Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Scase »

Pipsissiwa wrote:
CrawlerJe wrote:
It really would be nice though to get a speed command setting in game options. Not everyone is comfortable with modding and systems.

There is an assumption that all PC gamers are confident with their machines beyond installing a game. Many are not. My mum likes playing video games but she is terrified of computers lol. And again, I doubt the devs intended/expected that a lot of people would to have to to mod their game just to play it.
I've already made my point clear that I'm entirely fine with AH making a setting more conducive to those of you with less than stellar motor skills, but let's not go overboard and state that "a lot of people would to have to to mod their game just to play it."

I've seen no more than a handful just on the forums, and while the forum community is a small sample size to base the entire playerbase of this game on I would think that there would be a lot more complaints lobbied towards the game if it was such a wide spread issue.

There have been solutions suggested and you chose otherwise and wait hoping that AH will solve it for you, which is entirely your right and by all means do it. But you have to understand that many people perceive it as a simple whine when you are given tools to solve your own problems yet expect others to do them instead, be it due to laziness, unfamiliarity, or some set of morals.

I'm not saying keep quiet and don't voice your opinion but, you've made it so evidently clear you are older than the majority here and getting into an argument over the internet with someone who is probably at the least 20 years your junior is fairly immature.

Lastly I don't think it's right to call a difficulty level that plenty of other people have had little to no problem with a "bug", this is what the state of gaming has become. People have an issue with something and they instantly call it an error on the devs part. If you are as old as you say you are and recall playing games from PCs heyday you should understand that generally they were MUCH more difficult than games are today. Asking for a setting to lower the challenge is one thing, out and out calling it a bug in an otherwise great game is not only a little absurd but, insulting to the game devs as well.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by stubbie »

Kripes, all people are asking for is that the devs consider putting in an option to slow down the timed quests.
Why do people have to always drag these threads down to a flame war?

We know people are happy with the games as it is. We also know that some people are not.

As this topic has generated a number of threads and the community seems to be very divided on the subject I would love to hear from a dev.
If they said..."just forget about it. We are not going to adjust the speed of the timing quests" I would be most grateful and that would be the end of the subject.
I would then be able to simply forget about the game and kiss my $12 goodbye. No big deal.

As it is now I have put the game on hold but I need to continue coming to this place in the hope of hearing something from the devs.....while unfortunately reading all the hatred directed against people who are simply asking for a bloody...and please read the next word carefully..... OPTION!
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Eobersig »

Don't know whether I count as elderly gamer, probably yes, with my 57 years of age.

Fantastic game, had a very good time with it, but have the same problem that the timed puzzles are - for me - by far the most difficult (and sadly most frustrating) part of the game. It's not that bad when the sequence requires up to 6 or 7 exactly timed keystrokes (I can get past that) but more than 6 or 7 keystrokes and I'm unable to deliver.

I know exactly what I have to do to solve the puzzle, it's the execution part that's the trouble. Thus I'm currently stuck on the Chamber of Pits in level 5.

Now, some people here (and on similar threads) have posted that there are solutions to this, sadly none has said what exactly the solution is. From bits of posts here and there (and on the modding subforum) I gathered that one has to download some (fishy?) 3rd party software (spyware?) called Autohotkey or Cheatengine or some .lua files from some obscure website to get the developer console going. I've never used things like that in my entire gaming history, is it common these days to have these things?

Perhaps one of the people in the know could compile a post with step-by-step instructions how to solve this problem for us twitch challenged oldies. Not sure though whether the developers want a thread with what is basically an instruction how to cheat on their forum, hehe. Thanks in advance anyway.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by bluesshoe »

Pipsissiwa wrote:Yeah I'm stuck in the exact same place. Every time I load the game now I see it, try for a bit and think, I really can't be bothered, life is to short, quit and play something else. Yet I adore the game - hence my frustration.
Same here. I replayed those two quests way more than 50 times each... I was still not able to move quick enough to make it. That did frustrate me quiet a bit, so I bought myself another game and I'm playing that one now. Maybe I pick up LoG again, when there's a solution for slowing down those timed quests.
krayzkrok wrote:This is actually a far more serious issue than some of the flippant responses here imply. Face it, we're all getting older, and there will be an increasing number of older people who have been gamers for their entire lives in the very near future. Like it or not, your reactions will slow down, your coordination will deteriorate, and your eyesight will get worse. Should you suck it up and face the fact that games are for younger folks? No, I don't think so.
So very true. Hell, it does frustrate me quiet a lot. For me it started about 10 years ago that my eyesight got worse and about the same time I realised, that I'm not quick enough anymore, that it would make sense to play fps-shooter online. I've been a gamer my whole life... I never thought before, that this would happen so early and I have a few friends who are telling me the same. But we still love to play and we still do BUY games.
Dandy wrote:You know, there are times when I am totally absorbed in LOG. I have gone back in time, to my days of great gaming, and find my self thinking what a fantastic game it is.
And then along comes a stupid bloody twitch test, and the whole thing shatters into a million fragments. :|
You are totally right! I love the setting and I got goosebumps right when I started to play LoG. It does really take me back, to why I love gaming in the first place.
But those "twitch tests" (nice one!) are really frustrating for me.
stubbie wrote:Kripes, all people are asking for is that the devs consider putting in an option to slow down the timed quests.
Why do people have to always drag these threads down to a flame war?
Maybe they are just stupid hateful or it's just a way to cope with the fear, that they will have the same issues soon enough...
Singing: "Tiiiiiime.... is on my side...." ;-))
stubbie wrote: As it is now I have put the game on hold but I need to continue coming to this place in the hope of hearing something from the devs.....while unfortunately reading all the hatred directed against people who are simply asking for a bloody...and please read the next word carefully..... OPTION!
Same here! Everyday... I wait and see....
Eobersig wrote: It's not that bad when the sequence requires up to 6 or 7 exactly timed keystrokes (I can get past that) but more than 6 or 7 keystrokes and I'm unable to deliver.
I know exactly what I have to do to solve the puzzle, it's the execution part that's the trouble. Thus I'm currently stuck on the Chamber of Pits in level 5.
The same problem here at the same quest!
I started to get so mad about myself.....

Friends... it's so good to read, that I'm not the only one having these problems.

Greetings from Germany,

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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by EaSy »

I created small utility that affects game timer. It affects everything, even a movement, but it could help you.


How to use it:

1) edit file run.bat
- submit you own path to LoG executable
2) execute run.bat
3) if it is working, game starts and you should see a text message "speed: 1.00" in top left corner
4) you can change it if you want
- by pressing 'O' or 'P' -> -+0.01
- by pressing shift + 'O' or 'P' -> -+ 0.1
- limits 0.1 <-> 2.0

I hope you will enjoy speedy battles as I do. :D

PS: It is not extremely tested so expect some issues
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Horrorscope »

CheatEngine Route: (This and autohotkey are not malware or anything like that both have been used extensively, especially autohotkey)

Download: http://www.cheatengine.org/downloads.php
Run Grimlock
Alt-Tab and Run Cheat Engine
Top Left, First in the Row, there is a Computer Process Icon - Click That.
Point to the Process "Grimlock.exe"
Check SpeedHack
Choose a Speed (Try .75)
Click Apply
Alt-Tab back into Grimlock
Game is now 25% slower

You can do this with pretty much any application, just point to it's process.

You can also bind keys to change speed in game when appropriate. If you want steps on that just ask.

This is a nice game play variant for many games and it's not always to slowdown, sometimes you want to speed up games. Think of it as a personal tweak mod.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Darklord »

EaSy wrote:I created small utility that affects game timer. It affects everything, even a movement, but it could help you.
Nice work, good to see the fans making what they want happen. :)

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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by SpiderFighter »

bluesshoe wrote:Well... In level 4 I nearly bit into my keyboard a few times, because the "moving bridge" part was quiet tough... But after retrying it again and again, I finally managed to beat it.
Damn... it seem I'm getting old.

Many years ago ( I am 50 years of age too ) I loved to play "Dungeon Master" and "Eye of the Beholder", because those games were so special and they took me away into another world.
Now I have the same feeling again with Legend of Grimrock!
It was a long time, but it was worth the wait. :-)
Thank you guys from Almost Human Games!
+1 to all of this. I turned 45 today, and I've been stuck at this same location for the last day and a half. I pop on the game, spend a few times failing, get bored, and move back to playing Ishar (which is brutally tough in its own right). If I could slow the tick of the timer down, I'd already be a few levels deeper in Grimrock....but then, I wouldn't have that incredible feeling of achievement once I beat it. And, I *will* beat it. :D

I've seen some passionate pleas in here these last few days about changing this or that, from XP issues to the way the party is set up, etc. IMHO, the game is a PERFECT throwback to a by-gone era. That's the way it's always been promoted, and that's the reason we bought it. That said, if someone wants the timer to be adjustable for puzzles (and I don't believe the OP is complaining about battles, so the difficulty adjustment already in place doesn't seem to apply here), I say do it. Leave it up to the player whether or not to utilize it, in the same way some of us are drawing our own maps.

Bravo to all of you guys for creating LoG, and to all of you guys n gals who are playing it and so passionate about it. I cannot WAIT to see what the community comes up with for add-ons and maps in the future.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Darklord »

SpiderFighter wrote: Bravo to all of you guys for creating LoG, and to all of you guys n gals who are playing it and so passionate about it. I cannot WAIT to see what the community comes up with for add-ons and maps in the future.
Me to! :D

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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Eobersig »

Thanks to EaSy and Horrorscope for your suggestions, I'll have a look at that.

Much appreciated.