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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:33 am
by HeavyMetalMonk
Betaguy wrote:This happens to all gamers that are not use to playing these styles... even sickening sometimes as you describe....with time it will go away just do smaller sittings and with time you will be able to handle 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 hour sittings like a champ....just ween your way in.
There's no way you're not American with this kind of ignorance.


Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:42 am
by donut
Arctor wrote:If you haven't already, get an eye exam. It sounds like eye strain related to you constantly correcting focus. Headaches are very common symptom with this form of eye strain. I got the same symptom once, and it turned out Age had come for me... at last. Essentially, I needed "reading glasses" - and my headaches are now gone. It was a vast improvement for computer games, too.
it has nothing to do with the eyesight (well, for most of those suffering).

some people get motion sickness/headaches/dizziness/nausea/etc. from certain things in games (like, motion blur effect, head bobbing, certain FOVs, rapidly repeating flashes/lights, to name a few).

not all games do this, it IS the game. some more graphic options (to disable the above effects) would fix it.

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:23 am
by oOldXman
HeavyMetalMonk wrote:There's no way you're not American with this kind of ignorance.

Hey, hey no need to be super-ass serious =_=.

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:50 am
You guys are ridiculous. Go read up on hypochondria and/or psychosomatic disorders.

There's no reason one (1) particular game that uses -no- new graphical technologies or techniques, among -all- the other games you play, should give you a headache or cause any other physical symptom. Of course, you'll come back and counter this with something along the lines of, "no way, man, I swear it's really happening." Yes, I'm not contesting that -- I'm simply saying you're nuts. :) Fix yourself.



Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:48 am
by oOldXman
TARRANT wrote:You guys are ridiculous. Go read up on hypochondria and/or psychosomatic disorders.

There's no reason one (1) particular game that uses -no- new graphical technologies or techniques, among -all- the other games you play, should give you a headache or cause any other physical symptom. Of course, you'll come back and counter this with something along the lines of, "no way, man, I swear it's really happening." Yes, I'm not contesting that -- I'm simply saying you're nuts. :) Fix yourself.


1. How come hypochondria awakens in so many people when it comes to this particular title?
2. I said that before, my guess is you skipped that part. I think it is the combination of grid system and modern graphics (along with motion blur and lighting effects and bobbing). I am not a specialist nor I pretend to be so it is not up to me to find where the seed of this problem lies.
3. I am not asking you to believe, to be honest I do not care if you believe so I will not swear. The game does make dizzy and gives a headache. This statement is based on my very own experience.
4. Perhaps I am mentally unbalanced or I am a bit of a hypochondriac, so what? Just because I am nuts I do not deserve to enjoy video games? Come on, I said we do not have to be deadly serious, I spilled a hand of puns here and there, still we are not psychos.
5. If you read my first post again you will notice that I clearly said "I do not demand anything", also I asked if there was someone else out there with same problem. Look now, a group of people joined, some of them said that they registered solely for the purpose of signing under my statement. Perhaps they were seeking answer to this before they found my thread and turned hypo-potam. I did not know hypochondria was common to this degree?!
6. Do not judge without facts. How can you tell whether my eyeballs hurt or not? On the other hand, everything we said about the effect of LoG on us is based on our very own experiences, we had the feeling first-hand.
7. I am open to opinions, but do not try to close this thread with stupid excuses. At least try harder and make better ones.

I still do not demand anything, but I have high hopes for something to happen :).

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:52 am
by Saxi
oOldXman wrote:Greetings,

:(... I have been waiting for this game while staring at countdown times for many long hours. Finally, today I had a chance to play. After not even a full one hour! I could not play anymore due to insane pain in my eyes and inside of my skull. I had some rest, however surroundings are still spinning around me. I spend most of my life in front of a monitor (:D geeky), and I never, never encountered this kind problem! i never had any issues with FOV. I watched a bunch of videos presending gameplay on YouTube, and everything seemed to be just fine. Although, I believe my dizziness and headache was caused by camera moves.

I am not blaming anyone nor I demand anything. I feel very frustrated, so wanted to share my experience, and see if I am the only one missing the fun... So am I the only person who has this kind of problem, only with Legend of Grimrock?

Besides mentioned problem, the game seems to be succesful. Once, a trapdoor opened right below my feet, and I fell down, and I almost had a heart attack xD!

I have the same problem, kind of nausea too. I think it is trying to watch all the walls for traps. So far I can only make an hour or so at a time. I don't get sick easily, and have been a gamer for 25 years or so.

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:59 am
by Dalton
TARRANT wrote:You guys are ridiculous. Go read up on hypochondria and/or psychosomatic disorders.

There's no reason one (1) particular game that uses -no- new graphical technologies or techniques, among -all- the other games you play, should give you a headache or cause any other physical symptom. Of course, you'll come back and counter this with something along the lines of, "no way, man, I swear it's really happening." Yes, I'm not contesting that -- I'm simply saying you're nuts. :) Fix yourself.


Wow. Thanks for calling us all a bunch of idiots and liars.

Well, I'm adding my vote in this thread to please remove camera wobble. It makes me sick if I play too long, as well.

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:03 am
by Saxi
StormVR6 wrote:I've been playing computer games for over 25 years, and thankfully I've never had this kind of problem. The only time I've come close is when I've been playing a 3D game on the PS3.

It's unfortunate for those of you who do suffer, but is it possible that it could be due to an eyesight issue? Eye strain can cause problems akin to what is being said here. I'm not saying this is the problem for everyone, but it could be for some. None of are getting younger, and what was once OK on our eyes years ago may not be today.

Whilst typing this I just had another quick look at LoG in motion; what Sir Richfield has suggested may help, the bobbing effect seems to be exasperated by the almost spasmodic tile movement. Maybe if the bobbing was eliminated (or at least have the option) and the tile movement was slightly smoother then some here would not be suffering. Hopefully the team can try something along these lines.
I have a $1,000 monitor (multiple but only use one in Grimrock), and 30/20 vision (the one where I see at 30 feet what most see at 20). So for me it isn't eye strain. I'm not sure what it is, I think it is the similar pattern moving wall to wall. There might be a slight refresh delay causing it or something but it definitely makes me feel icky, mainly as a headache and stomach discomfort. Almost like I am getting sea sick.

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:09 am
by Saxi
Arctor wrote:
DJK wrote:
spfiota wrote:I was playing yesterday and I experienced extreme pain in my side. Long story short, I'm on dialysis now and waiting for a transplant match.

Pretty sure it was that damn vsync.
Ain't funny spfiota... I'm guessing you "don't" have the issue.. that's fine... no reason to make fun of those who do.
I believe spfiota's point was that this issue is NOT caused by the game. It is likely a combination of hardware variations and eye strain. This is NOT something Almost Human can just "fix." Monitor refresh rates, computer performance, lighting, eye strain, people needing minor corrective lenses without being aware of it (yet)... the list goes on.

Advice to anyone with this issue: get your eyes checked. Can't hurt.

I know I once had the same problem, and one eye exam later, the problem was solved. And I'd spent countless hours raging against developers and their wicked graphical ways prior to that... ;)
I've played almost all dungeon crawls, and almost every genre there is. I've never had this feeling before in a game. I've played all the way back from dungeon master and ultima underground days. My eye site is better than perfect, and I have well above average hardware.

I think it is something they can fix, I am not 100% sure of the problem, but it is likely related to head bobbing, motion blur, or some other visual effect that causes it. I feel it in minutes of playing and it lasts a good hour or two. I'm a heavy gamer and I play 1-4 hours almost every day.

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:57 am
by DJK
Betaguy wrote:
This happens to all gamers that are not use to playing these styles... even sickening sometimes as you describe....with time it will go away just do smaller sittings and with time you will be able to handle 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 hour sittings like a champ....just ween your way in.
I can honestly say Im used to gaming.... been playing since 1985 and never really stopped. I don't have to work and for the last 6 years have played games 10-13 hours a day 7/7.. almost 365/365.. (usually get up at around 13:30.. start gaming at 14:00 and go to sleep at about 04-05 at night...

When Cataclysm expansion hitted in wow I went for server first archaeology and that took 37 hours straight grinding (digging, flying to new dig site, digging, flying to new... etc) without one break at all... I went to the toilet while flying and my gf gave my some quick to swallow food here and there... so, I call your notion, as another poster already said.. rubbish :)