[MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

TRANG wrote:I need help on level 4.
I have the note addresses off 2dlu .... but that exact point begins the road map, took 5 days stuck with this puzzle.
Hello Trang.

Thanks for playing and I hope you have been enjoying it so far. This should help you get through that room and back on your way.
To solve this puzzle all you have to do is walk through the room in a particular path. I'm sure you have figured that out part out already though. The note tells what path to walk written in a code.

First to explain the code.
The letters off the code refer to directions on the map page. So 'U' = up on the map. 'D' = down on the map, 'R' = right and 'L' = left. The numbers indicate to repeat the directions up to the decimal point, or period. I'm at work and don't have the code in front of me but I believe it starts out 2UL.DL etc. etc. which would mean (looking at the map) go Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left etc. etc.

If you walk the path in the correct order you should be at the wall button and pressing it should give you access to the key. If not then a portal will send you back to start over.

If you have walked through the path and did not succeed make sure to press the wall button near the start
or you will fail every time. The puzzle must be reset each time you try it. Also the directions start from the outer hallway facing the door.

The clues from the poem:
Beyond this door a test awaits -- means the test is on the other side of the door
So face the door and test the Fates -- a hint to start the path while facing the door
May the Gods bestow you grace -- no meaning
A buttons press your steps erase -- Push the button to reset the puzzle

About the puzzle itself. There are a few hidden pressure plate in various places throughout the halls. Each time the player steps on one it increments a counter. When you press the button at the end it checks the counter value and if it matches a preset number you succeed. That is why you must reset the puzzle if you fail or the counter will just keep going up and never be at the right number. It has been reported that other paths also work but you just have to get lucky since the plates are not visible. The path on the note will work every time if the puzzle is reset and the path followed exactly.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by TRANG »

But it is imposible.
I put outer hallway facing the door.
note: 2UL.D.2R.D.2LU.LD.2RU.RD.2LD.RURD
I cant walk because walls dont let me.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Isaac »

TRANG wrote:But it is imposible.
I put outer hallway facing the door.
note: 2UL.D.2R.D.2LU.LD.2RU.RD.2LD.RURD
I cant walk because walls dont let me.
It's tricky, as I would expect that most people will use the directions in First Person ~expecting to turn right & left relative [regardless] to whatever their cardinal direction currently is; but the way to look at it is to look [down] at the map and use the directions given to decide the choice of path at every intersection on it.

Further hints:
"2UL.D.2R" [looking at the map] means, "Up-Left-Up-Left-Down-Right-Right"
L/R equate to East & West
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

TRANG wrote:But it is imposible.
I put outer hallway facing the door.
note: 2UL.D.2R.D.2LU.LD.2RU.RD.2LD.RURD
I cant walk because walls dont let me.

As Isaac explained Up, Down, Left, Right are defined as looking at the map, not in first person view. Up will be the same as North, Down the same as South, Right will be East and Left is West, just like looking at a map. Anytime you have to turn (i.e. a corner), or anywhere you can make a choice is reflected in the code. So the first few steps to get you started 2UL.D.2R.D would be

from the door go Up(north), at the corner go left (no choice here), at the tee you would go Up and the at the corner go Left. That completes the first repeated section (2UL.)
next go Down (South, again no choice here) to the first place where you can make a choice (4 squares down you can choose right or continue straight). This completes the D. section
next is 2R. (Right, Right) Here is where things get confusing. In game you will be facing south (Down) but to go Right as the code says you will actually have to turn left, but will be going right on the map. This is the first Right, at the cross keep going straight (this is the second Right) until you get to the corner to complete the 2R. portion. Then go Down past the xit grate to the next corner and continue on just following the code and looking at the map frequently.

If you keep having problems I will post the solution tomorrow.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

On another note on player over on the steam forums found a bug.

At the place on level three where you have to cross the two pits near the bomb alcoves if a player drops in the first pit they will not be able to get back to continue and will need to revert to a save game.
While fixing the bomb exploit Isaac pointed out I forgot to relocate a portal exit to account for the bomb exploit repair.

The fix is simple enough. Not sure about how to update the files and if it will effect peoples saved games, So for now I'm just going to post a note on Steam and Nexxus, (and here).

My apologies.
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by TRANG »

Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:
TRANG wrote:But it is imposible.
I put outer hallway facing the door.
note: 2UL.D.2R.D.2LU.LD.2RU.RD.2LD.RURD
I cant walk because walls dont let me.

As Isaac explained Up, Down, Left, Right are defined as looking at the map, not in first person view. Up will be the same as North, Down the same as South, Right will be East and Left is West, just like looking at a map. Anytime you have to turn (i.e. a corner), or anywhere you can make a choice is reflected in the code. So the first few steps to get you started 2UL.D.2R.D would be

from the door go Up(north), at the corner go left (no choice here), at the tee you would go Up and the at the corner go Left. That completes the first repeated section (2UL.)
next go Down (South, again no choice here) to the first place where you can make a choice (4 squares down you can choose right or continue straight). This completes the D. section
next is 2R. (Right, Right) Here is where things get confusing. In game you will be facing south (Down) but to go Right as the code says you will actually have to turn left, but will be going right on the map. This is the first Right, at the cross keep going straight (this is the second Right) until you get to the corner to complete the 2R. portion. Then go Down past the xit grate to the next corner and continue on just following the code and looking at the map frequently.

If you keep having problems I will post the solution tomorrow.
Please, the solution, this makes me cracy
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »


Sorry this has been so frustrating for you. Here is the soltion to get you back on your way.

(Remember to press the reset button before walking the path)

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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Komag »

I recommend posting the fix/update. People aren't forced to automatically update their files if they're busy playing it, and new people will get the fixed version, good for everyone :)
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by TRANG »

Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:Trang

Sorry this has been so frustrating for you. Here is the soltion to get you back on your way.

(Remember to press the reset button before walking the path)


Thanks for the solution.
Now I can continue to enjoy this magnificent mod.
No doubt this among my 10 favorites.

Surely getting stuck again later and I'll have to go back to ask for help.

Thanks again
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Re: [MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

Thanks for the compliments Trang.

Much of the credit goes to the fine people on the forums here, without whose help my mod would be a room with a snail in it.

If you have more questions just ask away. I will answer as quickly as I can.

I will try to get the new version up with the level 3/4 pit bug tomorrow. Unfortunately not enough time tonight.

edit: Wanted to add I'm currently splitting my limited play time between Komags Master Quest and Mahric's Awakening of Tarnaab mods, both excellent works so far.
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