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Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 3:31 am
by t0tem
Let us know if Avernum is worth the money. I almost got a copy of it the other day but something held me back.

Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 3:51 am
by Sir_Veillance
I never understood why people had trouble with the iron door light puzzle. I got it on my first try.

Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:54 am
by Darklord
Sir_Veillance wrote:I never understood why people had trouble with the iron door light puzzle. I got it on my first try.
Took me about 100, I just couldn't move fast enough, I suspect that my computer ran it a little to slowly, next time I get to it I will drop my settings to low and see if it's any easier.


Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:28 pm
by seebs
BigCTM wrote:Then tell me what the point of arcade and timed puzzles in a hardcore RPG is...
There is more than one kind of "hardcore RPG". Really, Dungeon Master was less a traditional RPG and more a dungeon simulator.

The point is that solving puzzles is fun for some people.

Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 4:50 pm
by tecknomage
I to am about to uninstall Grimrock.

Why :?: because I am all-thumbs, I cannot do the type of movements like; push button, turn right, run 2 space, turn completely around, push button before trap opens (Level-3), 10+ tries.

Please be courteous, it IS me, not the game :oops: but not all of us can be swift on the keyboard.

FOR ME, Grimrock would be playable if it had a Game Option to adjust timers (normal, slow, very slow) :idea:

Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:08 pm
by Darklord
Hi tecknomage,

Sorry to hear that. :( Did you try one of the speed mods? They have enabled others to complete these types of puzzle, and could be ideal for yourself! :)



Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:12 pm
by oodyboo
tecknomage wrote:I am all-thumbs, I cannot do the type of movements like; push button, turn right, run 2 space, turn completely around, push button before trap opens (Level-3), 10+ tries.
I don't remember having to turn completely around on level 3 timed puzzles, but I don't remember the puzzle you describe so I could be wrong.

Some general advice on timed puzzles -
For a lot of the timed puzzles I had to minimize the amount of turning, which meant a lot of strafing sideways and often even backwards.

Are you sure you have to turn right after pushing the first button? If you turned left instead, wouldn't you be facing the correct direction for the final button?

Another trick is to press the first button and the first movement simultaneously, to get off to a quick start.

Hopefully AH will put in a puzzle timer adjustment mechanism to make these optionally easier, as many of the puzzles have very little slack.

Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:48 pm
by Isaac
Darklord wrote:
Sir_Veillance wrote:I never understood why people had trouble with the iron door light puzzle. I got it on my first try.
Took me about 100, I just couldn't move fast enough, I suspect that my computer ran it a little to slowly, next time I get to it I will drop my settings to low and see if it's any easier.

Is that the one with the three stone heads that have to be blocked across three targets? I think that one is impossible if any PC is overloaded.

Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:02 pm
by Darklord
Yeah that's the one. The funny thing is combat and general movement and such seemed fine. Only time I got slowdown was with the final dungeon tileset when I noticed the game running more sluggishly.


Re: Uninstalled It

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:27 pm
by Isaac
Darklord wrote:Yeah that's the one. The funny thing is combat and general movement and such seemed fine. Only time I got slowdown was with the final dungeon tileset when I noticed the game running more sluggishly.

Was that after the patch? I had no performance issues entirely through to the end; but when I downloaded the patched GoG installer and reinstalled, then I started seeing sluggish movement (almost like frame lag).