For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by Thels »

Zaruthustran wrote:The delay (perhaps it's only on my PC) between hitting a movement key and having that input affect the game meant that I had to essentially queue up moves.
Even on high end PCs you need to queue up moves to solve some of the timed puzzles.
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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by Doom972 »

1)Official game time: 14:23, Steam time 22 hours.
2)Used Youtube puzzle solutions about four times.
3)Found 43 secrets, 3 treasures, 12 Toorum's notes, and opened 7 iron doors.
4)All of them were 13.
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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by Lmiara »

1)How long did it take you to beat the game? Official game time and approximate real time? If you played a difficulty other then normal please state it. If you went old school without automap state it.
It tooks me a while to beat the game.
8h15min in game time, 40h in real time. Why ? Because I drew my own maps on excell and took a long time to check each piece of wall.

Difficultie : Hard / Old School

2)Did you need help? (A walkthrough, this forum, etc.) If so how many times?
I use the forum only once for help, but I don't remember when.
I used the Psy post only to check if I missed something (number of secret you should have after leaving this level) but other than that I beat the game alone fair and square.

3)How complete was your win? How many secrets did you find?
All secret and all treasures.

4)What level were your characters?
3 of them are level 13, 1 is level 14.
All human, 4 rogues.
All are evasive / agility for flavor.
2 unarmed 50 in front, one master thrower and one assassination / dagger in the back.

5)What do you rate the game out of 10?
7 / 10

First of all : thank's again Almost Human, I love your game.
But, wait, what, there is a but ? ah yes, sorry.

I feel the game is lacking some stuff :
• Monsters :
- to few different monster. Ok the animation are great, I love the spiders, but where are the other one ?
- A.I. : the monster A.I. is a bit dumb

• Water and Food : ok my heroes are hungry but never thisty :'(

• Belt pouch : in dungeon master u could store stuff in your belt pouch to be used as soon as your hand is empty. This was convenient for arrow, thowing weapons or potions.

• Magic : the magic interface is ok, but not really magician friendly in fight, maybe if we can save a spell to use it faster in the heat of battle ?

other than that, thank's again !

If people wants to use my map, u can download it here.

On this map u'll find a lot of stuff, like fake wall, where teleporter get u, item u can loot and where, etc.

U'll need the visitor font too :

have fun !
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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by andyroosta »

Completed game in 25 hours or so

No help, tips or otherwise. That would have spoiled the game!

All but 3 secrets on first run

Old school mode, no map on hard

Rating 10/10

Best game I have played for years and years. In my top 10 games of all time and I have been playing games since 1979!
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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by CT007 »

1. 29:41, 5-7 days, easy mode
2. Had to use a walkthrough once, when I was stuck on level 9, not knowing what I missed
3. About 60/71 secrets on my own
4. Level 14 for my human & Minotaur fighters, level 13 for my insectoid rogue & human mage
5. For a standard rating, 5/10. For an indie rating, 8/10.
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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by Friendlyhobo »

This is a 2nd play through, cannot get stats from 1st run as all saves are deleted for this run

1)How long did it take you to beat the game? Official game time and approximate real time? If you played a difficulty other then normal please state it. If you went old school without automap state it.
Time in IMG at the bottom of this post,
Played on Normal with a party of 3
Played with map ON

2)Did you need help? (A walkthrough, this forum, etc.) If so how many times?
Yes, consulted the walkthrough looking for that damned 1 secret I missed (Note: 2nd play through)

3)How complete was your win? How many secrets did you find?
See bottom of this post

4)What level were your characters?
Party of 3 all were level 13 on end-game (Knight, Monk, Fire-Mage 35p Fire / 10p SC / 22 Ice), Character 4 I killed on 1st snail and never touched a blue gem

5)What do you rate the game out of 10?
1st of all, I loved this game, it brought back so many fond and not so fond memories of my DM / EoB days, lets not forget some of the other classics like Lands of Lore, Captive and Dungeon Hack to name just a couple.
Considering I'm on my 3rd play through (It's Toorum time), I'd say my money was well spent indeed.

My Rating's -
Story - 9 / 10 -1 only because I really wanted more closure on Toorum other than a sigh when I released him, I know this was just to let he player know they unlocked his mode but, story-wise did we release him spirit from something.. if so, what?.. or did we resurrect him, if so, where is he and after what you did for him why wasn't he allowed to join the party for the final fight as a cameo 5th party member

Graphics - 10 / 10 As you can see, no complaint's at all here, I really liked the tile-sets used and how they really fit the story in the deeper levels, not to mention monster skins looked fantastic

Gameplay - 10 / 10 Top marks boys, for this style of game you've done extremely well, everything from the item's found on the ground / rewarded to the monster's health / damage / EXP and their abilities were all balanced perfectly.
Although 2x2 strafe killing makes these games quite easy if you can use it, I will not subtract points for this as it is unavoidable in this style of game
Having only 2 combat spell's also pained me somewhat again it dose not subtract from the points as it didn't subtract from my enjoyment
(just left me wanting more.. /poke modding community)

Overall - 9.5 / 10 All in all, great bloody game guys, keep up the great work and I hope your sales go through the roof.

Screenshot taken with 2 hits remaining on the Cube
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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by LiamKerrington »


I play tLoG with a stand alone client. And this is the result of my first play-through.
I needed advice from this forum and YouTube in four cases "only" (still too much; and yes, I still missed some smaller things ...)




I rate the game a solid 8.5 of 10, edit: if not (slightly more); at the moment I play it the second time, in easy mode with Toorum, and yet the game does not fail me, it is still as exciting and thrilling and amazing; so I would like to change it to 9.1 of 10. /edit
At the end of my first time with "the Legend of Grimrock" - played on default-party, hard, old-school mode:

My first time
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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by Dominance »

1)How long did it take you to beat the game? Official game time and approximate real time? If you played a difficulty other then normal please state it. If you went old school without automap state it.

I played it on Hard with oldschool settings (without map)
it took me 16 hours and 55 mintues to beat it.

2)Did you need help? (A walkthrough, this forum, etc.) If so how many times?

Yes, for the pillared hallway and for the right items to re-activate the final boss.

3)How complete was your win? How many secrets did you find?

My statistics are ( for the last savefile right before facing the final boss with the "item" )

Playtime : 16:51:35
Monsters Killed : 398
items found : 590
secrets found : 35/71
Treasures found : 3/7
Toorum's notes found : 12/16
Skulls found : 3
Iron doors opened : 6/10
Tiles moved : 30368
Times fallen into pit : 60
Melee attacks preformed : 2356
Ranged attacks preformed: 809
Unarmed attacks preformed : 14
spells cast: 760
potions mixed : 59

4)What level were your characters?

Level 12 fighter "tank" with :
12 athletics
28 armors
13 swords


13 fighter "damage dealer" with :

8 athletics
1 axes
1 maces
50 swords

level 12 mage with :
1 air magic
25 fire magic
3 ice magic
22 spellcraft

Level 12 archer with :

8 dodge
40 missile weapons

5)What do you rate the game out of 10?

i would rate this game a 9 out of 10.
it surely makes justice to the oldschool dungeoncrawlers and i had a blast playing it !
can't wait for grimrock 2 :D
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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Post by vegetaman »

1) 11 hours (however, I would often solve puzzles then go back and beat them quickly to keep my hunger level low, so it most definitely would have been several more hours on top of this... and I do mean several, especially with secret hunting... maybe 18 to 22?)
2) I think there were 2 puzzles that stumped me (teleporter related) that I went searching for a solution to
3) 71/71, 7/7, 16/16, 5/5, 10/10, 17000 tiles moved
4) all 4 were level 14
5) 9/10 (really, I was a big Eye of the Beholder fan on SNES and it took me years to figure out how to beat that game; Grimrock is the ultimate successor to that lineage of that style of game and I want more -- also the custom dungeon system is amazing)
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