JohnWordsworth wrote:Glad the notes were useful SpiderFighter. Would be happy to play through again / finish the map if you can fix that pesky bug :p.
Re: Ogre: Not obscure at all, I really like that bit. I was referring to a little bit at the end of that area though - after you've jumped down the pit to kill the Ogre (which I like), there are a number of secret buttons. I'm sure I pressed one, then a second, then a third and there was a locked gate. I walked up to it, couldn't figure out how to open it - but then after spinning around and looking for a secret button, it was already open when I faced it again.
Hmm. I was hoping the view of the ogre through the window would hold your attention. I'll have to think on this. I can't use a portcullis, because he'll just face you and stand there. Oh wait...I think I can make this work better. I'll have to experiment with something and get back to you.
JohnWordsworth wrote:Re: Teleporter Maze: Ahhh, I see what I did wrong. I personally think it's more logical to have it so that you have to ensure that you are always facing south when you press a teleport button. Easier, but not too easy I don't think (you still have to figure out that you don't always end a teleport with the same facing). Also, a Compass would make that bit a lot easier than tabbing to the map every time. Perhaps you could give the player a compass right back at the beginning of the map (early enough that they think it's a red herring, but then it's useful later).
See, I thought that might be too obvious, but I'd rather have the player not get frustrated. In any case, even though I like the idea behind the puzzle (although I hated every minute of building it), it's an easy thing for me to change. What good is a map if nobody wants to play it?
JohnWordsworth wrote:I definitely liked some of the sneak attacks (it seemed fair when there was an obvious opening for where it came from behind me - even if I didn't notice it before the attack), there were just a couple for me that felt like they just teleported in behind me (like playing Doom). That one that got me at the end for instance, seemed very well placed (as I could see the wall opening up behind me if I turned around).
Oh, I think you misunderstood me.

I was joking. You were completely right to call me on the sneak attacks. Sometimes I forget it's not 1995 any more (I blame the old-school feel of LoG). Yeah, that's it..
JohnWordsworth wrote:Sorry, forgot about your PM re: multiple patrols. Have just reloaded and added another video for what happens when it all starts to go wrong, incase it helps. Note: before I enter that room, I have 2 patrols acting normally. When I come out - there are 3 in the cell, one frozen, one acting normally and 1 acting crazy (plus the additional patrol that's spawned outside of the cage to attack me).
Video of Glitch in Action (please wait 5 mins for it to upload to DropBox).
I still can't download the video, but I understand what you're saying. I just wanted to make sure you were both crashing for the same reason and, from your description, I'd say you are. I'm going to see about getting this fix done right now, while you're both still around. It makes things difficult, not being to replicate it on my end.