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Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:47 pm
by Loktofeit
metalcoholic wrote:
SockDog wrote:Steam is always like this, I've learnt to take pre-release times with a pinch of salt it makes life that little less stressful. :)

To the guy wanting a refund, come on, you're talking minutes here, you can play the game from the direct download if it's that important. Nobody does this stuff to purposely annoy their customers and I have to question how much you want the game if a tiny delay that has a work around is enough to turn you off. Chill dude, we'll get to play soon enough.

Its very simple. when i pay for something and i don't get it, i will ask for a refund.... and its not minutes its an hour and half now.

like i said before i realize there is a standalone version. HOWEVER i purchased this game BECAUSE i could play it on steam. I purchased it here to support the devs and because i was told i could play it on steam. but as of now i cant.

maybe that is ok for you. but that is unacceptable to me. when i sell something i am expected to deliver. i expect the same thing from companies.

So you people go ahead and pay for something you didn't get. however for myself, if i am promised something and don't get it after i pay for it. i wont happy about it.
I have every right to ask for a refund of a product that WAS NOT delivered as promised.

I am not saying it is the dev's fault but it CERTAINLY ISN'T MY FAULT, and i definitely have the right to ask for my money back when i get shafted.
If we were talking about serving dinner at a restaurant, I'd agree an hour is a long time to wait, but we're talking about a game hitting the shelves here. I'd also agree if we were talking about some over-the-top premium price item like the SWTOR Collectors Edition ($150) but it's 15 dollars, if that much. Wait... are you the guy that sat next to Louis CK?

Relax, man. It's a game. It's available now. You're all set. :)

Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:49 pm
by t3mp
Problem solved.
Restart steam.
Close this thread :!:

Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:52 pm
by snow
Good job getting this fixed quickly! Thumbs up for Almost Human, down for Steam.

Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:20 pm
by Boeboe
metalcoholic wrote:saurazgul say whatever you want. what i given is not what i bought. period. as a consumer i am within my rights to ask for a refund. which i have from steam and the Dev's. i will not pay for a product if it cannot be delivered in a professional matter on the PLATFORMS PROMISED. period.

Yes i know its on steam finally. late and after the fact. i want my money back. ... ofGrimrock

Guess he won't be taking his money back after all. Heh.

Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:58 pm
by atamanashi
Ya I have the same problem, I ended up downloading the direct download for it and am playing it now, but I still want to get my steam version to work :(

Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:18 pm
by LivingLegend
Yeah! Steam does not work (cant download). ALso the high fps (heat) Problem. (Solution: Vert sync) Nice game anyway.

Now RANDOM Dungeon + HardcoreMode (Death MEANS DEATH) = PerfectGame ;)

EDIT: OK Steam does work. Stopped Steam, restarted it after 5 min. Same problem->kKey again, it said: key already in use, but it started to download the game so: works!

Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:22 pm
by deirae
Just finished my download through Steam.

Thanks for a quick solution to this one! :)

Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:58 pm
by Subject153
Great thanks for this can not wait to play it on steam with some epic adventuring music going in the steam browser.

Re: steam pre order problems

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:28 am
by London Pride
Boeboe wrote: ... ofGrimrock

Guess he won't be taking his money back after all. Heh.
Oh wow - I missed this thread and it has to be said that the nerd rage of waiting a extra hour or so to start playing a £7.50 game is pure comedy gold :P

The internet never fails to entertain or surprise.

Out of interest does anyone know what actually went wrong with the game going live from pre-order? I have never waited in anticipation for a "steam" game before so new territory for me with how the releases work, has it ever happened to other games on steam before?

Either way im finding the game has certainly been worth the wait, even if it was a hour or so late out on one of the delivery platforms ;)