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Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:55 pm
by Somahan
petri wrote:If by DLC you mean a new dungeon that you can buy from us, it depends on whether people want this or not. So far the consensus seems to be that DLCs are evil (for some reason unknown to me). Maybe we should have a poll about this...
DLCs are are only 'evil' if they meet the following guidelines:
(1) They give you In-Game Items that make you more powerful and you cannot obtain them in the game itself (EG: pay to get a 'cheat' item) or similarly they unlock items that can be obtained in the game if you simply play it long enough.
(2) The game is free, but if you want to continue you must pay. (In other words I am a demo in disguise, designed to get you hooked with all the good stuff first up).
(3) They simply give you cosmetic enhancements and provide no further value. (Horse Armour for Oblivion was one of the first here).
(4) DLC comes out on day 1 and should have been part of the original game (while I respect that there can be development time between going 'gold' and the release date, I really think this should be concentrated on bug fixing rather than going straight for more money).

By in-large DLC is far from evil as long as they expand the game and give you more in-game hours.

Grimrock could provide good value by adding a new dungeon with new features, items, races, spells and classes.

Some suggestions on new features in a new Dungeon:
* Dungeon master had a two click weapon system. You click on axe then "Swing", "Cleave" or "Beserker" (if you were skilled enough). Consider bringing that back, you could have a much better mechanic here especially if you allowed Parry (if you timed it correctly) or Shields to increase "Block" (while you were busy spellcasting, finding a fire bomb in you inventory etc). Parry is especially useful if you are cornered.
* A priest class - turn undead, better potion creating, cure disease, and healing (maybe your priest is busy healing slowly in battle and cannot perform other tasks so it doesn't break mechanics). You could actually make the priest class a LOT better than Dungeon Master had!
* I think a 'snake' class like Hissa in DM would be pretty neat.


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:07 pm
by dragsaw
I vote for more maps (smaller ones in a map pack? or one big one?


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:12 pm
by Razgadz
imho DLC is a misused word

Just call it Add-Ons :D

Add-On 1 :

Providing an Editor / Modding ability / scripting ... something along the line of that

To be able to play the mod versions you'd have to have this add on

i'd pay for that for sure

Add-On 2 :

More dungeons ( i.e. new story )
enhanced gameplay

a kind of LoG II - for those that want another story dungeon from the creators of LoG ;)

*gasp* even for that i'd pay


Little content updates i.e. enhanced keybinding or new monsters/gfx tile sets to be used by the editor/modding addon i see as (free/low cost) DLC - and thats imho what DLC's are good for as long as the price is reasonably low ...




Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:31 pm
by Sol_HSA
Razgadz wrote:imho DLC is a misused word
You don't say. Grimrock is a download-only title, so it could be called "downloadable content" as it is. ^_^


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:36 pm
by Darklord
People seem to like the word expansion better, I guess go with that! ;)



Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:13 pm
by Halk
This thread is one big long happy agreement! :)


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:20 pm
by schiz0phren1c
I know someone has already said this but I am really looking forward to seeing what modders can do with the level design tools,
there are surely loads of talented people with fiendish ideas for dungeons to torture and delight us all!
That and official expansions...mmmmm,
can't wait to see whats up in a few months,
hoping(and expecting) a large and active modding community!.


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:43 pm
by Draggor
For elders, DLC can't be anything but EVIL

DLC = New Name for Paying Patches :evil:

Still, as am IN LOVE with this game (guys ! you RULE !! :mrgreen: ), I WILL consider spending some few bucks for a DLC if it has the quality of the original !
Aka, go on, work on some more dongeons like this one and you will ensure we stay addicted !

PS: You are INSANE !! the tricks are pure twisting pleasures
PS2: You got job to do to improve GUI and utility of some classes/skills
PS3: Darn, my torch is blinking... and I ear a screeching sound coming closer... :?


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:48 pm
by Jack Dandy
Personally, if you wanna gather a shitload of more goodwill, give single maps out for free, and keep paid DLCs for bigger extensions of the game.

Just my opinion though, and I'm no marketer :oops:


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:09 pm
by Pumpelche

I'd do it like this:

Build up a story telling for the chars chosen and played. When this game is over, the story continues in a story telling way: patch and give a new mask "Story", in this submask offer new Levels and Environments playable with either new chars or the existing group. Those stories can be downloaded and installed, of course for some payment. Make it Micro-Transactions.

I'd love to continously download new levels, etc. and play them throught, all with a story, for example:

Your group is famous, they've fled the Grimrock dungeons. Now they're hunted down by this and this to offer this and this - and this would be the new story.

I hope I put it in a way understandable.
