Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by Bane »

Surprised no-one has mentioned Captive that was well received at the time. Personally I never tried beyond a demo.
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by Blahblah »

Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos.

Dungeon crawler + Great story.
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by ankerous »

My first was Wizardry. I was 8 and saw a used copy of a NES cartridge sometime in 1991. The Box intrigued me and I begged my mom to buy it for me.

It eventually led me to other dungeon crawlers and of course NES and SNES editions of Wizardry II and V. I love a good dungeon crawler and am looking forward to hours of entertainment from this.
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by TΛPETRVE »

My personal favourite back in the 90s was definitely Anvil of Dawn, which had some of the most imaginative and - pardon my French - genuinely fucked up creature designs the genre had to offer. Unfortunately, the game was a bit on the shallow side and not very challenging, also it spun its yarn over a few dungeons too many, so out of the quite impressive number of almost 40 completely different monsters, each labyrinth (some of them quite expansive and most of them very monotonous) was populated by only two or three different enemy types. Nontheless, its bizarre, almost psychedelic atmosphere was quite one of a kind.
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by Jonigigolo »

TΛPETRVE wrote:My personal favourite back in the 90s was definitely Anvil of Dawn, which had some of the most imaginative and - pardon my French - genuinely fucked up creature designs the genre had to offer. Unfortunately, the game was a bit on the shallow side and not very challenging, also it spun its yarn over a few dungeons too many, so out of the quite impressive number of almost 40 completely different monsters, each labyrinth (some of them quite expansive and most of them very monotonous) was populated by only two or three different enemy types. Nontheless, its bizarre, almost psychedelic atmosphere was quite one of a kind.
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by Vermis »

EotB, no question about it. Just finished another play through of LoL and it's graphics and artistry has lost some of its lustre after all these years. I miss the diverse classes and rolling characters ;)
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by flyingelvis »

Mine was Anvil of Dawn. From here I reaaally loved Arena which was not step-based but had great dungeon atmosphere.
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by Ashtray »

Bane wrote:Surprised no-one has mentioned Captive that was well received at the time. Personally I never tried beyond a demo.
I didn't like it. All dungeons were randomly generated, which is ok for Rogue like, but doesn't really work for DM like games. No puzzles, no atmosphere, just killing enemies.
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by earthyearth »

might and magic (the first ones)
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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Post by Numberouane »

wizardry I & II
Bards Tale I & II
Ultima IV
EOB serie
Lands of Lore
Dark Light Dungeon I & II
Mordor and Demise (Now Ascension)
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