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Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:13 am
by Isaac
krayzkrok wrote:
Dynosaulo wrote:
petri wrote:How to select single entity if a square contains multiple entities?
How about making it so a dropdown menu shows whenever you click on a square that has more than one entity?
Or even better, so you don't have to hold buttons / right click, just have a permanent "Entity type" box somewhere on the screen which shows all entities in that square, any of which can be clicked on to select if needed. That way you can scroll your cursor / move your mouse around the screen and see all the entities in a particular square quickly and efficiently.
What would it show for the majority of single item, or empty cells? (It's using screen real estate; unless it pops-up on demand if there are more than item in the cell ~yet that require a check each time you select a cell).

What's the down-side for a left-click menu that only pop's up when the user calls for it?

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:15 am
by Dynosaulo
krayzkrok wrote:Or even better, so you don't have to hold buttons / right click, just have a permanent "Entity type" box somewhere on the screen which shows all entities in that square, any of which can be clicked on to select if needed. That way you can scroll your cursor / move your mouse around the screen and see all the entities in a particular square quickly and efficiently.
But how would you let it "know" for which square you want it to show the entities for?
I'd prefer to simply click on a square and then choose an entity.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:03 pm
by hannamarin
Why do they not simply check out the 'Dungeon Master Java Editor' this has both mouse over as well as click square for info. It is a simply interface yet encumposes all that is required of an level editor. Allowing also changes to be made to the original dungeons as well.
Something along these lines could be produced for Grimrock - easy creation of dungeon design, easy placing of creatures and items, easy placing of doors, alcoves, traps, buttons, sconces, decoration, pits, stairways, writing, teleports etc.
Anyone who has not seen 'Dungeon Master Java' and 'Editor' should download and see for yourselves.
Note: Adding new items and new creatures to the game requires knowledge of scripting. However adding new wall sets just requires knowledge of a graphics program.
Unless the Grimrock devs have made it very complicated for themselves - producing a level editor and designer should prove quite straight forward to those who know the structure of the game.

PS - Not a programmer - just a user.

I also forgot too add that the level editor is also a save game editor and character editor as well.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:16 pm
by PSY

can't wait for the editor to be finished :)

I've got a couple of questions, though.

1) Will it be possible to create own traits? More precisely: a) Enter description of new trait b) Choose one or more attributes and assign them to the new trait?
2) Will it be possible to create own tomes? Like Tome of Berzerk: Adds 10 points to Attack Power?
3) Will it be possible to modify the monsters' basic attributes like movement speed, attack power, type of attack (magic, hand-to-hand...), force field, resistances etc.?
4) Will it be possible to rename unique weapons? More precisely: a) Rename Norja ---> Doom b) Modify attack power, attack speed etc c) Edit weapon description
5) Will it be possible to rename unique armor? More precisely: a) Rename Flarefeather Cap ---> Cap of the Hunter b) Add +5 str, +5 Attack Power c) Edit armor description
6) Will it be possible to replace the intro/extro pictures with own ones?
7) Will it be possible to create own scrolls with hints?
8) Will it be possible to use the dream sequences, but with our own texts?
9) Do we have to kill the endboss, or can we trigger the ending with an event such as a) Open a certain door b) Push a certain button c) Walk through a certain teleporter etc. ?
10) Any chance to modify weight attributes of any stuff?
11) What about Toorum's notes? :mrgreen:
12) Can we trigger events by running over an invisible pressure plate or standing on a certain spot for 30 seconds?
13) Can we trigger events by putting certain stuff on certain places (like gems in a demon's face)?
14) Can we trigger secrets?
15) Can we name the levels, and is there a level maximum?

That's about it (for now) :D

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 5:11 pm
by Curunir
If Petri is going to answer all those, I can't resist:

- Will we be able to add custom ambience/music to the levels?

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 5:36 pm
by gambit37
I did a very quick video demo of the RTC editor, for those who haven't seen it before:

I'm by no means defending the GUI of the RTC editor as the best in show -- it's not, it could do with a lot of streamlining (often too many clicks to do simple things). But the point of the demo is to show that if you have an editor that provides the right building blocks and the right mechanisms, you can build dungeons easily without requiring coding.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:44 pm
by PSY
gambit37 wrote:I did a very quick video demo of the RTC editor, for those who haven't seen it before:
Nice editor.

But you have to work a bit on your pronunciation. Non-native speakers will find it very hard to understand you ;) ;)


Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:07 pm
by Thels
gambit37 wrote:I did a very quick video demo of the RTC editor, for those who haven't seen it before:
PSY wrote:Nice editor.

But you have to work a bit on your pronunciation. Non-native speakers will find it very hard to understand you ;) ;)

I'm a non-native speaker, and I actually found it quite easy to understand. :-)

Though it shows really basic stuff of a pressure plate activating doors (doesn't even specify if they're opened or closed?), and a key hole linked to a door. I'm assuming the trigger system can be more advanced than that, but that seems rather tedious and easier to pull off with simple code.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:15 pm
by PSY
Thels wrote:I'm a non-native speaker, and I actually found it quite easy to understand. :-)
I didn't have any problems, either. But a friend of mine watched the video (couple years school English) and hardly understood anything at all.
But on the other hand, she ain't digging computer games, so she didn't know shit about the 1337 talk we guys are used to :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Screamer? WTF? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:17 pm
by gambit37
What's wrong the pronunciation? I'm not used to recording my voice and it sounds fine to me... :D

This demo is just to show the basics of a point-and-click interface for building dungeons. As I've said several times already, the GUI in this editor is not perfect and could do with streamlining and refinement. The point is to show that it's entirely possible to build dungeons using a GUI and no scripting.

I've never said at any point that this is quicker or better than coding, merely that visual designers prefer this sort of visual dungeon building rather than writing code. My concern has been that if a LoG editor relies on code writing and doesn't provide a visual way of building mechanics, then it severely limits who will use it.

When I get some free time, I'll do another video showing how to setup more complex mechanisms if anyone's interested?