graphics look amazing BUT

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Re: graphics look amazing BUT

Post by SpiderFighter »

King Semos wrote: I think bringing "beat up" face portraits into the game would just be 100% anachronistic, is basically what I'm trying to say.
But yeah, I can still look back and appreciate the genres. Good times.
I absolutely agree 100%. I just wanted to show that sometimes the things that seem cartoonish and sarcastic now, didn't always seem that way. :)
Thinking about it now, some kind of "twitch" of the portrait (without going all out and showing damage) would be nice, if only to see who was taking damage.
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Re: graphics look amazing BUT

Post by Gudadantza »

Animated portraits are not needed to achieve a great polishing in the interface. We can remember Baldur´s Gate portraits and it worked great. The secret is the quality of the art.

But the most remembered or topical examples of Dungeon Crawlers (not all) had the animated portraits, I have it in my mind as a characteristic of this subgenre.

The art in LoG is fine as is, we are just commenting, but what is surprising me the most is the great security and convincement about how badly it fits in a supposed oldschool game as LoG.

So I just say:

-The Art in game is great as is and it works and looks amazing.
-Animated portraits could be a feature that could have fit in game. If they feel retro the mechanisms of the game are, not surprisingly, retro as well.
-Do not understimate the devs´skills.
-It could be very informative to know what features devs let apart in the final design to be categoric in our opinions about what fit or not fit well in the game.

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