Very kind of you to give out more keys, I just wanted to give some initial feedback from this morning's session(s) - each was about 60 minutes long.
Machine 1. iMac 27-inch, Late 2009 (3.06Ghz Core2Duo, 12Gb 1067Mhz RAM, Radeon 4670 w/256Mb RAM, OSX 10.7.5).
Played: Level 1 and 2 of main dungeon with 4 custom characters on Normal difficulty.
Settings: 1920x1080, Windowed, V-Sync: Off, Render Quality: High, SSAO: Off, Textures: High, Shadows/Texture Filtering: Low.
Average FPS: ~30fps (OpenGL Profiler).
While I could run the game in full settings and/or at the full screen resolution for my iMac, the framerate was very low (15fps, which was expected - this wasn't a gaming machine when it was bought 3 years ago and the Radeon with 256Mb of RAM plays virtually nothing with any punch now). However, turning off SSAO and V-Sync it was more than playable at 1080p with High Resolution textures and even smoother with render quality set to Low. No crashes reported and everything seemed to play smoothly, but I did find the same audio bug as Tcha - I've included a report below.
Machine 2. MacBook Pro 13-inch, Early 2011 (2.7Ghz I7, 8Gb 1333Mhz RAM, Intel HD 3000 w/512Mb RAM, OSX 10.8.2).
Played: Level 1 and 2 of main dungeon with 4 custom characters on Normal difficulty.
Settings: 1280x800, Fullscreen, V-Sync: Off, Render Quality: High, SSAO: Off, Textures: High, Shadows/Texture Filtering: Medium.
Average FPS: ~30fpts (OpenGL Profiler).
Played through the first 2 levels of the dungeon and didn't notice any hitches. When played with 'Render Quality' on Low (filtering, shadows, SSAO all greyed out) it ran at a very smooth 60fps, which was lovely. No crashes, no matter how much I played with the settings. I didn't notice the audio bug on this run through, but the sound is noticably worse on my MacBook compared to my desktop and wasn't overly loud (I actually played this run through first). I will test to reproduce later.
I think there's another thread about this, but I found using the trackpad a pain during combat (due to having to right click so often). If you could perhaps offer a check box to switch left/right click operations on the character portraits (and only on the portraits) - that would probably be enough to resolve it. I know that leads to a confusing "right click a portrait to pick up a weapon, but left click in the inventory to pick up an item", but something like that would actually make it a joy to play on a Magic Trackpad instead of a pain.
Audio Bug
I can second Tsch's report of errant sound problems with the walking animation sounds. It only seems to occur when 'other' sounds are playing (often in combat, but sometimes as you walk past a burning torch) and it sounds like the audio volume spikes very high for maybe 1/10th of a second. It was off-putting the first time I noticed it as I thought "I didn't know there was a pressure plate there!". I could reproduce this bug in any 2x2 room... When walking in a square (Key movement WDSA) repeatedly, it would not occur, UNLESS I threw a dagger at the wall and as/before I moved forward. It felt like the audio volume was high from the dagger hitting the wall and that was affecting the audio volume of the walking animation sound effect for a fraction of a second.
See the attached video for a (very low frame-rate, as I was recording on the iMac and playing) reproduction of this bug;
Legend of Grimrock 1.3.4 Audio Bug.
Hope this helps, will play more in the next day or two!