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Re: Post your mods

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:26 am
by Komag
That looks great so far, keep up the work and in a few weeks we'll be playing a very impressive dungeon!

Re: Post your mods

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:56 am
by Lmaoboat
I might was well post a screen of mine with a cool lighting effect too:

Re: Post your mods

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:45 am
by lowzei
I've been told more than once that people got stuck by the initial puzzle "Honouring the Warriors" in mafl, so i just wanted to give the solution in case someone got stuck here as well and offering the maps of the in v0.93 currently accessible dungeon.
Honouring the Warriors

You first need to find the buttons for opening the doors to the two hidden altar rooms in the collecting weapons area in the north-east, there also is a hidden room which contains a little help in a note. Once you found and pressed those buttons, you return to the starting area. Now you need to place the appropriate weapon on each altar.

There are two warrior statues in the area before the altar rooms, each one is facing at one altar, so you need to put a sword onto the altar the statue with the sword is facing to and a flail on the altar the flail statue is facing to. As you need to honour those two warriors specifically it also is important to only put the right weapons (only one by each altar) down.

As long as the right weapons are lying on the altars, the before locked crate in the north west corridor will stay open. So you can't take the sword and flail with you, at least not at this point.
And here are the maps.

Re: Post your mods

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:07 am
by Darklord
Oooh all these lighting effects are well funky! :D


Re: Post your mods

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:28 am
by Leki

Steam: ... earchtext=
GrimrockNexus: coming soon
Topic: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3256

Module description:
Mod is result of editor functionality betatest. Pease report bugs, like it and comment.
Basic (script based) customisation: sounds, weapons and monsters.
Test of architecture and asset combinations (temple + dungeon in one level, spawning wals with colission etc).
Some experiments with basic lighting.

Re: Post your mods

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:08 pm
by Imaddo
Hi guys,
I just completed my first mod, Stronghold of Ironstone. It's quite simple, but I really hope you like it. :)
Topic link: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3267

Re: Post your mods

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:56 pm
by Xzalander
I've finally gotten around to publishing v0.2 of Horror of Wybluff

Steam Workshop link is : ... d=95952568

Sorry but no Nexus link until I've finished. Or at least not until half the Crawl is done.



Now includes Floor 2 which includes:

-----Floor 2 Ending
-- Two large puzzles
-- Some backstory
-- More monsters!
-- Optimisation of code and other trinkets.

Please leave a comment with issues if you get stuck (riddle, mechanical or bug) or if theres glaring problems. I Appreciate all feedback.


Re: Post your mods

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:49 am
by zapibranigan
Black Crypt 2012

Features the first 2 levels, with almost exact configuration and elements (glyphs, oneway walls, spinners) with secrets added :)


You'll find it here : ... earchtext=

Re: Post your mods

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:50 pm
by Neikun
I didn't want to post this here before I was almost done, but I'd like some feedback, as well as some extra eyes when looking for bugs. I wouldn't mind collaborating on this project, either.

This is my custom dungeon, Trials of Turnulsk.
I'll post the workshop page and you can read the description there. ... d=96554038

Re: Post your mods

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:56 am
by Billick
I've posted the first four levels of my dungeon, the Halls of Barrian: ... d=99053719
Each level has its own theme, finishing with a scripted boss fight. My dungeon differs from the original game, in that you start on the lowest level (or is it?!), and work your way up to the top. I'm planning on having 8 levels in the final version, plus a special bonus level. Let me know if you run into any issues, or have any other feedback.