Warning, FULL spoiler:jpaf84 wrote:Can a tone deaf guy get a pass in the level 9? Please, pretty please.
Overall this seems a very good mod. Love the enchantements.SpoilerShowI'm at the floor switches were you have to make the song. Totaly tone deaf, dont understant anything about music, the notes all sound too similar to mee. Managed to get trought the other music puzzle by trial and error, but this one is impossible that way
[MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Stand at the start of the room, before the middle pressure plate, facing the door. Then: FLFBFFFRBFBFF (short for Forward, Left, Right, Back)
Did you visit the Wine Merchant's Basement? And heard about the Awakening of Taarnab?
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Really a great mod thank you !!! 
I'm stuck after lhe alcoves puzzle in level 9 :
Thanks for your help 

I'm stuck after lhe alcoves puzzle in level 9 :
Got the crown as reward and taken the teleporter.
There are 3 doors (Harrows ?) with 3 pressure plates that act on them (got the secret on the left anyway).
It seems the doors won't open fully (about 80% i think) and i don't have time to get through
There are 3 doors (Harrows ?) with 3 pressure plates that act on them (got the secret on the left anyway).
It seems the doors won't open fully (about 80% i think) and i don't have time to get through

- Numberouane
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:11 pm
- Location: Sunny Place south Of France
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
its kind same puzzle in the mines mode. You have to go back and forth and then rush forward...
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Thanks i did it 

Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Pure awesomeness
but I got stuck at riddle:
"A good leader listens well and
counts on knowing the answer"
I'm absolutely tone deaf and I'm always terrified by musical puzzles.
Can I get a tiny hint about it? Unless it has nothing to do with music
BTW, so far I have 29 secrets found. I'm curious is it average at this point or am I getting really bad search rolls?
Ok, I've got it

"A good leader listens well and
counts on knowing the answer"
I'm absolutely tone deaf and I'm always terrified by musical puzzles.
Can I get a tiny hint about it? Unless it has nothing to do with music

BTW, so far I have 29 secrets found. I'm curious is it average at this point or am I getting really bad search rolls?

Ok, I've got it
I was just testing systematically all possible combinations. 1/1/1, 1/1/2, 1/1/3 and so on 
Still having the answer why this combination not the other did the trick would improve my general understanding of musical riddles.

Still having the answer why this combination not the other did the trick would improve my general understanding of musical riddles.
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
The case with this music puzzle is this:Merethif wrote:SpoilerShowStill having the answer why this combination not the other did the trick would improve my general understanding of musical riddles.
The 'melody' consists of only 3 notes. You need to count how often each note is played and set the dials according to that. (lowest note on the left, highest note on the right.
Did you visit the Wine Merchant's Basement? And heard about the Awakening of Taarnab?
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Merethif wrote: "A good leader listens well and
counts on knowing the answer"
In fact it's very simple, you've just to "count" the number of musical notes of each type (yeah need musical earing for this).

Thanks again for this pure momment of pleasure

Found 81 secrets (i'll do better next time

The "pacman" is the map design of the level 9 ?
don't find space invader and batman sign i'm so sad
don't find space invader and batman sign i'm so sad

Too late for notes puzzle

Found batman sign on level 8 map design
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Ektopl@sm wrote:Yes,SpoilerShowThe "pacman" is the map design of the level 9 ?SpoilerShowthat's "the smiley"<-- see? it looks quite well
Did you visit the Wine Merchant's Basement? And heard about the Awakening of Taarnab?
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Thanks. That's something I could have never come up to by myself. That's why I have to use spoiler on level 9 puzzle as well. I so wish to be able to hear the differences between more then two tones in a row - so many great puzzles are based on tones.mahric wrote:The case with this music puzzle is this:Merethif wrote:SpoilerShowStill having the answer why this combination not the other did the trick would improve my general understanding of musical riddles.SpoilerShowThe 'melody' consists of only 3 notes. You need to count how often each note is played and set the dials according to that. (lowest note on the left, highest note on the right.
Re: [MOD] Awakening of Taarnab - RELEASED
Please see this reply, earlier in the thread.Merethif wrote:Thanks. That's something I could have never come up to by myself. That's why I have to use spoiler on level 9 puzzle as well. I so wish to be able to hear the differences between more then two tones in a row - so many great puzzles are based on tones.
Did you visit the Wine Merchant's Basement? And heard about the Awakening of Taarnab?