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Post by FloorBelow »

DLC would be nice, but an editor is way more important. A thousand fans can make dungeons much faster than you guys, even if you only take the best of the best.
If/when you do DLC, try and make it as different as possible: new tilesets, new enemies, new classes, spells, puzzles and items; so you can give modders as many new tools to play with as possible.
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Post by Phranx »

murkscale wrote:I think I talk on the behalf of your entire playerbase when I say that giving us DLC would be more than just awesome, it'd be amazing!
- And fair seeing how we want you to get the money to expand on the game.
Murkscale does talk on my behalf. I feel dirty for only paying $12 for this game. Call it DLC, Expansion, whatever. I feel like I at least owe you another $18 for Grimrock :)
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Post by MushaConvoy »

FloorBelow wrote:DLC would be nice, but an editor is way more important. A thousand fans can make dungeons much faster than you guys, even if you only take the best of the best.
If/when you do DLC, try and make it as different as possible: new tilesets, new enemies, new classes, spells, puzzles and items; so you can give modders as many new tools to play with as possible.
I agree, but I also agree with:
Curunir wrote:Poll? What poll, just shut up and take my money! :D
I want more dungeons to play, more enemies, more classes.... I've grown attached to my characters, having them the opportunity to level up to 50 rather than just 13-15 would be outstanding. If this is through fan-made dungeons, that'd be great, would need some kind of character import feature though...

Right now, I would pay for DLC that let me dual wield... and a spellcaster tree that would heal, cure and feed the party... please ;)
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Post by bkawcazn »

I would loooooove to see another dungeon for LoG!!
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Post by xdeath »

It would certainly be nice to see more of the world of... *checks game files for world map* *checks manual* ... I'm just going to say Northern Kingdoms.
But DLC would be nice if it added new content in more than just story, like new monsters, tilesets, portraits, classes, items, and maybe a new approach to design.
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King Semos
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Post by King Semos »

DLC. hmm as much as I want more of this game to play, the execution of DLC or a sequel would have to be done really carefully.

I think you guys could easily make another game exactly like this one, but a $49.99 version. A really long version. Same game engine, same oldschool feel, same simple idea you had entirely when you created this game, just extremely long. 100 dungeon levels please.

I want all the satisfying feelings of solving puzzles, finding secrets, getting new items, learning new abilities, and having my characters really develop the personal feel. I want all this combined with the feeling that the game is far from over. The feeling of really getting lost deep, deep into a dungeon. To have the same immersive details, like the notes from Toorum. But to have those encounters concluded 10 dungeon levels ago, and be occupied with new chapters again and again.

I just beat the game, and I feel like I just read a really good book, and now I'm sad its over.
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Post by Whisper »

petri wrote:If by DLC you mean a new dungeon that you can buy from us, it depends on whether people want this or not. So far the consensus seems to be that DLCs are evil (for some reason unknown to me). Maybe we should have a poll about this...
People say they are "evil" not about ALL dls but more about dls from some well-known big company. Because this big company specifically, intentionally cut out content from game to sell this content as DLS.

I would gladly buy new dungeons made by you (also will beta-test for free).
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Post by Darklord »

I'm a sucker for DLC, put out almost anything and I'll buy it! :lol:

New dungeons would I suspect be absolutely the most popular choice by your fans, especially if they add a new tileset/a few extra monster choices. It doesn't need to be as big/epic as the original dungeon, something that lasted 5-8 hours would be very nice. ($5-10 maybe?)

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Post by gonnarule »

Btw DLC can be really good.
If you look at Borderlands DLC (bought them all), they're nearly all nice, long, bringing some more stuff (more weapons, vehicules, etc.), and all in one I loved them all.

DLC for LoG, if well done (and I don't doubt that from what I see actually from LoG), would be awesome.

New Dungeons, hardcode mode, more skills/lvl/whatever, dungeons for new team or old team, and so on :)

I'm at lvl 8 with more than 14h of playing, and I still enjoy it so much ! :)
Btw I'm still afraid too, I tried Fighter's room 4 times and just died and died again, and I don't like to hear my team screaming... :)
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Post by Sheep »

Based on the world map that I got with the game I see that the whole Northern Realms are just waiting to be made and there are many great expansions possibility's so why not add more to the game world and see what happens
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