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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:57 am
by Duncan1246
Zo Kath Ra wrote:The "game hangs while resting" bug that I mentioned earlier happens under Win 7, too.
It happens in Under Waste, just like it did under Linux + Wine.
I have found the bug: a condition in the elevation process was false, so the WorldPositionY was highter then the elevation expected and the script loops infinitely even if all final positions are correct. I don't know exactly why it's linked to the rest state (time function involved but how?).
I have tested your save after the bug fix and unfortunately the bug occurs on rest even out of Underwaste; it's always possible to play and to save, but never to rest... I will upload tomorrow a new version... I am sorry of that ... in the testing process, I haven' t took any rest, I was wrong obviously :? .

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:46 am
by minmay
Duncan1246 wrote:
Zo Kath Ra wrote:The "game hangs while resting" bug that I mentioned earlier happens under Win 7, too.
It happens in Under Waste, just like it did under Linux + Wine.
I have found the bug: a condition in the elevation process was false, so the WorldPositionY was highter then the elevation expected and the script loops infinitely even if all final positions are correct. I don't know exactly why it's linked to the rest state (time function involved but how?).
When resting, time passes 10 times as fast as normal.
You should never assume that a minimum or maximum amount of time has passed since the last frame. The user could be resting with a bad framerate, they could have disabled the framerate limit with a fast computer, etc. It is vital that you scale all once-per-update behaviour (moving objects, flickering lights, etc) by Time.deltaTime() and you should be ready for that function to return ANY number that isn't negative or infinity.

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:46 am
by Duncan1246
minmay wrote:
Duncan1246 wrote: I have found the bug: a condition in the elevation process was false, so the WorldPositionY was highter then the elevation expected and the script loops infinitely even if all final positions are correct. I don't know exactly why it's linked to the rest state (time function involved but how?).
When resting, time passes 10 times as fast as normal.
You should never assume that a minimum or maximum amount of time has passed since the last frame. The user could be resting with a bad framerate, they could have disabled the framerate limit with a fast computer, etc. It is vital that you scale all once-per-update behaviour (moving objects, flickering lights, etc) by Time.deltaTime() and you should be ready for that function to return ANY number that isn't negative or infinity.
So I understand what happens: I use a delayedCall to loop the elevation process until a given elevation, but as the limit value (that stops the loop) was wrong, the process continues and is fastened by the rest state as you say, and causes memory crash.

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:58 pm
by Zo Kath Ra
x 14
y 27
facing 0
elevation -1
level 5

Press the secret button twice
=> a few seconds after the wall has opened, the game crashes

Also, there was a power gem behind this wall when I played the game under Linux + Wine, but not when I played it under Win 7.
Sunken City
x 11
y 12
facing 0
elevation 0
level 21

There's a chest buried here.
If you dig it up from the south, it blocks your path.
Wreck Cape
x 21
y 8
facing 1
elevation 3
level 18

You can't move onto this square, not even after you've taken the power gem
Wreck Cape
x 20
y 10
facing 1
elevation 3
level 18

You can't move onto this square, neither from the west nor from the north.
But you need to, because there's a power gem behind it.
Moutain of the Eight
x 1
y 26
facing 3
elevation 0
level 23

You can accidentally throw items into the portal, but you can't get them back.
x 30
y 30
facing 2
elevation 0
level 5

Climb up the ladder and move 1 step to the east.
=> you end up behind a house
Under Waste
x 12
y 8
facing 3
elevation 3
level 2

The sign says "Though" instead of "Thought"
Boss fights:
The boss name (displayed at the top of the screen) can contain spaces.
Currently, all boss fight names have underscores instead of spaces, e.g. King_of_Waste

The description says "Restore 25 energy"
-- it should be "restores" instead of "restore"
-- drinking from it also restores the food bar; maybe you could put this information in the description?

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:49 pm
by Duncan1246
Zo Kath Ra wrote:Aerion
Press the secret button twice
=> a few seconds after the wall has opened, the game crashes
Also, there was a power gem behind this wall when I played the game under Linux + Wine, but not when I played it under Win 7.
The secret door is destroyed after opening (if not, it make a new weird door to the temple above), so after that the button call a door which is gone. Added: a one shot condition

I have seen also the issue with the power gem and I work on it.
Sunken City
There's a chest buried here.
If you dig it up from the south, it blocks your path.
I delete some trees to free the passage.

Wreck Cape
You can't move onto this square, not even after you've taken the power gem
The elevation of the ground tiles was wrong (a bad change) in the two cases, I restore the correct one.

Moutain of the Eight
You can accidentally throw items into the portal, but you can't get them back.
Added "triggered by item" to the teleporters, so you can find the items on the other side

Climb up the ladder and move 1 step to the east.
=> you end up behind a house
Wall added

Under Waste
The sign says "Though" instead of "Thought"

Boss fights:

It's a Minmay_Germanny asset, I will make change if I am allowed to

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:09 pm
by minmay
This is the license:

Code: Select all

= 0.1 License and Usage Terms
The Grimrock 2 port of Germanny's Dungeon Master Resource is distributed under
the following terms:

1. Assets in the Resource may only be used in mods for the Legend of Grimrock
series of games.
2. Assets in the Resource may not be used for any commercial purpose; your mod
must not be made for commercial advantage or monetary compensation.
3. If you use or redistribute any of the assets in the Resource, you must
include in your download, plainly visible: the full text of this
license, a notice that the assets are copyright Ralf Hinrichsen, and a
link to the original Germanny's Dungeon Master Resource download page
on Nexus Mods:
If you have made changes to any of the assets, you must state that
changes were made.
4. You may not suggest or imply that the licensor endorses your use of the
5. This license may be modified or revoked by the licensor at any time with
immediate effect.

Remember to obey the modding terms from Almost Human as well:

= 0.2 Exceptions
The following files are EXCEPTIONS to the license; they are distributed as
public domain, or CC 0. Therefore, you may use these files - and ONLY these
files - with no restrictions or credit required.
dm_metalbreak.wav -
dm_fire_extinguish.wav -
consume_water.wav -
You can make changes to the assets as long as you state that changes were made.
Zo Kath Ra wrote:The description says "Restore 25 energy"
-- it should be "restores" instead of "restore"
Actually, the standard assets' consumables have gameEffects expressed both as an action done by the item (crystal shard of healing: "Heals all wounds") and as an action done by the champion when they use it (book of infinite wisdom is "Gain 1 skillpoint", not "Gives 1 skillpoint"). So "Restore 25 energy" and "Restores 25 energy" are both consistent with the standard assets.
Zo Kath Ra wrote:-- drinking from it also restores the food bar; maybe you could put this information in the description?
Unfortunately, there is no good way to put the nutrition bar in the description without also making it give experience to farmers when used.

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:35 am
by Duncan1246
minmay wrote:...
Thanks for these precisions

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:17 pm
by Zo Kath Ra
Duncan1246 wrote:
Zo Kath Ra wrote:I've found the entrance to the Arcanum, but where is the key?
Have you found this riddle:
One forge
Four broken swords
One key
Four ways
You have visited Under Edenia Woods, so...
Have you found the map leaved by Rotan to find his father's corpse? Do you know where is the battlefield of the Three Doors? Have you a shovel? :)
I found this scroll in "Under Edenia Woods":
I found the marked location by using the console to find all diggable tiles in "Edenia Woods".
But without cheating like this, I would never have known where "CastleHill" is.

Also, I thought you were supposed to take the corpse back to "Under Edenia Woods" and put it on the altar.

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:16 pm
by Duncan1246
Zo Kath Ra wrote:
I found the marked location by using the console to find all diggable tiles in "Edenia Woods".
But without cheating like this, I would never have known where "CastleHill" is.

Also, I thought you were supposed to take the corpse back to "Under Edenia Woods" and put it on the altar.
I agree that the name "Castlehill" could be confusing, because it isn't mentioned elsewhere, but the real clue is
the name "Battle of the three doors" (Arcanum, back door to Aerion and "door" to Twisted Forest. So the fact that Milesians were concentrated in Aerion and that Edenia Woods is the fronteer with Nemesians. In addition, you have the map.
Nevertheless, I think you are right, it's too allusive and I will add a more obvious clue.

Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:53 pm
by Zo Kath Ra
Dig to crash
Edenia Woods
x 29
y 7
facing 1
elevation 0
level 12

Face east and dig => the game crashes

Code: Select all

#script_entity_117.script:4: undefined object: dm_flask_empty
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'error'
	[string "ScriptInterface.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
	#script_entity_117.script:4: in function <#script_entity_117.script:2>
	[string "Script.lua"]: in function 'sendMessage'
	[string "Component.lua"]: in function 'triggerConnectors'
	[string "Component.lua"]: in function 'callHook'
	[string "FloorTrigger.lua"]: in function 'activate'
	[string "DiggingTool.lua"]: in function 'diggingFinished'
	[string "DiggingTool.lua"]: in main chunk
	[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessageNEW'
	[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'wakeUp'
	[string "DiggingTool.lua"]: in main chunk
	[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessageNEW'
	[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'updateResting'
	[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateComponents'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
	[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
	[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
Infinite items in Edenia Woods
There are a couple of places where you can dig up the same items again and again (and again, if you want).

Edenia Woods
x 29
y 2
facing 1
elevation 0
level 12
(you find a "Hub Key" here; shouldn't it be called "Arcanum Key"?)

Edenia Woods
x 14
y 26
facing 3
elevation 0
level 12

Edenia Woods
x 14
y 21
facing 1
elevation 0
level 12

Edenia Woods
x 10
y 21
facing 1
elevation 0
level 12

Edenia Woods
x 14
y 22
facing 0
elevation 0
level 12
(you find the "Cuchulainn Pendant"; it appears very close to the wall, so it's easy to miss)
Under Edenia Woods
x 11
y 28
facing 2
elevation 1
level 13
Walk south => you move through the wall

x 4
y 26
facing 1
elevation 0
level 13
If you put a "Smoked Sea Bass" in the alcove, a snake appears (wrong item).
If you put a "Silver Roach" in the alcove, no monster spawns (correct item).
I guess the gods only like fresh seafood?

Nuada sword:
Why doesn't it have a description?
And you can dig up an infinite number of skeleton commanders at
Edenia Woods
x 11
y 26
facing 3
elevation 0
level 12