FINISTERRAE version 2.3

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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Dig to crash...
I removed the asset...without modifying the script, done now.
--Infinite items in Edenia Woods:
all occurrences: some "disableSelf" connectors missed in floortriggers, fixed.

shouldn't it be called "Arcanum Key"? --- the note point out the Arcanum, and the first rooms constitute the hub (with the "four ways" of the riddle). Added: a signboard "CASTLEHILL" near the Arcanum.

it appears very close to the wall, so it's easy to miss --- if you have found before the scroll of the hermit and the three marks, you know what you are looking for and where it can be.

Under Edenia Woods
Walk south => you move through the wall --- fixed

I guess the gods only like fresh seafood? --- This god particularly... a ritual is a ritual, after all, and God's ways are inscrutable :)

Nuada sword:
Why doesn't it have a description?[/spoiler] -- added "An old sword, heavy but very effective"
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

About the Arcanum:
When you dig in Edenia Woods at 29/2 facing north, you find a skull, the Arcanum key, and a scroll.
The scroll says "Arcanum is sealed and a gold key is needed".
I know where to find the gold key, but you can enter the Arcanum without it.

Go to the Arcanum Hub and pull down the lever at 29/17
=> the wall at 25/25 opens, and you can enter the Arcanum.

You only need the gold key if you want access to the buddha statue that accepts the essence of balance.
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:About the Arcanum:
When you dig in Edenia Woods at 29/2 facing north, you find a skull, the Arcanum key, and a scroll.
The scroll says "Arcanum is sealed and a gold key is needed".
I know where to find the gold key, but you can enter the Arcanum without it.
True, but
what is the function of the Arcanum placed under the sign of Balance? The gold key allows you to put the essence of balance on the beacon, so you have made one step in the main story
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

They *never* drop any treasure.
IMHO it's frustrating when you find a chest, it turns out to be a mimic, and after you've killed it, there is no (material) reward.

Shopkeepers in FRQ:
When you walk past them, the dialog starts (annoying).
Can you make it so the dialog only starts when you face them?

Flame River Quarry: Graphical Glitches
x 31
y 30
facing 1
elevation 1
level 7
x 31
y 32
facing 1
elevation 0
level 7

Flame River Quarry
x 27
y 24
facing 1
elevation 0
level 7
When you're talking to the shopkeeper, clicking on a dialog choice also picks up one of the items lying in front of you.

Aerion: you can walk through the walls at
x 30
y 9
facing 2
elevaton 0
level 5
x 30
y 9
facing 2
elevaton 0
level 5
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Mimics:
They *never* drop any treasure.
IMHO it's frustrating when you find a chest, it turns out to be a mimic, and after you've killed it, there is no (material) reward.
script will be changed, I work on it.

Shopkeepers in FRQ:
When you walk past them, the dialog starts (annoying).
Can you make it so the dialog only starts when you face them?__ needs a hook on the party, but also it's voluntary, merchants call you as you are in front of them, and you are obliged to give a look: if you want to pass freely, passes away if you can.
In some cases the PNG can give you some information you haven't already got in the previous dialog.
The issue with the objects during the dialog with the merchant is annoying indeed but it's a difficult problem to solve, I have not seen answers on this forum which I can use.

Flame River Quarry: Graphical Glitches ---- fixed

Aerion: you can walk through the walls at ---- fixed

Merry Christmas!
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Merry Christmas!

I have a "little" request...
Can you make a video walkthrough of your mod and upload it to Youtube?
This would really help people who are testing it.

Alternatively, you could upload the source files.
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Merry Christmas!

I have a "little" request...
Can you make a video walkthrough of your mod and upload it to Youtube?
This would really help people who are testing it.

Alternatively, you could upload the source files.
I am working on a text walkthrough... video seems more complicated for me but perhaps... later.
Before uploading the sources files, I have to bulit the licences and credits list .
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

I've found a few problems in the Fir Bolg Mine:
x 6
y 18
facing 1
elevation 0
Put a power gem in the alcove twice => crash

The fire essence already exists in the FBM; it's on the buddha statue.
Shouldn't I have to create it from 4 power gems? (scroll found in Octaedron: "Fire Beacon is in Fir Bolg Mine")
Also, I can't take the fire essence. Don't I need it to remove the force field in the Aerion Temple?

There are two power gems that I can't take:
x 23
y 24
facing 0
elevation -5
x 12
y 23
facing 1
elevation 0

Pulling the lever to the right calls the elevator.
Pulling the lever to the left does nothing.
Wouldn't it make more sense if pulling the lever in any direction called the elevator?

I have found 3 mine keys in the FBM.
What do I need the 3rd mine key for?

If you have 100 fire resistance, you can fall into the lava and survive indefinitely.
But you can't get out, because there are no ladders.

You can walk through the wall at
x 28
y 30
facing 0
elevation -6
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:I've found a few problems in the Fir Bolg Mine:
Put a power gem in the alcove twice => crash --- fixed with one-shot condition
The fire essence already exists in the FBM; it's on the buddha statue.
Shouldn't I have to create it from 4 power gems? (scroll found in Octaedron: "Fire Beacon is in Fir Bolg Mine")
Also, I can't take the fire essence. Don't I need it to remove the force field in the Aerion Temple?

There are two power gems that I can't take.
All this is normal because:
You have to free "the little sister" and do what she says:
We are four
One fled away (NO cave)
Pick it up first
Then let me show
Two stay with our father (Centre Ouest and South East)
When they see me ,they will join me >> put a power gem in your hand, the other will join you
Together we shall awake our father >> when tou have the four gems in your inventory, go to take the essence. NB: you need to pick up the four gems in the mine
Elevator: why not? On the other hand, it's the initial position, and you have buttons to start the movement
Yes, you have one key more than necessary.

If you have 100 fire resistance, you can fall into the lava and survive indefinitely.
But you can't get out, because there are no ladders --- it's a shame!! Not dead after such a bath? :D I have to add damage...

You can walk through the wall ---- fixed
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

The power gem at:
x 23
y 24
facing 0
elevation -5

I can take it if I put one of the two power gems I collected earlier into a champion's hand.
But I can't take the gem at 23/24 with the mouse.
I have to walk into it => it falls to the ground and *then* I can pick it up with the mouse cursor.

The power gem at:
x 12
y 23
facing 1
elevation 0

I can't take it.
Not if I put the other 3 power gems into champions' hands, not if I bump into it.

Do you need a savegame?
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