at least the advanced throwing weapons are coded in such a way that they don't get stuck (like rocks).

There is only one thing i could not figure out:
how did i manage it to get onto the credits list? :shock:
Not that i'm pleasantly surprised, but i got no clue.
Last edited by Dr.Disaster on Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Komag »

I had to code a slightly complex system for the snail king projectiles so you would get only the right amount back (mouse tossed arrows don't stick while attack fired ones do, which made it tricky to count right, IIRC) Also the statue of the elements had to deal with this sort of thing in a slightly different way.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

Dr. Disaster,

Glad you enjoyed the mod.

I knew the amount of text in the mod using only hudPrints was not the best options but was all my limited coding skills would allow. I looked into using the conversation tool that mahric used in "The Awakening of Taarnab" mod, but it was beyond my comprehension.

As for the walk-about puzzle there is more than one way to complete it, the note is just a guaranteed way if you follow it. Any other solutions are just luck since there is no visual clues to the path.

As for the missle / thrown weapons on the boss fight, I realized there was an issue with running out and went through and added a bunch more to the mod. Probably still not enough unless you know what is coming up.

and as to your question
To develop my credits list I went through all my posts and listed everyone that helped me at some point, so somewhere in there you gave me some help and I thank you for that.
Thanks for taking the time to play my mod.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Jaberwoke »

What a great mod.
Made it quite a way through now but stuck.
I've just collected all of the discipline stones and can't work out the order to place them. I've tried Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul order and I've tried alphabetical order ie. Agility, Balance etc. Can anyone give me a clue please?
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Jaberwoke wrote:What a great mod.
Made it quite a way through now but stuck.
I've just collected all of the discipline stones and can't work out the order to place them. I've tried Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul order and I've tried alphabetical order ie. Agility, Balance etc. Can anyone give me a clue please?
The walltexts beside the alcove .. take them literaly from left to right.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

Hi Jaberwocke.
Place the stone in the alcoves, from left to right as you look at them, as they are listed on the wall text.
example: the body discipline (IIRC) consists of Strength, Endurance and Agillity. Find the wall text that says that, then as you look into the space with the three alcoves to the right of the wall text place the Strength in the left alcove, endurance in the middle and agillity in the right. Repeat the process for the other three disciplines.
Hope this helps.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Jaberwoke »

Dr.Disaster wrote:
Jaberwoke wrote:What a great mod.
Made it quite a way through now but stuck.
I've just collected all of the discipline stones and can't work out the order to place them. I've tried Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul order and I've tried alphabetical order ie. Agility, Balance etc. Can anyone give me a clue please?
The walltexts beside the alcove .. take them literaly from left to right.
Thanks for the reply. Do you mean just to go round each group in any order and fill the alcoves left to right? Because I did that and nothing happens. Or am I looking at an alphabetical order somehow.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Jaberwoke »

Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:Hi Jaberwocke.
Place the stone in the alcoves, from left to right as you look at them, as they are listed on the wall text.
example: the body discipline (IIRC) consists of Strength, Endurance and Agillity. Find the wall text that says that, then as you look into the space with the three alcoves to the right of the wall text place the Strength in the left alcove, endurance in the middle and agillity in the right. Repeat the process for the other three disciplines.
Hope this helps.
Do you know what?...
I've been playing this mod for 4 hours straight and...
I've only just noticed that the stones are all named. Doh! Time for a break I think.
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