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Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:56 pm
by Dalton
Aeroprism wrote:So if I really fondly like Grimrock AND Mass Effect, I'm not normal?

Funny, both games deliver exactly what I expect of them.

The fact that a few people are getting so aggressive about any game that ISN'T a hardcore dungeon crawler really makes me wonder if they just spent the last two decades of gaming being hateful, unfulfilled, and bitter about very video game ever made.

"Games shouldn't have story!" the bitter old gamer shrieked, watching his roommate playing Baldur's Gate II. "What is this, dialogue options? I bet you don't even have to manage your character's food. Geeze, could it get any EASIER? What a BABY GAME."

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:03 pm
by Mychaelh
After Pong it was all going down anyway.

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:23 pm
by Zere
Hi RPGCodexian.

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:35 pm
by maethlin
Pez wrote:Its quite sad that the best 2012 "Bioware" game will be the Baldur's Gate Reedition.
Color me weird but I don't think it's sad at all. I am enormously looking forward to that game. I love Grimrock immensely but sorry, BG2 is probably in my top 3 games list (along with Planescape and maybe StarControl2). I've probably played just about every RPG made for the PC and my favorite's list is enormous.

As a couple others have mentioned, Bioware certainly deserves some flak lately for some poor choices but overall I still find the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games to be entertaining. Even though Grimrock's style is the most sorely missing from modern day lineup, even w/Bioware's huge success I'm not ready to throw them under the bus because frankly, RPGs are just too few and far between in general and I'm thankful ANYONE is succeeding in a world ridiculously filled with 1st person shooters (and to a lesser extent real time strategy).

Would love to see more turn based strategy and strat/rpg back in the mix while we're at it. :)

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:16 am
by Pez
maethlin wrote:
Pez wrote:Its quite sad that the best 2012 "Bioware" game will be the Baldur's Gate Reedition.
Color me weird but I don't think it's sad at all. I am enormously looking forward to that game. I love Grimrock immensely but sorry, BG2 is probably in my top 3 games list (along with Planescape and maybe StarControl2). I've probably played just about every RPG made for the PC and my favorite's list is enormous.

As a couple others have mentioned, Bioware certainly deserves some flak lately for some poor choices but overall I still find the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games to be entertaining. Even though Grimrock's style is the most sorely missing from modern day lineup, even w/Bioware's huge success I'm not ready to throw them under the bus because frankly, RPGs are just too few and far between in general and I'm thankful ANYONE is succeeding in a world ridiculously filled with 1st person shooters (and to a lesser extent real time strategy).

Would love to see more turn based strategy and strat/rpg back in the mix while we're at it. :)
Dont get me wrong, I also think Baldur's Gate saga are some of the greatest RPG games ever created and I cant wait to play it again, and really think Bioware will do great things and I myself love Dragon Age, for example. I meant that with all the resources Bioware has nowadays, they cant "beat" the quality achieved with BG series, or even NWN.

Sorry about my english, I think that caused the misunderstanding.

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:02 am
by Fugu
Bioware is the new Rare, simple as that.

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:43 am
by Whisper
Aeroprism wrote:Bioware specializes in RPGs ... When I play Mass Effect, I expect epic stories, insane cutscenes and over the top action.
Yeah, thats what makes great RPGs, insane cutscenes, epic stories and over the top action.

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:09 pm
by Ulminati
Original post blatantly stolen from my snarky reply on the RPGCodex Grimrock thread. Feel free to compare timestamps ... st-2048350

For shame, whisper. You didn't even brofist my material before stealing it.

(Disclaimer: Reading RPGCodex can be harmful to your sanity or your feelings if you're easily offended by random racism, sexism, transvestites or general hatred towards the world)

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:32 pm
by t0tem
@op: :D good stuff!
...and they need some fluff to explain how this mutant Siamese quadruplet ever made it into adulthood.

EDIT: dude. way to copy paste a joke.

Re: From Bioware fan, improvements to Grimrock

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:57 pm
by Ulminati
t0tem wrote:and they need some fluff to explain how this mutant Siamese quadruplet ever made it into adulthood.
The prisoners are shown as being chained together in the introduction sequence. Explanation done. And a hundred minotaur/lizard slash fanfic writers cry out in anguish.