I removed the asset...without modifying the script, done now.Zo Kath Ra wrote:Dig to crash...
--Infinite items in Edenia Woods:
all occurrences: some "disableSelf" connectors missed in floortriggers, fixed.
shouldn't it be called "Arcanum Key"? --- the note point out the Arcanum, and the first rooms constitute the hub (with the "four ways" of the riddle). Added: a signboard "CASTLEHILL" near the Arcanum.
it appears very close to the wall, so it's easy to miss --- if you have found before the scroll of the hermit and the three marks, you know what you are looking for and where it can be.
Under Edenia Woods
Walk south => you move through the wall --- fixed
I guess the gods only like fresh seafood? --- This god particularly... a ritual is a ritual, after all, and God's ways are inscrutable

Nuada sword:
Why doesn't it have a description?[/spoiler] -- added "An old sword, heavy but very effective"