[MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by Patryanreno »

Hello THOM, I am on Harsh mountain and can not get any further. I found a pedestal up a ladder, a switch that springs back. I have covered all the map except an area in the center. How do I progress?
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by Patryanreno »

Sorry THOM found the way in to the center but finding it impossible to kill the dragon!! Is there a strategy involved?
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by THOM »

I have no strategy designated. But others seem to have made it.

Kill the dragon is most important.

(The pedestal up the ladder is designed for a special round you could go through the game - but if you are already in the mountains it's too late for that.)
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by DonEmilio »

Hi, I have played a 26 hours gameplay of this GENIUS MOD (actually much more between restoring loaded games that forgot to save and replay levels and all that). I have killed the dragon and put the essence of water,fire and air on their pedestals. I don't know where to put the essence of earth, I can't find any other pedestal in any level. Regarding the proofs of the trial, I only got the one from the swamp (the one with the black writing). I give up, I've given this great mod more than 30 hours, but this is already too difficult, someone could tell me how to get the evidence for the trial and where to place the essence of earth I would appreciate it, thank you!
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by THOM »

Are you talking about the essence of earth or of air?

All the pedestals for the essences are placed in a level corresponding to the element.
So the essence of earth belongs to the swamp.

The essence of air
to the very last level.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by DonEmilio »

I imagined the earth essence (where it made the most sense), but I never found the pedestal in the swamp, I will look further. I did discover the water, fire and ice pedestals.

I only need the proof for the trial that supposedly is in PLUNDER VILLAGE. I got the one in the swamp and the one in the mine.

I suspect that the four altars of the laboratory it is necessary to put in each one a gem of the colors: blue, green, red and yellow placed in the cardinal points of a drawing that is seen in the same laboratory in a wall. I've tried with the elements and it doesn't work, I've tried with the herbs of those colors and neither, but something has to be done to unlock that translucent object :D
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by THOM »

About the four pedestals in the laboratory...
Yes there have to be placed four items on them and the drawing on the wall plays a role...
Have you noticed, what the drawing is about?
It is the four elements again. Is there something that represents them in a very obvious way?
It's the four elemental rune items.
About the trial in Plunder Village...
...go to the bar and investigate all its locations...
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by DonEmilio »

Hi THOM, thanks for replying!

I found the philosopher's stone in the laboratory with your clues, I suddenly understood that I had to cast the magics of each element on that face after reading your clues.

Regarding the tavern, I have spent HOURS (for different times) in the tavern, searching, especially because "The Third Eye" detects a secret button behind a wall. I have killed everyone in the tavern and investigated all the walls and there is really nothing I can think of to do. In PLUNDER VILLE I have found the treasure and freed the north and south zone. I'm not "annoyed" because I'm stuck, but I'm INTRIGGED :D I also found a bug that allows you to go through a wall next to the store, some other time I'll make a video showing you exactly where.
I love this mod, but completing it 100% is extremely hard work.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by DonEmilio »

Hello again!
I found the earthen pedestal (incredible that I had not seen it before, with all that had registered the swamp, and it was close to the carrier).

I discovered the clue to the tavern: move the third pole on the top floor 4 times (it was written on a note) and then the closed door opens. The problem is that I could have sworn that I had already clicked with the mouse on everything and the pole had not moved... Then I used the objects with the dead man (I had all of them).

Tomorrow I'll finish the game with the good ending :D

Thanks for your hints, THOM, for not telling me directly, it would have detracted from the feeling of "triumph".
For other days I leave to find all the remaining secrets.
Last edited by DonEmilio on Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by THOM »

You are very welcome! 8-)

If you need any further assistance please tell me.
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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