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Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:02 pm
by Filipsan
Stalkingwolf wrote:you get every level an orgasm?
No, but i cry being overwhelmed with joy and all that crap :)

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:13 pm
by Slynt
Watching food levels and replacing burnt torches with fresh ones is one of the best things about this game, dammit. To be honest (and this may be because I've played all the dungeoncrawl classics before) I find the game too easy (but I'm only four floors down).

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:17 pm
by cryocore
i00 wrote:Wish there was a sandbox mode that can be enabled at any difficulty where:
  • players are not required to eat
  • torches don't run out
  • restoration stones don't run out
  • poisons/diseases don't last *seemingly* forever
  • objects have no weight, so you can hold as many items as your inventory can hold
  • stats on map to show you how many secrets you have discovered (and how many there are) for each level
Don't get me wrong, I love roll playing games, but just not this hardcore :)


  • Maybe also have a mode where we can select a primary hand for each char (left or right) by right clicking and they will auto attack with that hand if something is in front of the player too
  • Have the spell window remember the last selected runes
Go away and play something else. Pandering to casual/talentless/lazy gamers is one of the major issues with modern games.

Its not HARDCORE its challenging

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:22 pm
by Drax
I'm surprised how aggressive people can be. OP isn't suggesting that they replace the current setup with his points, but that it is an extra option. You can continue to play as is, he'll play as that.

Personally I'm enjoying the present setup (small niggles aside). But that's me, other people might like to play other ways.

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:23 pm
by Firing
Filipsan wrote:Image
:lol: +1.

I think that: a game must have different difficulty levels, but most people could really enjoy the games if they have more patience and try play in hard difficulty "seriously" (or play seriously this kind of games). Today many games are like an interactive movie :( .

I also think the special of this kind of games is puzzle resolution, survival and exploration, so if those aspects change in different difficulty levels the game can loss his own essence.

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:28 pm
by Goffmog
killington wrote:
resonansER wrote:If you want sandbox ---------------> Fall Effect 3, Dragon Bitch 2, Anno 2070, Settlers 7 & etc.
Don't deform MASTERPIECE!!!
I'm pretty sure you dont know what sandbox means if ME3, DA2 are suggestions.
What does sandbox mean anyway?

In the context of games, sandbox has long meant a safe environment in which to play. more recently it's been used to describe a game in which you can create your own environments/rules/subgames within the game's framework. But I've also seen it used to describe open world games in which the latter is not true.

To me it's just a quaint Americanism for sand pit :)

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:11 pm
by wickermoon
Goffmog wrote:
killington wrote:
resonansER wrote:If you want sandbox ---------------> Fall Effect 3, Dragon Bitch 2, Anno 2070, Settlers 7 & etc.
Don't deform MASTERPIECE!!!
I'm pretty sure you dont know what sandbox means if ME3, DA2 are suggestions.
What does sandbox mean anyway?

In the context of games, sandbox has long meant a safe environment in which to play. more recently it's been used to describe a game in which you can create your own environments/rules/subgames within the game's framework. But I've also seen it used to describe open world games in which the latter is not true.

To me it's just a quaint Americanism for sand pit :)
What? Sandbox-games have always been and will always be games where you have actual freedom to change the world to a certain degree.

Minecraft, Eve Online and Ultima Online are perfect examples of sandbox games. ME and DA aren't. Anno and Settlers are border cases (imho).

But to return to the topic:

To all the people, wailing around in favour of the poor casual gamers which can't play this game: Not everyone's supposed to play every game. As much as I like equality in real-life and improving stuff for people with disabilities (I know for a fact that the ingame-arrow-pad was implemented on a request by a disabled person), I hate it when games are being dumbed down to cater to a broader audience. Because that audience will affect us. They will swoop in and demand stupid things. And they will brag about how they're so pro because they beat the game (after turning off EVERYTHING which is game defining). There is a reason Darksiders never catered to casuals and I applaud them for it. Casual gamers destroyed good games.

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:33 pm
by SharNadal
i00 wrote:Wish there was a sandbox mode that can be enabled at any difficulty where:
  • players are not required to eat
  • torches don't run out
  • restoration stones don't run out
  • poisons/diseases don't last *seemingly* forever
  • objects have no weight, so you can hold as many items as your inventory can hold
  • stats on map to show you how many secrets you have discovered (and how many there are) for each level
Don't get me wrong, I love roll playing games, but just not this hardcore :)


  • Maybe also have a mode where we can select a primary hand for each char (left or right) by right clicking and they will auto attack with that hand if something is in front of the player too
  • Have the spell window remember the last selected runes

honestly i00 dont get me wrong but it seems that game is not meant for you ? have you tried classic dungeon crawlers b4 ? obviously not if u say LoG is hardcore. It is exactly the way it meant to be. And i am glad finally after so many years of looking i found something what reminds me those old good times i spent playing DM, EotB, LoL, M&M, Demise and many many other titles.
- riddles are fun and i enjoy spending my time trying resolve those or open damn iron doors even if i dont need to use/wear what i find there
- torches run out pretty slow, you have plenty of time to find another one or simple make backup in your bacpack, or use light spell instead and dont bother with torch anymore ( yes there is such spell which gives you a light around you)
- you should be happy there are restoration stones at all, you can sleep/rest to regain hp/mana
- poison/desease doesnt last forever if u have decent resist
- is it normal for you to hoard 100 stone clubs in your backpack without consequence ? weight matter and its great you have to choose what to keep or what to leave behind

If u feel "lost" in here because is to hard for you despite " love roll playing..."try something else in stead and leave real dungeon crawlers the way they meant to be...

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:41 pm
by Tuco Benedicto
Beside the fact that those suggestions are awful even as optional (as they are based on things that would break the game mechanics), you clearly have no clue of what "sandbox" means.

Re: Sandbox mode?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:13 pm
by Fadobo
It still dazzles me how aggressive you guys get here. Not everybody has the time and skill to finish really difficult games. Some might also be handicapped and not able to handle the combat as good or have families and only get the chance to play maybe 1-2 hours a week.

On the other hand though, I could be bitching like everybody else seems to do and just say: Then just don't bother with the game. The environments are boring as hell and the bit of story there is, is completely forgettable. It's not like games like Skyrim, Fallout or other big AAA-Titles which are still worth experiencing for their story, atmosphere and visuals. So possibly people are right and you should go look somewhere else, because if you remove the challenge from beating it, what's left isn't really enough to be worth playing.

(Don't get me wrong, still loving the game, I think easy might be just right for a lot of dungeoncrawler newcomers, awesome game considering indie heritage / budget price)

(I agree the term sandbox is not well chosen by OP....)