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Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:49 pm
by Ashtray
Batty wrote:A sundial would be a nice addition to LoG 2.
But people would complain that shadow does not point to sun.

Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:10 pm
by DJK
Now I must admit I was one who was confused about the compass as well... I did think the red part showed the direction you were facing.. so if it pointed left I thought I was going west etc... now I do understand how a compass works bu it's just... as people said.. we are so used in games to just plain tell us where we are going... go backas early as Eye of the Beholder and the "compass" at the bottom of the screen (and it is called a compass in the clue book) just had NESW on it and it literally just shows you where you are going..

In LoG's compass you need to check what direction the red arrow is pointing to and if it's for example pointing left.. then you are not going west, you are going east... that's the cause of the confusion and to be honest, I do understand it's origin as it involves a little more "thinking" instead of it having on a plate.

Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:36 pm
by jfunk
What people are confusing this with is a cardinal direction indicator on a map, which many games may add a dynamic arrow to. Such an indicator in a game is not a representation of a real life object. Many maps have cardinal direction indicators on them, so you know which way to orient the map. They do no have magic arrows on them that turn when you do. "right" is only "east" when you are orienting to a static map image, not physically holding an object in your hand. The device in Grimrock (which is clearly labeled a compass) is not superimposed upon the map screen either.

The EOB indicator is in fact a compass. There is no "arrow pointing right", the compass markers turn so that that "E" shows in front of you when you're facing East. Real compasses have these markers too. The needle is still pointing North, that's how the rest of the device rotated to E when you turned.

There is no such thing as a "compass with an arrow that points right when you face east".

Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:43 pm
by Spathi
Bokonon wrote:I can't really imagine the other way the compass should work then it is in LoG ... I played many games of any kinds also.

EDIT: can anybody post a picture from some game, where compass is not pointing north? :) ... S-j0Of4iS4

Most all compasses have a "direction of travel arrow" as well as a needle. (unless you floated a leaf in water with some metal in it.)

It can be the dial itself moving as above
a normal one like this...

It works the same. You are taught to line up north with north and then ignore it to get your bearing.

Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:26 pm
by Batty
jfunk wrote:The EOB indicator is in fact a compass. There is no "arrow pointing right", the compass markers turn so that that "E" shows in front of you when you're facing East. Real compasses have these markers too. The needle is still pointing North, that's how the rest of the device rotated to E when you turned.
I doubt the EotB compass code operates as you describe which would make it a direction finder unlike the Grimrock code which most likely does emulate the operation of a compass.

Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:08 pm
by dbgager
Are there actually still people in this thread that are insisting the Grimrock Compass is not working correctly. Obviously these people where not in Cub Scouts. A compass is a very simple tool. The needle is in fact a little magnet ( that is absolutely all you need to make a compass, oh and a frictionless bearing, since the magnetic force of the earth is so small ). It is magnetized so that the red side is the opposite polarity of our North pole ( opposites poles attract, like poles repel). So it always points north

Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:10 pm
by DJK
dbgager wrote:Are thaere actually still people in this thread that are insisting the Grimrock Compass is not working correctly. Obviously these people where not in Cub Scouts. A compass is a very simple tool. The needle is in fact a little magnet. It is magnetized so that the red side is the opposite polarity of our North pole ( opposites poles attract, like poles repel). So it always points north
Ooooh, so it's the red side that points south ??? I thought the red side pointed north... without a "N" mark on the needle or something.. how are we supposed to know ?? And before you go there, no, I have never really "used" a compass in my life... I held one a few times but never actually tried to "read north" with it :)

Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:13 pm
by dbgager
DJK wrote:
dbgager wrote:Are thaere actually still people in this thread that are insisting the Grimrock Compass is not working correctly. Obviously these people where not in Cub Scouts. A compass is a very simple tool. The needle is in fact a little magnet. It is magnetized so that the red side is the opposite polarity of our North pole ( opposites poles attract, like poles repel). So it always points north
Ooooh, so it's the red side that points south ??? I thought the red side pointed north... without a "N" mark on the needle or something.. how are we supposed to know ?? And before you go there, no, I have never really "used" a compass in my life... I held one a few times but never actually tried to "read north" with it :)
Opposite magnetic poles attract...If the red side is the opposite polarity of the north pole ( as I indicated ) will point north.

In other words the south pole of the magnet that is the compass needle is actually the side that is painted red.

But that is exactly what we want..because that means the red side always points north.

Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:43 pm
by affa
SecretSantana wrote:
Bokonon wrote:I can't really imagine the other way the compass should work then it is in LoG ... I played many games of any kinds also.

EDIT: can anybody post a picture from some game, where compass is not pointing north? :)
Seconded. I simply don't understand the issue here, can someone supply an example of where this confusion comes from?
From a random Bard's Tale image:

Are you heading East? Or are you heading west?

Depends if it's cardinal or if it's a 'true' compass.

I personally instinctively think 'East', but I might be wrong since you need to turn turn turn to figure it out. Different games do it different ways.

Now, I might be wrong, but if I remember correctly you're pointing East in this particular game. Though I'd need to replay to be sure.


Re: Broken compass, seems fine to me?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:50 pm
by dbgager