badhabit wrote:Also, pit-jumping should have more severe and negative consequences like breaking of limps (feet: less stuff to carry, hands: no weapon usage).
Right now there is no save way to climb down pits like the rope in DM and as long as alchemy healing materials are limited .. not a good idea.
Could en-strengthen the value of alchemy overall, in DM such wounds was also onyl cureable by potions. Also jumping down some unknow pit should have some negative potential consequence not only advantages, like now.
Dr.Disaster wrote:
badhabit wrote:On the rune menu and spell casting, I would be fine with an enhanced & faster accessability like putting the 9 runes on the the 9 num keys, more automation would be hand-holding and balance breaking.
Sounds nice on first thought but how to handle parties with more then one caster?
Well, maybe like the tabbed DM system : with the 4 keys above (numlock,/,*,-) you switch between the 4 prisoners. Should be pretty efficiant even in 4 mage party.
badhabit wrote:Also, pit-jumping should have more severe and negative consequences like breaking of limps (feet: less stuff to carry, hands: no weapon usage).
Right now there is no save way to climb down pits like the rope in DM and as long as alchemy healing materials are limited .. not a good idea.
Could en-strengthen the value of alchemy overall, in DM such wounds was also onyl cureable by potions. Also jumping down some unknow pit should have some negative potential consequence not only advantages, like now.
The resource for all potions in DM is mana. An empty flask and 5 measly points of virtually infinite mana is all what's needed to create unlimited(!) amounts of healing potions. By the point jumping pits caused wounds each character had at least one pre-made healing potion ready so those wounds were absolutly nothing to worry about. The exploring routine was "jump pit -> check for wounds -> drink and remake if needed -> go on". This routine became boring very fast and that's all about it.
About consequences: that's a matter level designers have to take care off, not game mechanic.
Me thinks this was already the subject of another thread here.
badhabit wrote:
Dr.Disaster wrote:
badhabit wrote:On the rune menu and spell casting, I would be fine with an enhanced & faster accessability like putting the 9 runes on the the 9 num keys, more automation would be hand-holding and balance breaking.
Sounds nice on first thought but how to handle parties with more then one caster?
Well, maybe like the tabbed DM system : with the 4 keys above (numlock,/,*,-) you switch between the 4 prisoners. Should be pretty efficiant even in 4 mage party.
And this could not be done with/by the 1 to 4 keys above WASD, because .. ? The point is: it's impossible to key into multiple caster interfaces at the same time. No matter how much hotkeys are added under these circumstances a mouse user will always have the advantage.
There is only one think I hope will be improved: the challenge!
I found the game pretty easy, especially once your each a certain level.
Finding ressources to feed your party members is a good idea, but with food every where it did not make sense...
I hope we will get an Hardcore mode, difficult mode was just not enough for me.
To fix the square dance and make battles more interesting, I think special abilities on enemies would work
Sweep attack on warden or ogre: hits all 3 squares ahead of the monster
All round attack for skeleton patrol: 4 skeletons,turn so there's one facing each direction, so the party can't just attack from the side or back
maybe some heavy attacks or shock waves, hitting multiple squares in a line
Whirlwind attacks: hit all around
Maybe some support monsters that buff and heal, have to clear them out first
For example those custom-made leapfrog lizards found in The CHAOS Key mod - some mistake them for dragons - are pretty dangerous. Head on melee is pretty much suicide and they turn and leapfrog pretty quick too.
Oh man the new screenshot is BOOOOOOOTIIIFOOOOL!!! Guess I was right in my suspicions that the forest ogre might mean outdoor environments! He's even guarding the bridge.
It is just 1 Screenshot but man...iam blown away. That looks sooo gorgeous i want to explore that forrest right about now.
Wow! It is hard to say that but...please AH take your time and make Grimrock 2 as polished as LoG. Iam sure that this game will surpass the 600.000 sales that LoG had.
That Ogre is guarding that VERY stable looking bridge..hmmm. I hope he is friendly and just asks for stuff so that we can pass him. He could easily throw our party down that chasm.
Hmm use knife with ropes - that does not work... Lure Ogre across the bridge and freeze him - then cut the ropes - TADAAAA! *bridgefallsdown* can we cross that bridge now....should have invested that experience points in intelligence huh?
Last edited by eispfogel on Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.