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Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:39 am
by xdeath
Arkhan wrote: I was fine with the first 3 ES games, and sorely disappointed in the last two... Oblivion and Skyrim would be my cup of tea just like the other 3, had they not been disappointing. Morrowind is one of my favorite games ever at this point.
I think you may have missed my point. The whole "cup a tea" metaphor(or simile, I keep getting these mixed up) is all about Skyrim may not be your type of game, but it still is a good game.
Arkhan wrote: While dual wielding spells, you feel a bit like Rambo. At one point I ended up regenerating mana faster than I spent it, so I could just hold the buttons down and lay waste to everything around me while spinning in circles.
Part of the design philosophy with Skyrim was to make the Player powerful, with the right combination players can dominate. Lots of games do this, I know of some OP materia combinations in Final Fantasy 7.
Arkhan wrote: Hell, you can even stand there and punch that guy at the start and max out your unarmed fighting. I was also able to kill a bear barehanded (hah) faster than with a sword. I don't know many people that can punch a bear out in 3 punches. :) There were a lot of little things like this that I picked up on as I played that made me really not like the setup. OH, and lets not leave out dropping pots on peoples heads so you can steal everything. It all just feels cheap. I feel that if they had put as much effort into catching and tweaking those things as they did with their overblown Gamestop theatric commercials, the game would have felt a lot cleaner. When a game is hyped as much as Skyrim was, and you find all kinds of nonsense like I've mentioned in the game... it sort of blows. I guarantee the modding community will fix the game up, just like they did with Oblivion. :)
There is no unarmed skill in Skyrim :p.
I will also point out that if they spent time sifting out every glitch and exploit there wouldn't be 300 hours of content. Also, Bethesda has always had a bad track record regarding bugs, I know of some ridiculous glitches in Morrowind(not to mention Over Powered leveling exploits), Daggerfall even has unfinished content present in release(not to mention a wagon load of bugs, some gamebreaking).
Arkhan wrote: and, I'd barely call the mechanics incredibly deep. They're pretty shallow, cut/dry, and can end up being min-maxed by middle schoolers.
I was speaking from a designer perspective. I have a very good understanding of game design.
The mechanics seen shallow and dry on the surface, but when you really look into it they are pretty deep.
Especially Stealth, there are better games, but for an open world RPG the Stealth is pretty impressive.

Grimrocks mechanics are relatively simple, but that is what makes them great.
Arkhan wrote: I blame Morrowind. The game was so fun, and had such an interesting mess of nonsense you could discover. It's like they peaked at Morrowind and have not been able to match it yet. Their next one should be better, I bet. It's like Morrowind was a 10, Oblivion was like, a 5. and Skyrim shot back up to around 7.5/8. So, bring on the next one!
I would put it at more of a Morrowind 9, Oblivion 8, Skyrim 9. Morrowind was my first ES title and I adored it. Oblivion was a bit dissapointing but still damn good, Skyrim returns a lot of Morrowind feel, adds some epic Dwemer ruins, but falls short in a few areas.
Arkhan wrote: I dunno man, with all of the games they've put out recently, and all of the press, along with Skyrim being rated game of the year... I'd say they're a pretty much a big-time publisher now..
They are just entering the big leagues, but most coverage was by the press, which basically is free marketing.

DON'T get me wrong, I would put Grimrock at a solid 9/9.5.
They capture the classic dungeon crawl experience in its entirety and actually improve on the atmosphere.
It actually has some pretty scary parts.

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:06 am
by Arkhan
xdeath wrote: I think you may have missed my point. The whole "cup a tea" metaphor(or simile, I keep getting these mixed up) is all about Skyrim may not be your type of game, but it still is a good game.
No no, you missed mine, I think! I am a huge TES fan. I liked the first 3 *alot*. I just really did not care for how 4 and 5 turned out. They're the same kind of game, they just blow.
Part of the design philosophy with Skyrim was to make the Player powerful, with the right combination players can dominate. Lots of games do this, I know of some OP materia combinations in Final Fantasy 7.
OPness is pretty easy to stumble upon in Skyrim. Its practically on accident. At least the materia combinations in FFVII required some playing/experience/thinking!
There is no unarmed skill in Skyrim :p.
So there isn't. :) I didn't touch much unarmed stuff, outside of punching bears the in face and wondering why it was overpowered. It really makes no sense that unarmed is so overpowered.

The "maxing it out" was second hand knowledge that I took as fact since there were so many other goony things in the game. Though, I suppose you could hit the guy with a sword or something instead, and max it out. Not that I care to sit there and see if it's true. It probably is.
I will also point out that if they spent time sifting out every glitch and exploit there wouldn't be 300 hours of content.
Some of these things aren't even anything that would take alot of time to find/fix. I'd take 150 hours of content and no stupid goofups like pots-on-heads than 300 hours of content and facepalm inducing problems.
Also, Bethesda has always had a bad track record regarding bugs, I know of some ridiculous glitches in Morrowind(not to mention Over Powered leveling exploits), Daggerfall even has unfinished content present in release(not to mention a wagon load of bugs, some gamebreaking).
Exactly. You'd think they'd want to fix their track record. The stuff is excusable once or twice, but its basically becoming their trademark. "Oh, its a Bethesda game. Lets see how long until we break it."
I was speaking from a designer perspective. I have a very good understanding of game design.
The mechanics seen shallow and dry on the surface, but when you really look into it they are pretty deep.
Especially Stealth, there are better games, but for an open world RPG the Stealth is pretty impressive.
Coming from playing Ultima Online for (holy shit), half of my life, among a bunch of other obnoxious-skillsystem games, I don't find the stuff in Skyrim to be that deep. It's neat, but nothing to really write home about. Recently, it's one of the more detailed setups... but it's still nothing fantastic.

The stealth is broken anyways. It's another easy-maxxer-outter.

My favorite part of Skyrim was ignoring the main (boring) story, and seeing what crap I could get into before I got bored. The main story line was kind of cheesy. It is funny if you're an Argonian dragonborne though.

I read there is actually all of the Morrowind land, and Oblivion land, hidden in Skyrim, waiting to be modded up by bored dorks. I hope it's true, and I hope they do something awesome with it.

DON'T get me wrong, I would put Grimrock at a solid 9/9.5.
They capture the classic dungeon crawl experience in its entirety and actually improve on the atmosphere.
It actually has some pretty scary parts.
I never doubted your Grimrock fandom. :)

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:12 am
by Dzeeraajs
About the price its very good and shouldnt be any higher as it allows many more people to buy it. I am a student and with a part-time job I can earn like 200$ a month from wich I have to pay for my accommodation, food, transport etc. And if the games price would be higher I don't know if I would be able to buy it as it would take away a big chunk from my income..
So im getting this next week can't wait for it and barely holding my self from seeing any spoilers :D

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:04 pm
by Msclues
It seems to be selling above expectation. I think a lot of people are surprised by how well this title is doing. Hopefully the sells will open the door for more classic RPG fun. :)

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:10 pm
by GeneralGonzo
Yes, I would like to see some adaption of Fire Emblem for the PC with nice optics - would be really great....

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:56 pm
by stubbie
In regards to the price.
I think the developers have priced it perfectly.
By selling it at a low price it may help stop people pirating the game.
Also people are more inclined to buy something when it is seen to be a bargain.

Keep in mind too that a new indie gaming company is more likely to succeed if it can boast that it has sold way beyond the number of units that would be considered acceptable in the industry.

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:22 pm
by Vesuvius
HeavyMetalMonk wrote:
Remember, money is relative. To a student, 30$ can seem like a fortune.
Said student should make better financial choices in life.

Live at home and work fulltime for two years after high school, saving every penny. Oh look, suddenly you can afford your entire education with living expenses.
Many good schools cost close to $150,000-200,000 for a four year program Monk (Harvard is $145k, even a state school can be $140k for out-of-state students). Even assuming that everyone's parents can afford to have them stay home and just mooch their living expenses the way you claim, do you really think that it's reasonable to assume that kids just out of high school will be pulling in $75,000+ yearly salaries? I say + because the $150,000 is just tuition, not even factoring in cost of living.

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:26 pm
by cncfreak
spfiota wrote:I'm really excited. We have LoG, we have Wasteland 2 in the works. Clearly the classic RPG genre never died, it just got overlooked by bloated companies interested only in the lowest common denominator. Plenty of room for smaller projects.

I can't wait to see what Almost Human does next. A new module with a whole new dungeon and new classes and races would be nice!

Also don't forget about Shadowrun Returns RPG as well. :)

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:32 am
by HeavyMetalMonk
Many good schools cost close to $150,000-200,000 for a four year program Monk (Harvard is $145k, even a state school can be $140k for out-of-state students). Even assuming that everyone's parents can afford to have them stay home and just mooch their living expenses the way you claim, do you really think that it's reasonable to assume that kids just out of high school will be pulling in $75,000+ yearly salaries? I say + because the $150,000 is just tuition, not even factoring in cost of living.
Then don't go to overrated, overpriced "top" schools that won't get you a better job than any other Bachelor's degree. People who tihnk they have to go to these schools are delusional.

I live in Canada, where we have relatively reasonably priced education. It's still overpriced as hell, and screw what textbooks cost (I download them all anyway, forget that crap), and for an international student paying ridiculous prices a four-year program at a university is between $12,000-$20,000 a year. For domestic students it's about $6,000-$8,000 per year. You're getting screwed in the ass if you're paying those prices for the same piece of paper you can get anywhere else.

Plus I live in Ontario, which means as long as I don't come from a wealthy family (believe me, far from it), I can borrow pretty much entire year's worth plus living expenses and pay it back minus whatever grants I recieved.

Oh yeah, free healthcare too. America sucks.

Re: How is LoG selling?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:30 am
by salientsoul
Steam is showing LoG once again on top of the sellers list! Way to go everybody that is helping make this game a success. I'm so happy about this, I really had no idea that so many people would be interested. When I first heard about it and saw the screenshots I was inexplicably excited down to my core and have been anxiously waiting since. I was not disappointed. Thanks again to Almost Human for making LoG and my thanks go out to all the crawlers out there for throwing down their hard earned cash and showing that there is a market for these old school hybrid games. :D