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Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:21 pm
by Callipygous
1) 27hrs according to the stat page, Hard Mode, In game mapping.
2) I hit a road block with the riddles on level 8. I was able to figure out the rock and arrow answers. After trying everything in my bags to attempt to solve #4 and failing, I found GameBanshee for the solution.
3) 69/71 secrets, 5/7 treasures
4) Fighter 13, Thief 13, Mage 14, Mage 14
5) 10/10 - best money I have spent on a game in a LOOOOOONG time.

Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:20 pm
by lowzei
Thanks, i really enjoyed the game just the way i did but i was surprised at how fast some were on their first try.

Anyway i did a second game (thief, thief, mage, mage), again on normal, with automapping, still collecting treasures and this time it took me about 12 hours.

I also was trying to find a solution to recharge magic weapons. Does there exist a way to refill them or are they really empty, like forever?

Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:17 am
by Schepel
1)How long did it take you to beat the game? Official game time and approximate real time? If you played a difficulty other then normal please state it. If you went old school without automap state it.
A little less than seven hours.
2)Did you need help? (A walkthrough, this forum, etc.) If so how many times?
Just the once. Maze of madness really confounded me.
3)How complete was your win? How many secrets did you find?
Not that complete. I missed quite a bit. Especially early secrets seem to have eluded me.
4)What level were your characters?
Level 14 and level 15
5)What do you rate the game out of 10?
6 out of 10 (Solid game, but its replayability value is low. Also, the story line makes absolutely no sense. I also feel that combat leaves something to be desired. I also would have liked a bit more character options. Fighter may have a choice between three kinds of weapons, but there seem to be only swords that are worth your time. Mages also end up roughly the same, even if they do specialise in different schools. Rogues can easily be ignored. They are suboptimal fighters and can't match the damage output of a mage.)

Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:35 am
by \/4n!ll4 ][c3
1)18:56:36 hours completion. i would say real time probably closer to 21 or 22 hours. played on normal with automapping on.
2)there were 3 times i remember having to check a guide, although 2 of those i was doing what i needed to do, i just couldnt completely figure it out.
3) 64/71 secrets, 15/16 notes, 5 skulls, 10 doors.
4)all of them were level 14 at completion.
5)What do you rate the game out of 10? i would give it an 8. i really liked the parts that made me think, and i liked finding the notes toorum left behind, but the rest of the story was too disconnected. replay, maybe. there are imbalances in the game i think need to be worked on, and if that happens, ill be more apt to revisit the game. i do hope there are expansions/sequels though.

Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:56 am
by Pez
1) Accordingto the game 19 hours, and on Steam I have 40 hours. I made a lot of backtracking looking for secrets etc, and if I didnt find anything new I just reload a save. Same goes for puzzles, in some of them I got stuck and sit in front of them for a quite a bit, but when figured them out I reloaded a previous game to save food, lol. Real play time would be around 30 hours. Played it on Hard and automapping.

2) My girlfriend helped me figuring out some puzzles and battles, and I had to check this forum on how to beat some monsters, but other than that didn't use any walkthroughs.

3) All secrets, Iron doors, Toorum's and treasures. I spent a lot of time after clearing levels backtracking so I didnt miss anything.

4) All the group got to 13 and almost hit 14, but didn't really farm any XP, never liked that.

5) 10/10, but this is probably biased because Im overxcited about the game, after a second replay I could give a more accurate score, but I really enjoyed every bit of it. I just found the last levels too small, like if the end game creation was rushed. Level 12 and 13 were too simple. I know that part of the game isn't supposed to be a dungeon, though. I specially liked the Tomb of the Designers part in the endgame. I would have liked a bit more of story and lore too.

Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:26 am
by Hotcakes
Schepel wrote:the story line makes absolutely no sense.
Fighter may have a choice between three kinds of weapons, but there seem to be only swords that are worth your time.
Rogues can easily be ignored. They are suboptimal fighters and can't match the damage output of a mage.)
Wow. You don't appear to have understood the game very well.

Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:40 am
by Zu ra-ha

1) I played it for 5 days i think, 6-7 hours per day, night times. I played it on hard difficulty and no-oldschool mode, i didn't like the oldschool mode, it is not a challange and has no fun i think. It would give me more headache than it gave, being lost in a labyrnth..

2) Yes i needed some hints sometimes especially on some puzzles at levels 9-10-11 and i looked up some armor parts locations, missing ones.

3) I couldnt find relics even i gave extra attention on the wall patterns always, i mean i walk step by step and look both sides of walls always but only relic i found is in designers tomb level. I went past levels and searched for relics sometimes but i got bored with no result. Other than relics i found many secrets sectors which you need to fall from exact hole to find them.

- Human fighter - Level 14 - Armor Skill 50 - Maces Skill 16 - Full Valor armor set
- Human fighter - Level 14 - Armor Skill 50 - Sword Skill 11 - Full Plate armor set
- Insectoid Mage - Level 13 - Spellcraft 22 - Fire Magic 32 - Zhandul's Orb
- Insectoid Mage - Level 13 - Spellcraft 22 - Ice Magic 29 - Orb of Radiance

[ 8 / 10 ] Graphics = I liked the brilliant graphics, good light effects everything is dynamic almost. (good job)
[ 5 / 10 ] Sounds = Not bad, not bad.. A narrator would be perfect on story telling parts.. (i hated the death and chain door sounds)
[ 6 / 10 ] Gameplay = Good, i got used to it after a while, may be improved but good.

[ 3 / 10 ] Story = Baah, I dont want to say anything, i saw the full map on the game directory, i hope you will write a story in future, i wont critise it since you have developed a good graph engine with your small programming group which is a good job i think, everything may be better in time.

[ 4 / 10 ] Puzzles = Closer to the average. But lots of puzzles are suffering for a clue, good clue, you could write a few cryptic message more instead of two or three words as a clue. A poetric writing may be.. but it is depending on storyline which is weak already. You can do minigames like lockpicking which requires hand movements etc, or moving, twisting puzzles..

ยท My overall score is 7, i liked it despite all of its flaws.. I think you shouldn't release modding tools too early, maybe never. You just need a storyline, you can keep it up and developed, And please release your patches in small files, not a whole reinstall

Thank you for making this game.
Thank you for reading this..


Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:03 am
by Billick
1)How long did it take you to beat the game? Official game time and approximate real time? If you played a difficulty other then normal please state it. If you went old school without automap state it.
A shade under 18 hours game time, about 29 hours real time on normal. I took my time and reloaded a lot.
2)Did you need help? (A walkthrough, this forum, etc.) If so how many times?
Got 4 or 5 hints off the fourm. Most of them I facepalmed when I saw the answer.
3)How complete was your win? How many secrets did you find?
I think I had somewhere between 55 and 60 secrets. I missed some easy ones near the start and didn't feel like backtracking.
4)What level were your characters?
3 14s and a 13.
5)What do you rate the game out of 10?
9/10. Great game. The only thing it was missing was a better story and a little bit deeper character and combat system. I'm playing a second playthrough on hard and trying to get all the secrets.

Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:18 am
by sapientCrow
Just finished my 5th playthrough and all secrets notes skulls and treasures in 6 hours

Re: For those that beat the game. Let's get some basic stats

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:48 pm
by Jordan
sapientCrow wrote:Just finished my 5th playthrough and all secrets notes skulls and treasures in 6 hours